Monday, March 15, 2021

AMAZING drone video

 I usually don't post two videos in a row, but this you gotta see.   My guess is you'll watch it multiple times. 

This is a video done with a drone.  It's all in one shot, no CGI, no special effects.  The sound however was done in post. 

It was shot in a bowling alley in Minneapolis with a racing drone by drone-operator Jay Christensen and director Anthony Jaska.   They needed ten or twelve takes to get it just right, but their perseverance paid off.   As I was watching I wondered how they were going to end it.  They found the perfect way.  Enjoy.


  1. Thank you for citing the location. I assumed Milwaukee, but I don't know those numerous small bowling joints still exist since I haven't been there since the 80's. That vid encapsulates the America I long for living abroad.

  2. Friday Question (really to both you and your partner David): Had either "The Flintstones" or "The Jetsons" (both of which I've always considered well-written series) still been going in Prime Time when you were, say, co-producing "Cheers" (that is, if either or both enjoyed a similar longevity to "The Simpsons") would you have been interested in writing for one or the other/both, coming up with rock/stone puns (e.g., Stoneway piano, Rock Vegas, etc.) for the former, imagining future technology for the latter?

  3. I sent this drone video to my brother over the weekend and he responded with the following Herb Albert music video: It wasn't done with a drone, but it's all one shot and pretty fun to watch.

  4. Reminds me of the Naked Gun opening credits

  5. wow! How the hell do they thread the needle behind the pins like that! incredible

  6. I'm waiting for the personal drone to appear. I bet Apple will come out with the iDrone in a few years. Once they work out how to make it quiet and smart like your phone, it can fly over you like a guardian angel. The iDrone will be the best selfie camera ever. Just think of all the things it could do! On the downside everyone will have a little flying computer following us everywhere. What could go wrong?

  7. Can we add Paul Shaffer’s old Late Night with David Letterman intro music?
    This was so much fun.
    Brian O.

  8. Speed racer had a drone he could launch from his mach 5

  9. I saw it on television for free. It is still very impressive, however.


  10. This brought back memories of Saturday nights at the bowling alley. Good memories so thanks for sharing this Ken.

  11. That was great! My father used to manage 8 bowling alleys, so I spent many of my youthful weekends bowling and prowling around the pinsetters. Those machines could easily take you out if you got too close to the wrong moving part.

    I wonder how many innocent drones were injured during the making of that video?


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