Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Who's out there?

It’s that time again.

Once a year I ask you to check in, especially you new readers or lurkers.

It gives me a better sense of who’s out there and how I can best program my blog to suit your needs.


Who are you?  Where you from?  How old are you (or at least what “Gen”)?  How long have you been reading?  How did you find the blog?  Do you also listen to my podcast?   What topics do you like or dislike?   (Yes, I know some of you don’t like when my politics seep through, but that’s not going to change.)  What features do you like or dislike?  Any suggestions or general comments?  

Thanks for your participation.  And for reading this blog.  



  1. Steve, Toronto, 72 years old, looong time reader, never listened to a podcast, like it all.

  2. Hi from Central NJ.

    A lady never tells her age ;)

    I've been reading the blog for 11 or 12 years. A friend recommended it because I am a fan of several of your shows and I love baseball. I do listen to the podcast (BTW, why do most blog posts become available at 9:00 eastern time but the podcasts debut at midnight?).

    My favorite posts/podcasts are the ones that are from the heart where you tell stories and just let it fly. And thank you for always telling the anti vaxx/anti mask idiots how stupid they are - it's unfathomable that they have no compunction about endangering other people!

    Thanks for all the entertainment. Stay safe!

  3. lyle e davis10/05/2021 6:16 AM

    I'm lyle e davis; live in Escondido, CA., retired radio broadcaster, retired owner of "Lyle's at Dixon Lake" and "Lyle's at Moonlight Beach," (both concessions for fishing/boating, and going to the beach). Bought a weekly newspaper in 1999, christened it "The Paper." Very successful, 60,000 weekly readers, making money, money in the bank. I probably should retire (I'm 82) but I enjoy it so much and am fairly good at it . . that I just don't really want to retire. If someone came along and offered a big hunk of change, I suppose I'd take a walk. But I'd miss it. Big time. Money is no longer a concern for me. I've got more than I need and my remaining son (I lost my first born in March of 2021) will be rather wealthy when I pass.

    I am divorced but have been the primary caregiver for my ex wife for five years. She suffers from Korsakoff's Dementia. I left an 18 year relationship to move back into our home to care for Mary. I still see Evelyn, my special lady, and business partner of The Paper, 3-4 times a week . . it's not the same as being a couple and living together but I'm glad she hung around. It takes a rather special lady to tolerate a man goine back to his ex-wife and caring for her .. and Eveln has done that. Can't remember the other questions you asked in the posting. If you need more info, just ask. My email address is: thepaper@cox.net.

    Oh, the podcasts. I enjoy reading it but don't have the time to read it. So I skip it. Have read, maybe, 4 or 5. I never miss the blog. You are Mark Evanier are my first reads every day .. then Drudge, then maybe Yahoo, then Facebook.

    I found you through,I think Earl's blog (forgot his name. Great writer, passed away. Is it Pomerantz?) . . or maybe via Mark Evanier's blog.

    You and I worked together but did not meet while you were at KSEA and I was selling for KSON. The owner, Dan, was not one of my favorite people . . particularly after the KSEA massacre on, I think, Christmas Eve.

    Anyway . . that's a summary of me. Keep up the great work. Love reading your "stuff."



  4. Radio news reporter. Springfield IL. Old end of Gen X. About a month. Probably a search for some old-sitcom minutiae. No. Rich stories about creating great tee vee - plus all the thoughtful comments.

  5. I am a 60 year old woman from southern New England. Old enough to remember having just 3 network channels and 2 local channels, having to adjust the antenna to get a clearer picture, and actually walking across the living room to change the station. I am fully vaccinated and have never voted for orange people.

  6. Hello. My name is Sean and I really don't remember exactly when I first started reading this blog. I know I linked over to it from Wil Wheaton's blog a long time ago.

    I live in Central Texas now, but am originally from NoCal. (Go Giants! Duck the Fodgers!)

    I really love the baseball and radio stories. Even more so when they intermingle.

    I don't listen to every single podcast. I take them as they come and listen to the ones that catch my interest. I really enjoyed the Joe Buck episodes. It was nice to hear him open up a little. And no, I don't like it when he calls Giants games. But then, we have Kruk, Kuip, Miller and Flem. Giants fans don't have the first clue how spoiled we are when it comes to broadcasters. I mean, I grew up listening to Lon Simmons.

  7. Jorge González B.10/05/2021 6:29 AM

    Hi, Ken. I'm 28 (one of those "darned millenials") and I've been reading the blog for about 8 years now, I think. I got here because I was watching Frasier for the first time back then and having a great time, and, since I've always been interested in how TV and movies are done, searched for some behind the scenes stuff and arrived here.
    Since then I've kept on reading the blog because the experiences you talk about in show business and radio keep on being insightful and interesting, as are your opinions on current entertaiment. And even if I simply don't get some stuff on a deeper level (like baseball, for example, since it's basically inexistant where I live), it's still fun to read most of the time.
    By the way, I have no personal association to the entertaiment business and live very far away from the United States.

  8. Gen Xer. Love your podcasts. I always take for granted that the people you interview will be interesting even if I never heard of them. Prefer when you talk about your writing career, your comments on the present state of Hollywood and baseball. Not so much when you talk about your DJ days - just a personal preference and maybe my poor taste in non-classical music (e.g. I love "They Built This City on Rock and Roll").

  9. My name is Fred Vogel. I was born in beautiful downtown Burbank 70 years ago. Been reading this blog for many years and I'm amazed at how funny you continue to be. Probably the discussions on one camera v. two cameras or other technical issues are the ones I just skip through. No interest. I enjoy your takes on politics, award show bashing and baseball. Keep up the great work.

  10. I am from Germany in my mid-fourties and enjoy this blog for more than five years. No clue who recommended it, but having it in my rss-feed for years. I enjoy a look at the current trends (or lack of laughter) as well as impressions from your playwriting career or look back. Readersquestions is great as are most blogposts
    Podcast: I just have to many on my playlist and yours didn't make the cut. Sorry.

    Thx for your work here!

  11. Fed by the muse10/05/2021 7:02 AM

    Hi, Ken. William from Florida here. Been a reader of the blog for about four years (though one long night two years ago I read through every post here) Enjoy all of the "insider info" as well as all the "memory lane" and "how's it done" stuff. Worked in the film music business (primarily as an orchestrator on horror/thriller films)in the LA area for seventeen years following a fellowship opportunity/internship with an established TV music composer. Interestingly, In my teens had a music teacher named Ken Levine (the east of the Mississippi pronunciation), your voice and his being remarkably similar.

    In general just love the content (podcasts are great fun) and appreciate you making this forum available (and thanks for FQ).

  12. Hi Ken--Ben here. Long time reader; every year I struggle to remember how exactly I came across your blog. As if, with yet another year removed, it will become easier to do something I've never been able to in the past.

