Wednesday, May 02, 2018

EP70: How To Write Material That SELLS

Ken’s guest is Blair Richwood, a longtime feature development person and book editor.   They discuss what it takes for you to write a screenplay, pilot, or book that sells.   Also tips on pitching, what studios and Netflix are looking for, mistakes to avoid, and navigating the literary and Hollywood world. 

Listen to the Hollywood & Levine podcast!


  1. Just listened to this Interview with Blair Richwood and glad I did. It's a smart, funny, primer (and beyond) on writing screenplays, memoirs and just plain good writing in general and how to move your art/work forward. And beyond that it's a great conversation between two people who know the business of writing and have an obvious love for it.

  2. So glad to have come across this amazing podcast. We actually met Blair when she ran development for Barry Sonnenfeld. She is as brilliant and fun to work with as she sounds. She helped us with a thriller that turned into a big spec sale. Don't think it would have happened without her. It was great hearing her on your show. Inspirational! Tippi Dobrofsky

  3. "You guys better call..."

    I just sent off the e-mail.

    This was a fascinating interview. Thanks!

  4. Holy crap. Blair returned my e-mail in five minutes. It's a go.

  5. Your interview with Blair Richwood was great. She really knows the business and has such clarity in how she offers advice. Seeing the work through her 'fresh eyes' enables her to guide her clients to a much more focused and finished product. She has worked with many friends and all sing her praises! And the best part is that she is such a kind, brilliant and generous person.

  6. Eloquent, informative, entertaining... and... more please! Looking forward to Blair Part 2, 3, 4, etc. You two make a great team. Wonderful!

  7. Hi Ken -
    I just got off the phone from my conversation with Blair. It was extremely helpful. Thanks for having her on as a guest. It was very generous of her to offer her time to me and I'm glad to have connected with her.

  8. Ken,

    You couldn't have done me a better favor than bringing Blair on your podcast. I've been trying to work through a serious career setback in recent days and her consultation mixed genuine encouragement with the roasting I needed to get back into action. It felt like she spun my perception into a sharp U-Turn and then handed the wheel back to me. I've spent the rest of the day beginning the steps she advised and will be following through with the entire program over the next week or two.

  9. I'm not developing any project, but I wanted to say just how much I enjoyed this episode. Ms. Richwood sounds like an unusually perceptive person when it comes to protecting characterization and storylines, not to mention the actual writers. I'd be honored to have her edit anything I wrote.

  10. This was so so good. I've known Blair for decades. This inspired me to call her again. Fantastic interview, Ken & Blair.

  11. Ken, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Just had my phoner with Blair and it was incredible! She is so energetic and insightful. In a little over one hour she listened to my project and pushed me (in a very positive way) to know exactly what the strong and week points are and exactly how to present it. I'm sure I've gotten more out of it than I know. Also, she mentioned that you premiered one of your plays in NYC. I guess I missed it. I will keep my eyes open for any notifications in the future for any plays you produce here and if there is an email list you could put me on to notify me I would appreciate it.

  12. Ken and Blair, awesome podcast!! Thank you.

  13. Just had a very productive phone call with Blair! She's amazing! Ken, thanks for booking these wonderful guests! Both your blog and podcast are funny, entertaining and helpful! Good luck with your new play!

  14. Great interview. What great advice Blair offered for new and experienced writers. I can tell you from experience that Blair is tough, but fair and my work is better because of her input.

  15. Great interview with Blair Richwood, Ken! I learned a ton from both of you : )

  16. Hi Ken,

    Big fan! I’ve been reading your blog for years, and listening to your podcast since episode one. Just wanted to say thanks for this episode and that I certainly took advantage of Blair’s offer. Our convo was delightful and very inspirational. Thanks again!


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