Friday, June 29, 2018

And yet ANOTHER opening...

Happy to say that my play OUR TIME opens tonight in New York!  This is a terrific cast, director, and production.  Many many laughs.  If you're anywhere east of Kansas please come see it.  Thanks.


  1. Best of luck with the play. If my experience with the readings is any indication, there are probably a few thousand more jokes in the finished draft than the versions I saw. I think the story holds up amid all the gags, though, and there's real insight and heart in the character interplay. It's a simple production to stage, with only four characters on a basic set, so I hope it takes on a life of its own and eventually becomes a staple of small theaters all over the place, with a longer professional run first.

  2. Yes. I agree with E. Yarber. The staged reading was good, but I can't wait to see the fully produced version. May each of your cast not only break a leg, but a clavicle as well.

  3. This one sure needs a Pepe LePew joke...just saying. (Couldn’t resist.)


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