    I'm in my late 40's, and have been directing local newscasts for the past 25 years. Also I went on "Jeopardy!" for a few nights, but you already knew about that...:-)

    I for one love the political content, which has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that our views seem to be pretty well aligned. I also love when you get off into baseball; I don't follow it very closely, but well enough that it's fun to read your thoughts on stuff. (And count me in the group of people who love your morning-after recaps of the awardapaloozafests.)

  13. I've been a fan since the early days. I even own a couple of your books, Must Kill TV and It's Gone... No, Wait a Minute.... Personally, I liked the latter book more than the former. But I'm a baseball guy and I enjoy your occasional sports posts.

    I'm also a lawyer in Chicago, a Baby Boomer who grew up listening to WLS and WCFL and Larry Lujack and John "Records" Landecker and Fred Winston and Dick Biondi and all the rest. When we only needed two buttons on the car radio. I'd like to know whether it was Brant Miller (now a TV weatherman here) that you tormented the night you got to do the overnight shift on the Big 89....

    So... sports posts, radio posts, snarky show biz posts, I like them all. I never did watch the Oscars, the Emmys, or American Idol but I felt as up to date as necessary, thanks to you. But I think your best posts may be your obits. I don't look forward to them, obviously---I hope that's obvious---but, whenever someone's passing is announced that may have crossed your path, I make it a point to see what you've said.

    I don't listen to podcasts---I haven't yet found a way to incorporate them into my routine---but I've made exceptions for some of yours. (How very generous of you, you may sneer. Which I suppose I deserve, but there are only so many hours in a day.)

    I think I've learned from you. I know I've been entertained. And I am appreciative. Thank you.

  14. Hi, I'm Beth and I've been reading your blog for a few years and love it. I can't remember how I found it, but when I did I read the back issues to catch up ... except for the baseball ones. I've only commented a few times and last week you answered my first Friday question (thank you). Just got unlimited internet so I'll be listening to the Podcasts - I've enjoyed the few I've heard so far. I'm 64, retired, and in Toronto, Canada. I've watched a lot of TV in my time and enjoy reading your view from behind the scenes as well as all the comments. Thanks for writing this blog.

  15. I'll be 41 in a few weeks, live just outside Montreal. I can't remember how I came to find this blog but I've been reading it for years now. I sometimes listen to the podcast when there's a guest that interests me. I also love that your podcasts aren't overly long, like many others out there that run hours. Who has the time?
    Growing up, my dad always watched M*A*S*H so I've seen those a bunch of times, and I watched Frasier in its original run (yes, making me 12-23 over its course) and it's one of my top shows ever. I'm currently almost done rewatching it on DVD, and it's still just wonderful, even in the later seasons.
    I love it when you discuss inside baseball type stories from the sets of shows, specifically the writing process or what it's like on the actual set during production. I find all that fascinating. I also love your political rants.
    My one nitpick is when you review series or movies that aren't targeted to you (or for me, for that matter). I definitely don't get a lot of content (ugh, that word) produced for people younger than me but I figure hey, it's their generational thing, if that's what they like, that's on them.
    Thanks for the blog, keep them coming! :D

  16. Hi Ken, I'm 49 and live in Melbourne Australia. I'm fascinated by comedy writing and tv writing in general, although I have no interest in working in the industry. I can't remember how I found your blog but I do check in every fortnight or so and sometimes contribute to the forum. I'm not interested in baseball or American sports, so I do skip ahead. I don't mind the political discussion since you seem to align with my values. Although sometimes your hot takes on diversity in casting can be a little on the nose given that you're a white male and have probably had access to opportunities that others may not. So long as you keep an open mind, I'll keep following.

  17. Chris from Alabama. Older Millenial. Found your blog looking up stuff bout Cheers. Love Friday questions and the podcast, especially interviews with sitcom writers and actors.

  18. Hi Ken,

    60, reading for 10 years, can't remember how I discovered it.

    I think I was created in a lab to be your perfect reader - love TV (especially sitcoms), baseball and radio, (and our politics align).

    I have absolutely no notes, it's all gold.

  19. Ray Weinstein10/05/2021 7:39 AM

    Been with you since your 1st post, actually since your first first class as a college freshman.

  20. With respect to Joe Buck, I have a Friday Question -

    Buck was discussing the concept of in-game interviews, and he seemed to like them. Personally, I cannot stand them - they distract from the game to the extent that the action isn't even shown, or if it is then it's relegated to a tiny box in the corner. If I'm tuning in to watch a game, I want to watch the game! It's one thing to have a special guest in the booth, but not when the focus on the guest prevents fans from actually seeing what's happening on the field.

    What are your thoughts about them?

  21. I've been a reader for 10-12 years and a podcast listener since you began. I think I read a magazine article that reference the blog and I checked it out....I've been a fan ever since. I'm a 58 year old living in Monroe, Michigan (South of Detroit, Michigan and north of Toledo, Ohio.) All the stuff you do on TV/entertainment..new and old is great. I like all the insider kinds of stuff when you talk with people on your podcast.

    Thanks for still doing your blog and podcast!

  22. I believe I may have begun reading your blog, Ken, shortly after you started it. Just came across it accidentally, when blogs were still sort of new thing. I recall you stating that your goal was to post new content daily, and you have been remarkably faithful to that goal. I'm college English professor and appreciate your observations about writing, even though the sort of writing I do and teach is not at all related to comedy writing. I'd guess I'm about ten years younger than you, grew up in a far less hip or affluent area of LA in the 60s and 70s, and now live and teach in a Southern state that deserves all the scorn heaped upon it by liberal commentators. I have never posted before, feel no need to, but I am a faithful reader, and I genuinely appreciate your commitment to this blog. I laugh at the outrage your posts sometimes incite, and commend your for your perseverance. I listened to your podcast for a time, but, alas, there are so many other podcasts floating across the airwaves. Again, thank you for years and years of pleasant reading. I would miss this if it disappeared tomorrow.

  23. Hi Ken,
    I have been reading your blog for 8 years I believe. I love your politics, and your sense of humor. I'm from Saltspring island and work in Vancouver Canada. I wouldn't change a thing about your blog as I find it interesting when you comment or share stories. I never miss a day.

  24. Michael, age 65. I live north of Seattle in Tom Robbins country. Mostly retired from other things, I love this thing of ours, telling stories, interesting characters. Maybe before I die I can give up my amateur status. I've known you as more than a credit on some great shows and how to pronounce your name since the early '90s when you were announcing the Mariners. Been a loyal reader since the beginning.

  25. Hi Ken,
    I have been reading your blog for at least 8 years. I love your perspective on life, movies, politics, and whatever you choose to write. I never miss a post and look forward to seeing your blog every day. I live on Saltspring Island and work in Vancouver BC. thank you for being you.

  26. Retired sitcom editor living in Summerlin, Las Vegas. I'm sad with the current state of affairs in TV in general abd have moved to watching British Dramas for entertainment.

