Wednesday, December 13, 2017

EP50: Behind The Scenes Cheers Episode Commentary

On this week's Hollywood & Levine podcast, Ken Levine provides us with a commentary track for an episode of the popular hit TV show Cheers that he co-wrote. “Truce or Consequences,” Season 1, EP8. This look behind the scenes explains tons of great inside information that you won't have heard anywhere else. A must listen for any Cheers fans. To increase your viewing pleasure, you can watch the episode of Cheers online on Netflix along with Ken, or simply listen to the Podcast as usual. 

Listen to the Hollywood & Levine podcast!


  1. Having only seen "Truce and Consequences" once in syndication, your commentary has me wanting to watch it again!

  2. Because international copyright law and global licensing are insane, you cannot watch Cheers on Netflix Canada. I'll probably still listen to the podcast, though.

    1. I was able to watch it on Crave TV on Telus.

  3. Since I know all first season episodes practically by heart, I didn't even need to watch. Thanks for the commentary! Hope to hear another one soon!

  4. Thank you for doing this Mr. Levine. I look forward to listening to your commentary with the episode this evening.

    I also have a Friday question regarding Cheers. There haven't been any books written regarding the behind the scenes drama. I know much of what has been said about the challenges with Shelley Long had more to do with her dedication to her character, but I'm sure there are plenty of stories. The antics with Ted and Woody, Kelsey's wild lifestyle, etc. Have you ever considered writing a tell all Cheers book?

  5. Wow, it must be really tricky to always have something in mind to say ... you did well, Ken! I synched this podcast up with the episode, which is a fun watch in and of itself. Your comments about Shelley Long are dead on ... no disrespect intended to the rest of the great cast (or writers!), but she is stunningly good here, and really makes this episode.

    I'd love to have more of these commentary tracks. Not just for Cheers (though it's probably my favourite) ... it'd be interesting to hear them for your other shows too.

  6. Ken, we listened to your commentary while watching the episode and both loved this experiment. Give us more. Larry & Marilyn

  7. Jack Terwilliger12/14/2017 10:23 AM

    Who are Adam and Susie Meister Butler? Are they the John Charles Walters of the podcast?

  8. Very successful test. In the future, I think it would be better if you did this with your partner, David Isaacs. Also, this was a good episode to do, as it's a very well known episode.

  9. Amazon Video also has all of the Cheers episodes included with Prime. I assume they are the same cuts as Netflix.

  10. Excellent commentary Mr. Levine. I enjoyed it immensely. I still wish Paramount would release Cheers on blu-ray as the episodes originally aired (uncut and with all of the music intact).

  11. Wooo! My first programming idea, and it's a hit! Thanks for doing this, Ken. I'm unquestionably biased, but I think it worked really well...

    (And I have to watch Cheers on DVD because there's no Cheers on Netflix Canada!)

    Oh, and "Y. Knott" is almost my real name, sort of. Knott is my last name. I never ever use my first name (because it's awful), but it has a Y in it....

  12. I watched the episode first and then listened to your I do both through my ROKU...Brilliant idea....and I will be honest, I never was a huge fan of the Long years of Cheers growing up but you are right, her subtle comic timing is amazing. In fact, in the age of comedies overreaching for laughs, this was refreshing.
    I do hope you do more commentaries..especially of Frasier...

  13. Great podcast (as always). I really enjoyed your commentary about the evolving character development over the course of the series. The bits of background info about the rubber section of the bar top and the sound effects was also cool.

    I listened as I was walking to work so I wasn't following along on Netflix but the podcast worked really well for me. As you were providing the running commentary I could easily visualize the episode as I have seen all of the episodes many times.

    Thanks again!

  14. Ken, you were doing this commentary like a Baseball play by play broadcast! You really miss radio don't you?

  15. This was fun. I've always been upset that my Cheers DVD sets didn't come with any commentaries. I'd definitely listen to more of 'em.

  16. Hi, Ken. I listened last night in my car on my way home from work. Even though I couldn’t watch the episode along with the podcast, it still worked and was quite enjoyable. The previous comment about your play-by-play experience was dead-on. Nice job!

  17. Y. Knott = great idea! Ken, my vote us for more of these. Maybe the Bar wars collection? Fun!

  18. This is a great idea! Can’t wait to listen!

  19. I really enjoyed this. I listened to the podcast first (while at the gym) then watched the episode later that night. I liked your point about how this episode let the comic situation build, comparing it to sitcoms these days that are just joke after joke after joke (with the annoying laugh track). That's the reason Big Bang Theory is unwatchable, in my opinion.

    I hope you do more of these!


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