Wednesday, November 11, 2020

EP200: Episode 200!

Ken celebrates his 200th podcast with a super-sized episode featuring highlights, surprises, rarities, giveaways, laughs, and more.  Join in the fun!

Listen to the Hollywood & Levine podcast!


  1. Great podcast, Ken. Congratulations on 200!

  2. Congrats on 200 episodes. I have been there since the beginning. I will listen to it later today when I go for a run and feel like torturing myself (from running not listening to you!)

  3. Congratulations! It was great hearing the WLS story again. The podcast always brightens my Thursday.

  4. Ere I Saw Elba11/13/2020 9:58 AM

    That WLS story was a treat to hear. You made my morning. I also had no idea how far their signal went across the country. Growing up with the station in the 80s I knew it went to cities in the midwest, but didn't know it was nationwide.

    I have worked in radio too, and I must say that broadcasting often is a lot like WKRP (but with headphones!).

    And yes, you still owe that guy a lunch.


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