  27. Can’t wait for your 6 am post many mornings. Some days, it doesn’t get here to San Diego fast enough. Death, Taxes, Ken Levine’s morning blog post.

    Your blog is the only one to which I subscribe, given yours is the only one I know that focuses on my Big 3 Interests. Where else can a guy find constant topical gold on baseball, movies and TV? Plus you’ve so honed the ability to communicate via written word that every post is a fun read.

    We have the exact same political and social opinions. I don’t recall disagreeing with you in anything, ever (except your admiration for a local sports figure or two, each of whom is not a good person). I never intentionally seek that but it does make reading this more fun.

    Not as much of a fan of your playwright posts, and would lobby for you to substitute baseball thoughts for each one of those, but I get the impression that those efforts are one of your most closely held passions.

    It is hard to believe you still do this every day and am very glad that you do.

  28. I'm Mike Barer, from Maple Valley in the greater Seattle area. I'm 64 and have enjoyed reading this blog for over a decade and a half. I have enjoyed the podcast even longer.
    First heard of Ken when he was on the Seattle Mariner broadcast.
    I'm also a podcast listener, as I have a long commute to work.
    I most enjoy sports talk, and trips down memory lane. I also like talk about old TV comedies. I least enjoy Friday questions, although some of my questions have been included.

  29. David here. Not sure how I found your blog but it has been daily reading for years. I am a retired gaffer from the Atlanta area who has moved to the mountains of North Georgia. Having been in a different part of the film industry than you, I find your perspective to be fascinating and illuminating as to how other parts of the industry solve their parts of the puzzle that we all collaborate on.

    My father was a lifelong baseball fan who passed that on to me, so I also find the baseball stories interesting. I don’t listen to your podcast, but then again I don’t listen to any podcasts so you are in good company on that.

    Oh, and I spent a couple of years writing for a show that I was a long time staffer. No credit, but developed a profound appreciation for you who make a living primarily as a writers!

  30. Hi Ken,

    I've been reading your blog around 8 - 9 years. I'm just at the tail end of the baby boom. I first started when Andy Ihnatko linked your response to a Friday Question he'd asked, and then got sucked in. I spent about a week - 10 days going through your entire backlog at that point, and have been a daily reader since then. I look forward to 9 AM ET when the day's post publishes (Aside -- when do you actually write them?) I love the Friday Questions and am thankful that you've answered a couple of mine.

  31. Hello Ken,

    Been reading for years now (almost 10 I think) I'm a Gen X-er, Jersey guy. Love the comedy stories, TV & movie reviews and when you dump on celebrities/awards shows. Also baseball talk. Don't agree with your politics but that's OK, nobody agrees with me ever. Variety- it's the spice of life. Sorry, don't listen to the pod- my pod list is like my Netflix queue, it's overflowing. Keep up the good work, i don't know how you do this everyday. -LL

  32. I'm just checking in after a couple of years away. I'm glad you are still working hard.

  33. Who: -3-, retired artist/animator/creator of video games, comics, and insanities.
    Where (Past): From all over, mostly Asia, Deep South USA, and down your way - SoCal.
    Where (Now): Physically off in my hermit cave in the Pacific NW. Mentally in the deranged world of The Third Colony where i build and play.
    Age: Trudging through my seventh decade.
    How Long Reading: A few years now, visiting daily and sometimes doing archive deep dives.
    How Found: Mark Evanier
    Podcast: No - i don't belive they're subtitled for the hearing impaired, are they?
    Topics: Not into sports, but don't mind the anecdotes. Just don't relate to them the way i do most of your other topics. (Like i know that Vin Scully is the pinnacle of his profession, but only from what you and Mark say about him. Never experienced him first hand.) Also - Sanity based politics are not unwelcome.
    Suggestions: Don't Stop.

  34. Who are you?
    Craig Gustafson

    Where you from?
    Lombard, Illinois

    How old are you (or at least what “Gen”)?
    Somewhere being dirt and Get Off My Lawn.

    How long have you been reading?
    Since I was three or four. Ah; you mean the blog. According to a Google search I just did, my first blog response was in December of 2015.

    How did you find the blog?
    I made a left turn at Albuquerque.

    Do you also listen to my podcast?
    Yes, but not as consistently as I would like.

    What topics do you like or dislike? (Yes, I know some of you don’t like when my politics seep through, but that’s not going to change.)
    I'm not a big sports guy.

    Any suggestions or general comments?
    Keep up the good work.

  35. Mark, Cleveland Ohio, 38 years old. Have been reading since I heard you on Gilbert’s podcast a few years ago. Friday questions are the highlight of my week.

  36. Age 75. Born in and still live in Toronto. Discovered blog in 2014 when Googling an NBC live musical and found your review. I like the variety in the topics you write about and listen to the podcast while walking. Friday answers are a favourite. For the past five years I have been gobsmacked by the sheer volume of uninformed and stupid people who walk among us. Your blog and most of your commenters are a relief. However, we are outnumbered and the future is hopeless and we are doomed.

  37. Who are you? Glenn – lover of all things sitcom

    Where you from? Boston, MA

    How old are you (or at least what “Gen”)? 45

    How long have you been reading? Since 2010

    How did you find the blog? I had googled something about MASH and stumbled onto it

    Do you also listen to my podcast? yes

    What topics do you like or dislike? Enjoy behind the scenes stories of episodes you and Dave Isaacs worked on

    Any suggestions or general comments? Ever think about resurrecting the sitcom seminar?

  38. Bruce, your generation, jingle writer-producer-singer (know you thru JMW), enjoy the radio and TV stuff immensely, skip over the baseball stuff, listen to podcasts occasionally, simpatico with your politics (keep it coming). As a fellow entertainment union member/pensioner I'm drawn to your WGA and DGA-related stories and take comfort in knowing that SAG-AFTRA/AFM members aren't the only mistreated union lifers out there.

  39. Kevin FitzMaurice10/05/2021 9:09 AM

    In Lexington, Kentucky. 57. Former local magazine writer and onetime contributing local newspaper op-ed columnist. Started reading blog about five or six years ago. Especially enjoy stories regarding "M*A*S*H," "Cheers,", "Frasier," and AM radio in the sixties and seventies. Listen to some podcasts and read the blog every day. Like it all.

    P.S. Alan Kalter, who succeeded Bill Wendell as Letterman's announcer in 1995 and remained with the show until it ended in 2015, died Monday at 78.

  40. Post under my real name, easy to look up if anybody's interested. Technonerd who loves all performing arts and this blog. Not a fan of podcasts. We have a mutual friend who works for the Jeopardy show. Please keep it up, islands of sanity in today's ocean of crap are few and far between.

