Saturday, April 04, 2020

Weekend Post

I don't care what the haters say, Joe Buck is an excellent sportscaster. And he's got a great sense of humor. During this pandemic when there are no sports to call, Joe offered to do play-by-play on anything, personalized just for the person who requested it. Here's a mash-up of the results. I'm telling ya, the guy is FUNNY.


  1. "I don't believe what I just saw!"

  2. On this point, we'll never agree. The guy is too full of himself. I know, go figure, for a media type. And I think the marble race was fixed, like a harness horse race.

  3. Charles Bryan4/04/2020 6:23 AM

    His appearances on Brockmire sealed the deal for me on his likability. (I think that almost any sportscaster that stays around for a while or appears frequently draws detractors.)

  4. Troy McClure4/04/2020 7:27 AM

    Friday question

    The studios have pushed back most of their summer movies, some by six months, others even longer. The one or two still scheduled for August will probably get delayed too.

    This will be the first year without a summer blockbuster season. Obviously in the grand scheme of things this isn't that important. But do you think this will seriously damage the industry in the long term?

  5. Thanks Ken.

    I would love to share this funny video with the viewers.

    The comments are more fun.

  6. Here's where we're always going to disagree.

    Joe Buck is *unbearable* to listen to.

  7. Thank you for this, Ken! It totally made my morning. So nice to hear Joe Buck's voice announcing "sports"!

  8. Jason Roberts4/04/2020 8:22 AM

    Nick Heath a sportscaster in England has been doing the same thing. Very funny stuff.

    check it out:


  9. Thanks, Ken. I'm with you - I don't understand the haters.
    I love that he gives a nod to his dad at the very end. Every St. Louis Cardinal fan knows what I mean.

  10. Joe Buck IS funny and a very good play-by-play guy! Anyone who doubts his smarts and authenticity should read his book, Lucky Bastard.

  11. If you read Buck's autobiography, you really get an understanding of who he is and what he's like. And he's very likable.

    The A's announcers did something similar, with Ken Korach doing pbp of T-ball.

  12. I don’t care about Joe Buck at all, and I’m not sure if this is a compliment, but I can absolutely see why people who like him like him, and I can absolutely see why people who hate him hate him.

  13. I came to your blog recently by accident - thanks for giving us something cool to read during the National House Arrest. And now I've learned what "Sweater Meat" means.

    Possible Friday question: what do you think of Northern Exposure? I know some people are put off by the more fantastical aspects of it, but that never bothered me. Come on - it's a TV show, not a documentary about living in Alaska.

  14. Doc Emerick did a play by play of a guy putting a new windshield wiper on a car. As someone said in a comment on the video, Doc could announce paint drying. The Anaheim Ducks announcer is doing something like Buck. It is kids playing hockey or doing something hockey related. As for Buck I thin he is a very good announcer. When it comes to National announcers fans always think they rooting against their team. I think Costas gets some of that too. I was listening to him on Sabrcast. For those of you who are big baseball fans, it is a great podcast. He talked about all the different things he has covered. And it is amazing how little baseball he has done. I thought he did a lot of Cardinal games on the radio. But it is not listed on his time line on Wikipedia page. If he did so it wasn't for very long. Kind of amazing that he got the Ford Frick award. It is usually for guys that did it every day and for a very long time. But he is another guy who could do play by play for anything. I did not watch Letterman when he was on NBC, but every so often Bob would be on to announce elevator races. And he was great on Later. For those of you who never had the chance to watch the show, there are some on You Tube. No doubt he had help from researchers, but he could interview any one.

  15. I didn't like him before but I do now. I think what turned me off in the past was actually Tim McCarver, and Joe became collateral damage.

  16. Sorry. But it kind of resembles Mickey Rourke's Oscar nomination. One good performance does not negate a career of total shit.

  17. Really enjoyed his appearance as a guest on Bill Simmons podcast just this week and he now has his own podcast: Daddy Issues. Worth a listen. I'm with the contributor who mentioned Brockmire appearance. Self effacing can be an admirable quality.

  18. I recently heard an interview with Hank Azaria, and he was very complimentary of Joe Buck and said he could absolutely be an actor if he wanted. He said they had a part for a "Joe Buck-like" character on Brockmire and decided to get him -- they were prepared to cut back his lines or edit him down if he wasn't up to the task, but Azaria said Buck killed and was better than other actors who had auditioned for the role.

  19. The Public will forgive anything - except success.

    I don't know who said that originally (I believe that it came from Britain), but it's the guiding principle of the Internet Trolls.

    This is how I had to learn to avoid such thinking myself.
    Well, not the thinking part, but acting on it.

    I stopped following sports at the turn of this century.
    Joe Buck means nothing to me, one way or the other.
    That said, the sheer savagery of the attacks on him is appalling.
    And I can substitute any number of names, from all walks of life, for his.
    Meanness of spirit is our new National Pastime.
    It's even managed to elect a President.

  20. Phillies broadcast legend Harry Kalas would do answering machine messages ("Vincent is outta here!" -- his trademark home run call). He did one for baseball fanatic Bruce Springsteen, and after Harry's passing Springsteen found the message and played it before his final appearance at the Spectrum (which was to be razed). The sellout crowd went wild.

  21. YES!,,,,,Joe at his best. Too bad all his games aren't this way.

  22. That was AWESOME! Thank you!

  23. I thought you would enjoy yet another FRASIER parody inspired by the coronavirus:

  24. Thank god for Westwood One radio......
    I can sync my SiriusXM radio audio to my TV picture so I NEVER have to hear joe buck, mike tirico, the dudes on Monday Night Football, matt vasgergian, etc....................
    Kevin Harlan rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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