Sunday, October 08, 2017

Come see my new play

Happy to announce that my new play, OUR TIME will be performed at the Saratoga Arts Center in Saratoga Springs, NY.  later this month.

OUR TIME is a loosely autobiographical comedy about breaking into the world of comedy in
1975 Los Angeles during a golden era for comedy.

Four young Baby Boomers come of age and try to find their place in this inspiring new world.

They face levels of talent, degrees of desire, jealousy, confusion, competition, the sexual
revolution, parental pressure, ego, insecurity, religion, discrimination, luck, struggle, and decisions
that will affect the rest of their lives. Who will make it and who won’t?

If you're in the state of New York, or even Georgia and you want to take a drive, come see it.   The address is 320 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY.  And for reservations you can call 518-393-3496.  Tickets are $15.  I'll be there for the Friday night performance.  If you can't see HAMILTON, see this.

Thanks much.


  1. Wish you all the success Ken.


    Question: Have you ever met Harvey Weinstein? Everyone has something or the other to say about him. Would you post a blog or just give your take in a Friday Question regarding the recent news about him?


  2. Ah, the follow up to The Me Generation I've been waiting for! How about turning it into a book?

  3. $15? For the price of a single big musical ducat you can bring a date, spring for dinner and maybe the cab.

  4. I lived in that area for years, and now I wish I was back there so I could see your play.

  5. It's supposedly bad luck to say "good luck" in the theater; and if you say "break a leg" to a writer, there's a good chance he just might. So I'll simply say, "Break a pencil!"

    Re: Lily's comment...Since the late night comics are being suspiciously silent on Weinstein, I'll pass on the only funny line I've heard so far. A commenter on a news site said he thought it was hilarious that some people think the Hollywood name who's been sexually harassing women is Harvey Fierstein.

  6. Not ANOTHER play?!? If it helps, you can borrow my high school year book.

  7. Speaking of plays, Ken, I saw an audition video for a potential CW project (, and I was wondering about the recommendations for both actors and casting people in this process. Is the casting person reading the lines for the scene's other character(s) expected to maintain a deadpan delivery to test the actor's skills, or can they emote a little if the actor hits a right note? Should a male casting person read if the other character is a male, and vice-versa? Is there a recommended place to put the camera? (I wondered why they shot the actress here in 3/4 profile instead of head on.) And how often will casting people require the actor to use full body motion instead of just voice and facial expressions?

    BTW, what did you think of this actress' audition?

  8. Enjoy the trip to Saratoga, Ken. You should make a side trip and see Karen Allen at her store in Great Barrington, Mass.

  9. Yikes, I'm just a few miles up the road! If only I had the kind of life where I could just drop everything and go to The Theater...


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