  41. Craig from Florida. I'll be 63 this month. I've been reading sporadically for years but regularly for the last year. I found you through a recommendation from Mark Evanier's blog.
    I don't listen to your podcast yet. Like - Showbiz stories & humorous tales. Dislike - boring tales. Keep up the good work!

  42. I'm Johnny M. from LA, CA, in my 40s. Reading since 2005/06 or so. I don't remember exactly how I found the blog, but back in 2005 I was working at a cable network as a development assistant and was desperately bored all the time and somehow Googled something and you came up.

    I listen to your podcast occasionally. For your podcast, I like it when you have a guest.

    For your blog, I like your reviews on new shows and movies.

    One question I always think of when you're telling your stories is what kind of impact it had on your marriage and/or family life to work so many long hours and spend so much time out of town with baseball. I worked in the entertainment industry for years and when I had a child I decided to pivot my career to spend more time at home. I guess I never hear about your family life, which I find interesting because one of your signature projects, "Almost Perfect," is about balancing a job and a relationship. Of course, writing about your family puts them out in public and I can see how you wouldn't want to do that, but if you're asking for comments that show what's on your readers' minds, this is what's on my mind.

  43. Really, it's OK to shut down this blog if you're out of ideas.

  44. George Powell10/05/2021 10:08 AM

    I've only posted a couple of times, but what they hey? I am 57, male, from Maryland. I learned of your blog from a MASH subreddit. It took me months, but I've read every post. I just love it and thank you, Mr. L., for continuing it.
    I am going to say ask one thing: I like to be entertained and your posts are very informative. I appreciate the insider knowledge you furnish, free of charge, to people like myself. I hope that I'm not, therefore touching a nerve when I request that you at least on occasion revive your parody reviews of the various industry events. They were a scream, and I can't believe anybody would stay offended, although I do "get" it. Regardless, thanks again, here's to many more years.

  45. Matt Brandon from Delta, British Columbia (a suburb of Vancouver). Long time lurker, first time commenter.

    Enjoy the blog very much.

  46. Caleb, millennial/genX cusp reality TV producer turned composer and music producer. I've been enjoying your insights and humor here for at least 10 years!

  47. I'm a 51 year old contracts negotiator in Columbus, Ohio. I've been reading for at least seven years, I think. I found you via Google when I wanted to know more details about the Newhart finale. Right away I became a regular. I enjoyed your writing style and insights. Three of my four favorite comedies are M*A*S*H, Cheers, and Frasier. So I was thrilled to discover so much information about them.

    I only started listening to your podcasts the past year or so, but I enjoy them. Your voice is perfect for the medium. I just don't always have an interest in the topics, so I skip around.

    I love background info on favorite shows. I really enjoy your movie and TV show reviews, and I wish you did more of them. I love Friday questions, and think it's great that you engage with your readers. It's a genuine thrill when you answer one of my own questions. "Wow, I'm getting an answer from the guy who wrote 'Goodbye, Radar'!" I enjoy when you invite guests to answer the questions as well. I couldn't believe it when you had Andy Ackerman answer one of my questions. Seinfeld is my other favorite comedy. That's as close to interacting with royalty as I'll ever come in my life. Thank you for all you do, and please keep it up.

  48. 59 years old, live in the Real Upstate NY - not that Westchester crap. Reading for many years, probably since about the time of the Time article, although that’s not what got me here. Lifelong Mets & sitcom fan, so if you have any Bob Murphy stories... Often intrigued by the podcast but have a hard enough time getting to the ones that are already on my list. I enjoy the vast majority of your posts and have gotten rather fond of Natalie Wood photos.

  49. Hi there!

    Doug from Edmonton, Canada. Old Gen Xer. (56) Long time (7+ years) lurker. Podcasts are fun and your books are interesting.

  50. Gary, 65 years old and a LONG suffering sports fan from Buffalo, NY. It's been so many years I can't remember how I stumbled onto your blog, but it was probably through Mark Evanier's page. You've answered several of my questions through the years, and it's still a thrill when you do. You can easily recognize any comments I post as I usually reference THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW, THE HONEYMOONERS. THE ODD COUPLE or THE FUGITIVE if at all possible!

  51. Hello! Orioles fan and former entertainment technical crew member here. I've enjoyed reading your blog for years.

  52. Hello!
    I'm a gen Xer, live in LA and have been reading for a long, long time. I hardly ever comment. I listen to the podcast when the guest seems interesting. I enjoy most of your posts but tend to just skim most of the sports related ones. I really enjoy the in the trenches view of the tv and film business.

  53. Brian from northern California, been reading for more than 10 years and commenting very occasionally. I may have found you through Earl Pomerantz or Mark Evanier. I'm not going to be very helpful because I love it all, but especially Friday Questions and personal TV reminisces. I like old radio stories, and baseball stories that aren't actually about baseball. Always on board for more Natalie Wood. I'd say the "blog feature" I use least are your podcasts; I often don't have time to click and listen when I check your blog, and don't think of it later when I do have the time. But the episodes I do catch are great, your professional radio chops are a big plus that elevates your podcasts above the rest. Thanks for doing the blog, it's a day brightener.

  54. Rick Wiedmayer10/05/2021 11:10 AM

    Rick from Summerville, SC. 71 years old and have been reading for 10 plus years. Was referred to your blog by Mark Evanier's blog. Love basically everything. I don't do podcasts however.
    Also, thank you for answering a couple of my Friday Questions in the past several years.

  55. White Alaskan Male born 1958 reading since 2016 and really like the podcasts.

    No "dislikes" - would LOVE if you could somehow do some remote interviews of old, odd, "famous" DJ's before they die.

    Gary Burbank for one.

    Interviews of other TV heavy-hitters - always like those.

    Would also like to see more film/series reviews - you are doing very well with those.

  56. 35, german TV writer, been reading your blog for a couple of years and love your insights. You even answered a couple of questions I had. Your craft segments and showrunner rules have impacted my writing and how I treat people in the industry a lot. I love that you are funny and smart, but even more, that you have a really good heart. In my experience something the industry lacks way too often. Thank you!

  57. San Jose, CA. Born the year Disneyland opened -- the Three Stooges were still making new theatrical shorts and comic books sold in the millions.

    Fairly long-term reader via Mark Evanier. Retiree, wrote newspaper advertising copy and marketing material for 30+ years. Always enjoy reading -- even the baseball stories, despite never having sat through a game since high school. Wrote a self-published vanity project eBook and therefore count myself a member of the literary fraternity.

  58. I'm Joseph Scarbrough.

    I'm from Knoxville, TN, a town that's a popular hotspot for film crews and indie studios to come and shoot movies, and yet, we still can't get the big wigs to recognize this and lure more mainstream production work into the area.

