Thursday, June 29, 2017

A stunt I may regret

Part of the fun of doing my weekly podcast is just being able to try stuff. There’s no program director telling me to just shut up, read the liner cards, and play the records. And no PD banishing me to the midnight-to-six shift (although, ironically, I record most of my podcasts between midnight and six).

But I’m trying to cobble together a fun mix of stories, interviews, features, advice, general silliness, and stunts. I’m always in the experimental phase, which to me is exciting. Kind of like what I do in the blog but with more freedom. So coming up, along with some cool interviews and tall tales, I plan on doing the following:

I’m going to stage a reading of one of the (many) failed pilots David Isaacs and I wrote. I was never completely happy with the cast (in some cases dictated by the network) so I never felt the material got a fair shot. I think I’ve assembled a much better cast for the reading, which I will record and play back on the podcast. I rented a small theater and am making limited tickets available to podcast listeners. Tune in the latest episode (Episode 26). It just dropped and is as easy to access as clicking the big gold arrow below the masthead.

Also, on that episode I discuss stand-up comedy and talk about why I never did stand-up. Improv, motivational speeches, warm-ups, story telling – yes, but five minutes at the Laugh Factory – no.

Except, I thought it would be fun, for the podcast, to finally sign up for an open-mic night. I’ll put together material, arrange a time and venue, and record the results. And I promise to play it back in its entirety no matter how spectacularly I bomb. This is one stunt I know I’m going to regret.

And finally, as another experiment that could go either way, one week I plan on playing a short one-act play I wrote. Then I’ll re-play it and provide a commentary track. I’ll break it down and explain my thought process, why I made certain creative decisions, objectives and how I got there, etc. Does that sound interesting?

To better interact with you guys I’ve now got a new email address for the podcast. Any comments, questions, requests, complaints, Natalie Wood photos – just drop me a line.

I’m going out of my way to make this a super fun listening experience. All I ask in return is that you check it out, subscribe (very important), and if you’d be so kind – give it a five-star review. Apparently those really help attract new listeners (I don’t know how but whatever). I’d like to get a thousand by the end of the week. Currently I’m stuck at 49.

As always, thanks for your support. Without you I’m just annoying my family with all my crap.

Note:  Photo by Tom Caltabiano


  1. Now you're currently stuck at 50. This is uncomfortable to say cause I love Ken and his work but bombing at stand-up would be more interesting for us to listen to. Like watching a car crash or watching Kelsey Grammar's 3 episodes of "Hank". Ouch! If Ken does well it's "okay he's good at that as well, fucking bastard." But if he fails he's mortal like the rest of us.
    Regardless Ken, break a leg when you open with this:

    "Hi I'm Ken Levine, I've written material for David Hyde Pierce, David Ogden Stiers and Mary Tyler Moore. If you have 3 names and haven't killed a President or John Lennon chances are I've worked with you." Crickets!

  2. Sounds great. I've subscribed. Five starred. And listen weekly. Thanks

  3. Really looking forward to the podcast. It sounds like it will resemble a new scripted radio comedy, which is right up my alley.

    I also do humorous public speaking (corporate and promoting my books) and I've been writing comedy for more years than I like to admit, but I've never done pure stand-up either, aside from a brief, halfhearted stab at it right after college. I just never liked the form (I like writing lots of new material every day, not constantly honing and repeating the same 20 minutes) or most of the people I had to deal with when I did it, and the new Showtime series "I'm Dying Up Here" reminded me why. In fact, it was such an unpleasant reminder that I watched two episodes and I don't know if I'll ever watch any more. I'd be interested to hear your take on it if you've seen it.

  4. This sounds like a fantastic idea to me. Soldier on, sir

  5. To Stephen Marks: If Melissa Joan Hart wants to return to TV, I guess we now know who she needs as a showrunner...

  6. Those episodes sound great and I'll be listening. However, I'm afraid I can't subscribe the way you want because I don't use iTunes. I get the podcast via RSS.


  7. Pete Grossman6/29/2017 9:34 AM

    "I plan on playing a short one-act play I wrote. Then I’ll re-play it and provide a commentary track. I’ll break it down and explain my thought process, why I made certain creative decisions, objectives and how I got there, etc." Yes! Dig this!

  8. Once I got the technical aspects of the podcast working so I can actually listen to it (my iPhone problems, not the podcasts) I've been enjoying them immensely. Keep 'em up.

  9. I don't know why but I've tried subscribing both through itunes and by Android apps and cannot get them to let me subscribe no matter what I do. Frustrating as hell!

    Even though I've written comedy/jokes for a few morning DJs decades ago there is no way in hell I'd be able to get in front of a crowd and do stand up. One on one [or two], I can do fine but a large crowd.....forget it. I knew the manager of a comedy club and for close to a year he tried to get me to do open mic night which he practically guaranteed I'd be able to win....forget it, I'd pee my pants in front of that many people.

  10. I tried subscribing but I guess I'm too low tech to figure it out. How about one button that says SUBSCRIBE?

  11. Sounds like this podcast will be a lot of fun to listen to (not that the others aren't). Glad to see you releasing your creative comedic juices and going on the stand-up trapeze without a net.

  12. I like these ideas Ken...its easy to just do status quo..interesting ideas like these are unique and most dont have the guts to try.

  13. Charles H Bryan6/30/2017 4:17 AM

    I use iTunes to subscribe, but not to listen. I listen using a SanDisk mp3 player.

    It's a little extra work. Plug a device into a computer with iTunes installed. After a podcast downloads, right click to open in Windows Explorer. Copy the file. Paste into folder of choice in device. Go listen.

    My mp3 player is about the size of a Nano. It's just so less clunky than a phone, it's worth it.

    Each of your podcasts have been great to listen to, Ken, mostly because you're following your curiosity. Thanks for doing them along with this blog.

  14. I;m excited to hear your pilot readings as well as your stand up attempt. Thanks for the podcast.

  15. "Except, I thought it would be fun, for the podcast, to finally sign up for an open-mic night. I’ll put together material, arrange a time and venue, and record the results. And I promise to play it back in its entirety no matter how spectacularly I bomb. This is one stunt I know I’m going to regret."

    Wow! HUGE respect! I think that's an incredibly brave thing to do, not to mention very inspiring. Amazing. Can't wait to hear it. I know you'll do well.


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