Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Whitney Houston's masterpiece

This gives me chills every time I hear it. If Whitney Houston had "one moment in time" this was it. Happy 4th of July everybody.


  1. Janet Ybarra7/04/2018 1:51 PM

    Certainly an excellent rendition and very appropriate for the day. I saw Whitney in concert 30 years ago. Kenny G was the opening act. (Anyone remember him?)

    She certainly had so much talent. It is truly tragic that her life went in the direction it ultimately did.

  2. I see what you're getting at here, but the Whitney song that does the same thing to me is "So Emotional." Nevertheless, it's a pity that more singers can't sing our National Anthem this flawlessly.

  3. Thanks for posting.

    Here is another one of my favorite renditions from 1986

  4. With all due respect, as we all have our own favorites, this is mine, from 1991.

  5. I remember watching this on a TV set in a store window in our local mall. It was the Super Bowl during the Operation Desert Storm and I was beginning my first pregnancy and so afraid. 27 years later I am even more afraid. Happy 4th? Janice B.

  6. I enjoyed all 3 immensely! Thank you, David Knowles for that beautiful video, which included one of my favorite songs—-Let There Be Peace on Earth. I haven’t heard it in years and today’s world could sure use those sentiments! Thank you Benson; I had never heard Sandi Patty sing the National Anthem, and she was amazing! And thank you, Ken for that video of the incredible Whitney Houston, and for this wonderful forum that includes everything from movie/tv talk, to radio and baseball, occasionally politics, and even patriotism!

  7. Ignoring the F-16 flyover, I love the lack of glitz and glamour. Just Whitney Houston, a track suit and that amazing voice.

  8. This is what I wrote on my Facebook page this morning: "Happy Birthday to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!
    God Bless America, the USA

    Now here's Brother Ray with his rendition of "America the Beautiful""

    I wrote that over a video of Ray Charles singing that song on "The Dick Cavett Show" from YouTube...

  9. Whitney certainly had the "fireworks" going...but I prefer Lady Gaga's...


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