    I'm 32, but I absolutely hate that I'm lumped into the Millennial generation, because for one thing, I don't fit the stereotype or stigma that Millennials are generalized as as broke college students who are easily offended and triggered over everything because of how spoiled and entitled they are, and for another, the term "Millennial" sounds inaccurate . . . when I hear that term, I feel it better applies to people like my niece and nephew who were born in and grew up in the 2000s, as opposed to somebody like me who was born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s.

    I think I've been reading for over ten years, although there was that period of time where I dropped the blog for a few years because I and other commenters didn't get along very well because of how opinionated I can be.

    I found the blog because I'm a really big M*A*S*Her, and there were certain posts about the production of M*A*S*H, and other insight into episodes you and David Isaacs had written that would be shared around the M*A*S*H circuits on the internet (mostly message forums and such).

    Topics I like, again, are your insight into the world of television from a behind-the-scenes perspective, as we don't often hear about what goes on behind the camera's lens from those who are actually behind the camera, and how much the process has evolved (for the worse) over the decades. Topics I dislike are baseball, but that's only because I'm not really a big sports fan (ironic thing to say, considering I come from the sports-obsessed south).

    That's pretty much all I have to say.

  59. Hi Ken,
    I have been reading your blog for 8 years I believe. I love your politics, and your sense of humor. I'm from Saltspring island and work in Vancouver Canada. I wouldn't change a thing about your blog as I find it interesting when you comment or share stories. I never miss a day.

  60. Jeremiah Avery10/05/2021 11:53 AM

    Hello, Ken. I recently turned 41 and live in Virginia, outside D.C. I've been reading around 2007 or so via some links that Mark Evanier would share on his NewsFromMe site.
    I've enjoyed your stories of behind the scenes of various shows ("Frasier" is one of my favorites that I've come to appreciate even more now that I'm older and "get" some of the references they made that I missed when I was a teen watching it) and about the inner workings of what makes a show work (and also what's hindered shows). Really speaks to the history buff in me to learn about that stuff; as well as my own inquisitive nature when it comes to learning what goes into various productions.
    I miss the snarky awards show posts, those made me laugh, but I understand why you've stopped.
    I haven't listened to every episode of your podcast, but it has been a great source of enjoyment during the day. Your stories of the halcyon days of radio have been a delight. A friend of mine laughed when I sent him the link to the one about how the Hell's Angels kept coming by to request the same song whenever they were in town.
    Can't go wrong with the Natalie Wood photos. Friday Questions is a fun way to wind down the work week. Thank you for this blog and I look forward to reading what you post next. Take care.

  61. Andrew from NYC, creator of an online comic strip called MEMO. Originally from a small paper mill town in WI. I'm 57 and my day job is as a corporate event planner. I don't listen to the podcast; not sure how long I've been reading but at least three or four years, was referred by a friend when I asked on the FB if there are any good entertainment blogs out there. LOVE your politics and love your insight. I read because you often talk about construction of story and of jokes and that appeals to me and does actually help me in the comic strip. Although I disagree with your assessment of Hacks ( we thought it was the worst thing we'd ever watched although Jean Smart was fabulous) and I actually am loving Only Murder in the Building (the most recent 'silent' episode was, I thought amazing).... I do quite often find myself nodding in agreement about your tv/movie/etc likes dislikes. Definitely love it when you define industry terms and clarify process in how a project gets put together. That, to me, is fascinating. You are one of two blogs that I have bookmarked.

  62. I'm Dave Creek, from Louisville, KY, and I'm 67. I've been reading the blog since I discovered it through the writer Jane Espenson's blog, which means I've been reading it quite a while, since her blog is long defunct.

    I listen to the podcast occasionally when it's a topic I'm interested in, mostly TV-related ones. I usually don't have the patience to sit through a podcast. I don't listen to audiobooks for the same reason.

    I'm into the TV-oriented topics the most, especially anything concerning writing. I'm a science fiction writer who has published fourteen books and around forty short stories, and I love reading about the craft of any kind of writing. In my younger years I would've wanted to try to make my way to L.A. to break into TV writing, but I was too timid to make the move, and had grandparents to care for, as well.

    I'm fine with your politics, and don't mind you expressing them at all.

    I'm not a sports fan, so I usually ignore the sports-oriented posts. All the same, you should come here to Louisville sometime to see the Louisville Bats play at Slugger Field. It was designed to resemble an old-time ballpark and I bet you'd appreciate it. And they have a great pork sandwich,


  63. I'm a baby boomer, born in the year usually identified as the last year of the baby boom. I've been reading your blog for many years now, probably discovered you through Mark Evanier's blog -- yours and his are the only blogs I read daily, usually at lunch, because there's always new content and they're entertaining.

    I've lived in L.A. since 1980 when I came here for college and am a New York City transplant. I often make a mental note to listen to one of your podcasts due to the topic or guest, but never do because I rarely have time to listen to podcasts regardless.

    I enjoy pretty much anything you write about, as a child of entertainment/media, a news junky, a progressive liberal, and lapsed baseball fan. The only items I don't enjoy--though I find it fascinating--is the frequent "get off my lawn" nostalgia for the "good old days" of TV. Being as old as I am, I fondly enjoyed, appreciated and consumed back in the day a lot of classic TV like Leave it to Beaver, the Dick Van Dyke Show, Barney Miller, MASH, Cheers, Frasier, Seinfeld, etc. But I also don't often feel the need to re-visit these shows and even sometimes find them dated or too of their era. Times and tastes change, and given the number of platforms and channels available out there, there are plenty of choices out for everyone (including the old shows). I definitely have my own tastes and preferences but there's nevertheless lots of great content (and talent) being produced today. There was plenty of crap back in the "good ol' days" too.

  64. Hi Ken, I'm from London, England. 48. Been reading for about 6 months, and listening to the podcast for a similar amount of time. Your blog and cast was mentioned on a Cheers podcast I listen to, and I love to read about the making of that fantastic series. Cool with the politics, but then I'm rather removed from the situation in the US. Enjoy the variety in your blog and the window into US tv both past and present.

  65. Hello Ken,

    I'm Mike, 38, from Oklahoma. I have no suggestions for your blog or podcast; I enjoy the heck out of both. Been a big fan of your work and the series you worked on for a long time. I still consider Cheers my favorite show, with Frasier a close second.

    Sitcoms had a big influence on me growing up, and I'm sad to see the slump they're currently in. Here's hoping for a turnaround soon.

    By the way, in my spare time, I like to make caricatures of old character actors, among a variety of other art projects; Louie De Palma being one of the most recent. Just scroll down my Instagram (link in my name) to see a few.

    Cheers! and keep up the great work.


  66. Tom Asher, 43, born and raised in Philadelphia, now residing in the South Jersey suburbs. Big "M*A*S*H" fan, "Barney Miller", "WKRP"... KHJ / WABC / classic Philly radio fan... NASCAR, Philly sports, Arsenal, cigars.

