Saturday, August 15, 2020

Weekend Post

Here's Mark Jackson's basketball card for 1990.  Maybe the best photobombers ever.  There, to the left, between the time they killed their parents and were arrested are the Menendez Brothers. 

If you have it in your collection, DO NOT let your mother throw it out.  I mean, you'd want to kill her if she did something like that. 


  1. I stumbled across this on the radio dial today -- 1090 AM in San Diego (actually across the border in Mexico) is apparently coming back. It's currently in a brief promotional "loop" stations traditionally use prior to a format change. I last recall 1090 (call letters XEPRS) as a sports station and ESPN affiliate, owning Padres radio rights for a time along with the Gulls (Anaheim's top farm club). Nevertheless, its owners somehow couldn't engineer a profit.

    At one time, XEPRS and its 50,000-watt signal was home to the still-with-us Art Laboe (I remember this from the "Oldies But Goodies" albums he sponsored), not to mention Wolfman Jack's glory days in the '60s. It then went soul and disco for a while ("Express") before its foray into sports.

    According to the promo, sports will be part of the new 1090. With the Padres now interesting again (hail the return to brown and gold!), I hope XEPRS regains the rights so that we in LA can hear the ballgames once more.

  2. Yes, great post for a Saturday....
    And so happy to read a cool post.
    Your post is better than all the boring stuff being posted elsewhere outthere.
    This was a great treat. And I am watching the old games.

  3. Troy McClure8/15/2020 9:12 AM

    If I remember correctly, they also went to Cheesecake Factory in Beverly Hills immediately after committing the murders.

  4. I was always amazed at his announcer skills when they went to a break he could sum up the situation and hit the out perfectly, like a DJ talking over the musical intro.

  5. Almost as cool as the photograph of Lincoln giving his second Inaugural address that shows Booth in the crowd.

  6. Did that card come with bubblegum or shotgun shells?


  7. @ Troy McLure

    Just think if Jeffrey Dahmer had gone to the Cheesecake Factory....."Hey, this taste just like Billy!"

    1. Troy McClure8/15/2020 2:16 PM


      You're very naughty. I feel bad for laughing.

  8. It isn't worth very much on EBAY

  9. Very funny, but made me think of the picture of John Lennon signing a book with his killer hours before returning home and being shot. Then I got a little verklempt. Janice B.

  10. The way the Knicks have played for the past 20 or so years, you'd think they were the Menendez Brothers' parents.

  11. Ken, I read this Op-Ed today, I'm sure you have as well.

    As I was reading it I was thinking to myself, if this MD could only read Ken's blog to understand that the words coming out of Alan Aldas mouth were embodied by him, but put to paper by people like you.

  12. Friday question: there's a number of tropes going around for decades as punchlines. Like "THAT went well!" or

    "Character A: Promiscuous comment toward character B.
    Character B (pleasantly embarrassed): Oh, Character A, stop.
    Character C (disgusted): Yes, Character A, stop."

    There's many more I've noticed throughout the years. They're bizarre little twilight zone moments, connecting shows from different times and styles, especially since they don't really happen in real life.

    I was wondering, how come they're not considered stealing, since every writer in every room must know they've been done before when they're being pitched.

  13. @ Chris

    I'm not Ken, but I'll still suggest an answer. "THAT went well" and blows to scenes like that seem to have become acceptable as punch lines with the popularity of single-cam comedies. It's an easy out. It's a sarcastic quip that can illicit a chuckle, and with no studio audience, they don't bother to rely on hard jokes. I recently watched a "30 Rock" where they poked fun at this, using that exact "THAT went well" joke. Is it stealing? I don't think you can claim ownership on sarcasm. Is it lazy? Absolutely.

  14. Charles Bryan8/16/2020 12:54 PM

    I see someone already linked to the L.A. Times op-ed piece (which was nicely done, imo). The show just has such a wonderful legacy. Is it possible to even imagine Hawkeye played by anyone else? Is it possible to even imagine a show like that being produced today, with such a different outlook on the military?


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