Monday, August 17, 2020

My radio career... in two hours

I did a fun two-hour interview for the LA RADIO WAVES podcast.  All about my checkered radio career, complete with audio samples.  Thanks to Richard Wagoner and Mike Stark for having me on to relive the fun times.   Just call me "Radio Danny Rose." 

You can find it here.


  1. It's exhausting listening about how you juggled baseball and Hollywood jobs simultaneously.

    How did you maintain any kind of work/life balance during this time?

  2. I remember the down-at-heels places that the "major" stations broadcast from. KGB was on Pacific Highway, next to the Pacific Rest Motel. It was right next to the Pacific Highway, across from the Naval Recruiting Depot...NOT the best neighborhood.

    Before they moved, one of the DJ's said of their move to a new building, "To our landlords, the residents of the Pacific Rest Motel...I CAN'T WAIT to move!!"

  3. This was very enjoyable. Thank you for sharing the link.


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