    Love the fact that you've been so heavily involved in three of my favorite things, radio / sitcoms / baseball. I think I found the site about eight years ago or so, I think I was looking up "M*A*S*H" stuff and found you.

    I enjoy the podcast, I've read a couple books, I've read a couple plays... and I appreciate the content!

  67. Hi Ken, I'm around 60 years old. I think I have been following your blog at least ten years. I also listen to the podcast. On the blog I like posts with "insider stories", baseball and of course Friday questions. On the podcasts I enjoy your guests as well as your solo shows. I'm a fan of Jeopardy too. Please keep recommendations for TV shows, movies, and books coming.

  68. I'm in Southern Calif, in the Inland Empire.

    I don't remember when I started reading, but I'd say maybe 2009 or 10.

    I'm usually interested in the history and background of things I like, so I read credits on movies and tv shows, and I notice names that come up often on shows I like. I came here from a google search while I was looking for info on Ed Weinberger, who's rarely discussed, and got here because of a post about his writing/producing partner Stan Daniels. I don't recall which post, but I believe it was where you told an anecdote about how if Stan read one of your scripts on Friday, he'd call you on Friday to tell you he liked it, and not make you sweat the weekend about it.

    What I like, both about this blog and the podcast (I subscribe) is that it's different every day. Sometimes it's about writing. Sometimes about TV. Sometimes about plays. Sometimes about baseball. Sometimes about rock-n-roll radio. Sometimes about culture in the 60s and 70s. I skip the political stuff but I'm pleased that there's not much of it with Trump gone (I'm not a Trump guy, I'm a "pox on all of them" guy). To me, the fact that there's something different every day, or week on the podcast, is a big plus. If I don't care about something, I'll skip it and know I can try again tomorrow. I get tired of the same thing all the time.

    My favorites: I like reading about people whose names I see in credits and don't know anything about. On the podcast, I feel the same about the interviews. I'm not interested in an interview with Kevin Smith, who's interviewed elsewhere. I would love to read or hear an interview with someone like Charlotte Brown, who worked on Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart and produced Rhoda.

    I like stories and info about the failures as well as the hits. I find stories and background on Big Wave Daves as interesting or more than I do about M*A*S*H, if only because MASH is far, far better documented. I'd love to hear or read more about the making of MARY, particularly working with John Astin.

    On the podcast, I wish you'd consider doing more audio commentaries to episodes on YouTube. Again, I'd rather hear a commentary for an episode of Big Wave Daves or Almost Perfect or The Tony Randall Show (I watched it--both first run and again when TVLand re-ran it in the 90s), but a commentary for a MASH or CHEERS would be fine.

  69. Who are you?
    Graphic designer - storyboards and comic books

    Where you from?

    How old are you (or at least what “Gen”)?

    How long have you been reading?
    Since about 2006

    How did you find the blog?
    Mark Evanier's blog, newsfromme

    Do you also listen to my podcast?
    I dislike all podcasts. Cannot listen to them.

    What topics do you like or dislike?
    Anything about your podcast (and baseball)

    What features do you like?
    TV history

  70. Hi Ken - I actually was a couple years behind you at Taft High ;) I retired last year and have been enjoying your blog.

    I appreciate your reflection on past shows and also your insight on new shows.

  71. Hi Ken,
    My name is Linda and I am a 57 year old former graphic designer (retired seven years ago) living in Central Florida. I am also a published author and host of a nostalgia podcast.

    First of all, thank you for all the work you have put into your blog on a daily basis. I absolutely LOVE all the back stories about those classic tv shows you have worked on - especially Cheers, Wings and Frasier. Keep ‘em coming!

    My favorite: Friday Questions. You receive a lot of great questions and you are always generous and insightful with your answers. I also like reading your take on current programs and your reviews of award shows.

    The ones I tend to skip over: Anything sports or radio related.

    Again, I appreciate all you do and look forward to surfing onto your page each day to see what treasure awaits.

  72. FRIDAY QUESTION (which I forgot to add to my previous)

    When a scene involves characters seated out in a studio audience (i,e, Woody and Norm sitting in the Jeopardy audience on Cheers), are the people sitting immediately around the actors usually just regular audience members or are they paid extras?

  73. thomas tucker10/05/2021 1:43 PM

    Thomas Tucker, Oncologist, originally from Texas, but now in the PNW. I've been reading for well over 11 years, can't remember when I started exactly. And I can't believe you're still writing it although I am very grateful that you are because it's fascinating and often laugh-out-loud funny. What I especially love is hearing about the nuts and bolts of how "the business" is done, and reminiscences about TV and California in the 60's and 70's. Speaking of that- when I was a teenager, I loved TV talk shows, and especially loved the Merv Griffin Show. I even got to attend a taping one summer. Friday question- did everyone in the business know that Merv was actually gay, or was it a big secret? How are secrets like that kept in Hollywood these days?

  74. 65, husband, father, Jew with not particularly Jewish surname, periodicals editor for decades, occasional harpsichordist (Roland C-80-AK), occasional convertible driver (Saab 9-3), and By Ken Levine reader and commenter for at least 15 years. Still working full-time but the salary is secondary; doing my job remotely (for the last 6 years) has made it possible for me to keep going with work that keeps me interested. Not much time for TV, and nothing much to see on broadcast in any case - we watched The Good Place and Brooklyn 9-9 when they were in season, but only via streaming. Waiting, still, for a streamer to pick up Homicide: Life on the Street which was our last real "appointment TV" back in the '90s.

    No interest in sports.

  75. I am a boomer, aged 61 years. I am a Canadian, born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I live in Phoenix, AZ., with my wife of 23 years. I have been reading this blog quite a while, since I saw a recommendation on Mark Evanier's blog. I have listened to the podcast a few times.I like most of the posts, but don't care for the sporting ones. I have no problem with the political posts. I really enjoy your blog, and turn to it every day. Do I win anything for typing "posts" the fewest times ?

    1. A baby boomer with a 23 year-old
      Wife; you dog!

  76. Age 67, been with you since the first year. I'm not a podcast kinda guy but still enjoy reading your new posts.
    Rant away, I often agree and respect your right to be wrong when I don't.

  77. Joey, college professor, former broadcaster.

    Grew up on Johnny Rabbitt and Mort Crowley on KXOK and Larry Lujack on WLS. Also influenced by Jack Buck, Bob Hardy, and Jack Carney on KMOX (so you get a pretty good idea of my age and where I am).

    I've been reading a long time. Also have a couple of your books. I don't listen to every podcast but I do when the subject is of interest. Came here first from Evanier's blog.

    I like the variety but probably enjoy stories about pitch meetings/show running most.

    Thanks so much for doing this.

    Hope this is not a duplicate. It didn't go through the first time.

  78. I'm widowed and living alone at age 55. Native to upstate New York, where I live at this time.
    Can't remember how I found this blog but I've been reading it for well over a decade. Most posts are interesting to me. I listen to some of the podcasts.

