Wednesday, October 21, 2020

EP197: Writer Rob Long Part Two

Two CHEERS writers discuss the actual process and share insights and stories… including firing a Tony-winning actor.  It’s a great insiders’ look at how sitcoms really get written.  

Other podcasts on WAVE!

Listen to the Hollywood & Levine podcast!


  1. Rob Long went on after CHEERS to write a very funny book called CONVERSATIONS WITH MY AGENT, which I've had for years. Nice to hear him speak.


  2. Really enjoyed this two-parter. I would recommend listening in order and back to back, but like you said, it's like sitting at the deli, listening in. Thanks.

  3. Do former (or current) radio broadcasters make better podcasts?

  4. Ken!!! Great great GREAT stuff. I always enjoy the show. This 2 parter was so fun and interesting.

    Could you review some newer sitcoms, please? For fun. Give notes. My family loves to watch Cougar Town - which took a season to take shape. I’d love to hear your notes.

    All the best


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