Saturday, August 24, 2019

Weekend Post

If you think America's Got Talent, just wait'll you see what SWEDEN'S GOT TALENT is serving up.  He's actually from Australia but it's a universal talent that can be appreciated anywhere fine art is revered.  Enjoy.   


  1. Grandma Moses would have been proud...

  2. He had to be the pen-ultimate act in that ep.

  3. His name is Tim Patch, and he was actually attacked and knocked unconscious earlier this year back home in Australia by someone who didn't like his act. Most artists don't take him seriously, but he has an audience. And he also paints with his buttocks and other parts of his body.

  4. Artists are sometimes pretentious, but some can be a real dick about it.

  5. OK, I'll say it. He needs a bigger brush.

  6. What a pisser!

  7. - That was hard to watch.
    - Always stand at least 1 foot away from your painting for a good perspective.
    - Don't try to paint with a piece of spaghetti.
    - Do not try this at home. What you have here is a trained professional.
    - Does he ever "finish his work off"?
    - Does he sell his art? Are prices firm or negotiable?


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