  79. Hi. I'm 63, retired at the end of March of this year after 20 years with the County of Los Angeles as a child support enforcement attorney. I saw quite a few sports and show business people come through our doors. It was a second career after spending 22 years as a retail internal investigator, catching the executives, employees and other security people who stole from the company. Am presently beating back melanoma, which I was diagnosed with a month before I retired. No cancer at the moment.

    Married, no kids, probably have been reading this blog at least 10-12 years. I read it most every day. I either found out about it on Evanier's blog or vice versa. I am a big fan of laughing. I started out watching Super 8 shorts of W.C. Fields, Abbott and Costello, Harold Lloyd, etc., in a friend's garage on summer weekends when I was a kid in Chicago around '69-70. They sold popcorn and soda and charged a quarter. Today another friend who also watched those movies is a big shot in Video and Animation, having won awards with his wife for animating a-ha's Take On Me video. His brother is still one of my best friends, going on 53 years now. I tried stand up around age 25 but always had to be inebriated to do it so it didn't last. Absolutely love the Marx brothers. I was lucky enough to meet Harpo's son Bill Marx out in the desert a couple of times. He's an accomplished composer and pianist and just as wacky as his adoptive Dad.

    I'm also a Cubs season ticket holder even though I live here in the L.A. area. Was there for the World Series. Of course now that we have more free time to go back and attend games, they've reverted back to being crap.

  80. Dan Moniz from Worcester Mass. I'm 38, reading this blog for about a year now. Not sure how I found the blog honestly... maybe because I was on a Facebook page for Cheers fans. I have tuned into the podcast a few times for older stuff that struck me as interesting. I enjoy the behind-the-scenes stuff for your shows, topics on movies, and t.v. are my favorite as I'm not a fan of plays (not my cup of tea in general, not just yours)
    I own two of your books (noticed a date error in one when you travel to NYCity and at ground zero, yet 9/11 didn't happen yet due to a typo)

  81. Mike, location withheld. I'm 51, and I work in one your favorite industries -- baseball analytics!

  82. @Kent - I hear that SNL is hiring new writers. You should apply.

  83. Hi. Child of the 80s and 90s here (and some 50s, 60s and 70s in reruns). North Jersey born and bred. I'm the one who recommended your blog to the commenter @slgc. She tells me when you've answered one of my Friday questions (in case I'm behind in reading, which has happened a couple times for hundreds of blog posts at a time). I like when you answer my Friday questions. You've done a few of them over the years. I also like when you answer other people's questions. We get to hear good stories and insights from them. You have a broad stroke in your professional experiences. How many other people have worked as a radio DJ, a sitcom writer, written a few motion pictures, was a baseball broadcaster, created and directed more sitcoms, and then wrote plays? What else am I missing? That gives you a lot to say and makes your blog more interesting. Also, you're funny. You write funny.

    I think I found your blog when you were interviewed or commented or mentioned for something related to your Dodgers talk show several years ago and it showed up in the sports media blogs I was following at the time. I saw your brief bio and thought there's a lot here that's interesting and funny and decided to check it out. And now I see you on CNN's documentaries commenting on television. You've come a long way since then. I can't think of anything in particular that I don't like, but not everything you write interests me. That's okay. The travelogues are good because they're just your raw humor in telling a story that doesn't need to have dialogue and can also leave something to the imagination. Some of your fake "scripts" (or your Dick Van Dyke Show script) fit into that as well.

    I don't listen to your podcast because I don't have time, but I do have a bunch of episodes queued up. Podcasts aren't my thing but I'm sure some of your episodes are good. I'll get there some day.

  84. Tim Fox, Syracuse, NY. I was at Big Mac when the fire started beyond the outfield fence. Have been reading the book for much of the time since you started it. Love it all.

  85. Woman - 55 years old.

    Live in Baltimore. Like Orioles (I can't believe Angelos still owns the team) and Ravens.

    Current shows I like - The Hustler; Peoples Court (I used to work in law - she actually sticks to the law and explains it).

    Old shows I like - Coach, Beaver, Andy Griffith, MASH. I watch more old shows than new for sure.

    I like when this blog gives behind the scenes stuff. How things are filmed, etc.

  86. 60 year old male, retired in the great PNW. I have been reading your blog since you wrote the obituary of Dave Niehaus, after one of the local sports yakkers mentioned it on air. I remember your Mariners broadcasts in the early 90s. I don't listen to the podcasts, but I read your blog daily. I especially like the radio stuff (I was a local radio DJ for a few years in the early 80's) and the behind the scene TV stuff.


  87. I’m “Fred” from Chicagoland, a Baby Broomer — we swept up after the Boomers—  who started reading your blog 9 years ago, having arrived here Via Stu's Show.
    I’ve enjoyed — and listened to —every pod episode, many more than once.
    I especially like your blog’s personal show biz and baseball opinions and recollections, but you excel and entertain on any topic. I very much appreciate your unconstrained take on political issues in a time when our democracy has seldom been so threatened.
    Favored blog features include the Friday questions and the moderated comments section, where amusing and interesting readers’ stories slip in between the nitpicking.
    Suggestions? If there is not one already, would a daily cut-off time for the comments section be of use ?
    Thanks for everything

  88. 54 living in Los Angeles. I grew up on your shows and that era of television. I do listen to your podcast. You do quality work and I appreciate your perspective.

  89. 66 in Portland, Ore. Life-long baseball and comedy fan. Listen to the podcasts when the topic sounds interesting, and have always enjoyed those. Reader of the blog since the early days.

  90. I'm very early Gen X, from south central Michigan. I'm a big fan of the radio stories, and Friday Questions are a highlight of my week. Been reading for many years; I'm not sure when I started, but it's over a decade now. As with so many others, it was Mark Evanier's site that first got me over here.

  91. Steve in Toronto10/05/2021 7:25 PM

    I'm 62-year-old TV writer in Toronto. When I was in film school in the early 90s I watched every episode of Cheers several times and took tons of notes - it was a splendid master class in sitcom writing.

    I start every day with your blog, and try to listen to as many of your podcasts as I can.

    I've been following your blog for at least ten years, after it was recommended to me by another writer. Love all your posts.

  92. I’m a 59 year old lover of all the shows you and David have been a part of. We disagree on politics but I respect your POV and consider you an Uber Mensch.

  93. I’m a cis gay male born on the cusp of Baby Boomer and Gen X. I identify as a Gen Xer. I live in San Francisco and I’m a vegetarian. I’ve been reading your blog for ten years and listening to your podcast for five. I read and listen because I am smart enough to realize that movie actors and directors would just be sitting on set twiddling their thumbs if there were no writers. I also listen to Jeff Goldsmith’s Q&A podcast to hear the stories about how writers work. It really helps me to appreciate TV and Film more. Your baseball stories are not my favorite, but I appreciate them. Your radio DJ stories and interviews are fun podcasts. I listen to your podcast at 2x speed and cannot say “Adam and Susie Meister-Butler” as fast as you can. I solemnly swear I am not a robot.

