Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

You know me and Natalie Wood photos.


  1. She would have been 81. So sad to not be able to see what plans she had for the next phase of her career (e.g., playing Anastasia on stage).

  2. Merry Christmas to readers who celebrate.

  3. If I simply replied, "Ho! Ho! Ho!" would you take offense on Natalie's behalf?

    Best wishes, as always, Ken. Thank you for the light you have brought to all of us.

  4. As I get older Christmas has less and less significance for me. SPOILER ALERT: There is no Santa Clause. Many believe Jesus wasn't born on the 25th.

    I have no children or grandchildren through which I can vicariously enjoy the holiday. I hate cold weather, crowded stores, parodies of "Scrooge" and "A Wonderful Life" and most of all, Bruce Springsteen's version of "Santa Clause is Coming to Town."
    Sorry for being such a Grinch. I do still enjoy watching "The Grinch" and "Rudolph" every year, however.

    At least I can watch some NBA games this afternoon.

    Merry Merry, Happy Happy, Joy Joy.

  5. All the best of the season to all! 🎄🍺


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