Saturday, March 07, 2020

Sad news

It breaks my heart to announce that Earl Pomerantz passed away today.  He was 75.  I'll post a tribute on Monday.  I need some time to collect my thoughts.

In the meantime, Earl was a guest on my podcast, and I invite you to listen and get to know this remarkable man.  You can hear it here

He will be terribly missed. 


  1. That is sad news indeed.

    My condolences Ken.

  2. Very sorry to hear this. He wrote some great episodes of some great shows, and a funny blog too. He will be missed.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that, I often read his blog and commented on it.

  4. I look forward to your tribute. My condolences in the meantime.

  5. I'm very sorry to hear this; he abruptly stopped writing his blog a few weeks ago saying he suddenly couldn't see, which sounded alarming. I always enjoyed his blog, but particularly his sketch of the Wise Men "cameling" through the desert to deliver their gifts was a high point of Christmas.

    My condolences to you and his family.


  6. I hope his estate leaves his blog up. That's as fitting a tribute as I can imagine.

  7. Oh no. I kept checking his blog, hoping he'd come back. What a terrific writer--a great stylist with a unique voice and, most importantly, an honest one. I'm sorry.

  8. As my late father, Claude Hall, used to write
    We come
    We do
    We go.

    John Hall

  9. I, too, feel sad about this news. I really enjoyed his blog. Like Wendy, when I learned he couldn't see, I worried about the implications. The world lost a great talent and a great person. My condolences. Alisha Semchuck

  10. I am very sad to hear this news, even though I'm not all that surprised by it. I will miss reading his blog posts, and I'm sure that anyone who knew him in person has suffered a great loss.

  11. Condolences Ken.

  12. I'm sorry to hear of his passing. I was waiting for him to come back to his blog as well. R.I.P. Earlo!

  13. Such a huge loss. He was a great man, loved his family and his friends, great writer of course, but mostly just a huge person. I too hope his family will leave the blog up. I love reading his posts.

  14. You introduced me to him Ken, have listed to a few podcasts he was a guest on. Great storyteller, obviously a great person. Sorry for your loss.

  15. Your blog and Earls were the last two I was reading regularly and then life got more in the way I ended up not reading Earls anymore but it was purely a time factor. Always wanted to go back to it when life eased up. So very sad to read about his passing my he RIP and condolences to his friends, family, fans and readers.

  16. Earl's blog was part of my daily routine. He wasn't 'just' a comedy writer. He was a thoughtful and insightful commentator on life. His blog was often difficult to understand (at least for slow readers like me) because he could juggle two or more thoughts at once. I will miss him. My condolences to his family.

    Jim Dodd

  17. Ken, I’m sorry for your loss. Thanks for introducing me to Earl’s blog - I have enjoyed it.


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