  94. Who are you? A location manager for film/TV/commercials - 33 years

    Where you from? Have lived in Texas for 32 years, but spending more time with my 90 year-old father in TN. Have lived in Miami, New Orleans, Nashville, and Los Angeles.

    How old are you (or at least what “Gen”)? 59.5, Late Boomer

    How long have you been reading? 8 months?

    How did you find the blog? I have no idea.

    Do you also listen to my podcast? No

    What topics do you like or dislike? Anything but "football-ball."

    Any suggestions or general comments? Love the behind-the-scenes stuff. As I've been there. And one actor has no idea that I saved his ass in a major way about 25 years ago.

  95. Sixty-five. Been in Kansas now 12 years. Started reading your blog at least five years. I don’t think I’ve ever listened to a podcast. Enjoy the politics so don’t back down on that.

  96. As the sign says I'm Anthony. I now live in Ocala in North Florida but I grew up in South Florida -- Fort Lauderdale. I teach philosophy at a local college but I am a retired librarian. I am 67, no, that's not right, I am 66. my wife was 11 months older than I am. so I would turn my age in August and then switch to her age in September. she died three years ago but I can't seem to stop adjusting my age. I have been reading the blog for years from sometime when Mark Evanier recommended it, but I remember when Time Magazine recommended your blog and meant to start reading it then. I've been a fan since M*A*S*H. For some reason. podcasts don't catch me. when it's somebody or some subject I want to hear about I listen but I just don't listen to podcasts; I tried. I enjoy your writing more than anything else so any topic you pick is fine with me. On the other hand, if you just want to turn it into a photo page for Natalie Wood you can do that, too.

  97. Dmitri Kissov10/05/2021 9:37 PM

    Found you through Evanier's blog. Check in occasionally, don't listen to the podcast. Always get a chuckle out of the thin veneer of limousine (or is it Learjet?) liberalism easily cracked whenever actual minorities get a sliver of attention or prominence. Then it is the usual cant of wokeness this, PC that, and back in the day it was all about talent! Talent dammit! from author and commenters alike.

    But, don't go changin' to try and please me. Not that you were going to, anyway.

  98. Hi, Ken.

    -Cee, Toronto, turning 40 in a couple of months, work at a desk. Fun stuff.
    -Long-time lurker: I can't remember exactly when, but it was before 2008.
    -Honestly can't remember either.
    -Sorry, I haven't listened to your podcast. It's not you, I don't listen to anyone's podcast.
    -I enjoy reading your insights on the shows you've worked on (how ideas came to be and the cast and crew you worked with) and reviews on shows/films. I'm not a baseball fan, but I still enjoy reading those posts.
    -Thanks so much for continuing to blog. It's just a truly enjoyable read all around. "Enjoy" is the key word in this comment.

  99. Evening Ken!
    Jennifer in Denver, part of Gen X (I have vague memories of the 70s, but more an 80s kid).
    I can't remember when I started reading the blog (2014-2015 ish).
    I do not listen to the podcast. Mostly because I listen to podcasts of breakfast/drive time shows in Australia (you should check out the book "No One Listens to your Dad's Show" by Christian O'Connell, about relocating from London to Melbourne radio, I'd be interested to see if you have opinions on the difference between radio in the US vs other markets...also best book I read this year) and radio out of the UK and I can barely keep on top of those podcasts to add another.
    As someone who grew up on MASH, Cheers, and Frasier I always enjoy the tales from behind the curtain so to speak. Don't mind the political rants, or lamenting the state of the modern comedy (as much as I adore Ted Lasso, it feels a bit more of a dramedy than comedy, for that the last one that consistently made me laugh was The Middle.) The only thing I skim is baseball talk. I'm more a fair weather sports fan (and then it's Olympics, Stanley Cup, and Wimbledon).
    Any thoughts on the potential IATSE strike and how it may change what we watch?
    Just thank you for taking the time each day to write a little something!

  100. Kirk. I'm from Cleveland and now live in one of its many suburbs. I'm 59. I've been reading for about 13 years. My sister told me about this blog. I listen to the podcast every now and then. My favorite topics are anything about show biz. Finally, keep up the good work.

  101. Could I correct something?
    "have enjoyed reading this blog for over a decade and a half. I have enjoyed the podcast even longer..."
    I had been reading Ken's blog for years before his podcast came out. I didn't want to leave you with inaccurate information.

  102. I am human [although some earthlings dispute tat]. I am from my Mother's womb. I am considered a Baby Boomer....emphasis on the baby since I have IBS and kidney problems that make it risky for me to be any further away from a bathroom than 50 feet. I have been reading since before I was in grade school...which would make it somewhere when I was 4-ish. Oh? You meant the blog? Not sure, maybe at least 8, possibly 10 years now. I listen to the podcast when I can find time to sit on my ass for more than 30 minutes. Topics: Radio stories, I guess. The least? Baseball...although there are some tales I enjoy. Features I like? Almost everything. Dislike-The weekend repeats...although I understand why you do it. General comments: One of the few things on the internet I would miss if it disappeared

  103. Who are you?: Hogne
    Where you from?: Norway
    How old are you (or at least what “Gen”)?: 49
    How long have you been reading?: 3-4 years
    How did you find the blog?: I was googling something about Frasier, and immediately recognised your name from M*A*S*H when one of your blog postings came up. I'm one of those MASH fanatics who love the early seasons but think the show was pretty strong all the way through.
    Do you also listen to my podcast?: Occasionally
    What topics do you like or dislike?: I like it when you tell stories from your days in Hollywood. I also like it when you talk about the technicalities of writing and directing.
    What features do you like or dislike? Love the Friday questions.
    Any suggestions or general comments? I was wondering if you have ever gotten in to trouble for some of the stuff you write about people where you disclose the full name before telling how much and what about them you don't like.

  104. Phil Jackson10/06/2021 4:43 AM

    I'm Phil, sixty, an Aussie, and have been reading the blog since not long after it sprung into existence. Can't recall how I stumbled upon it. Caught my eye because of "Cheers". Always considered that show to be the ultimate in character-based humour (...which is how we spell humor here in the land of Oz), particularly in regard to Sam & Dianne's comical rocky road of romance. Everybody can relate to having felt drawn to somebody who was outright wrong for them. The hilarity of such frustrations had never been portrayed so effectively before & probably never will again. Genius scripts & impeccable performances.
    Why do I read the blog? Ummm...? Dunno. Given that I've zero interest in baseball, disc-jockey stuff, Hollywood, MASH, etc, I guess you're simply a genuinely entertaining writer. The blog is a pleasant & informative read that I look forward to regularly. However, I do not listen to the podcast due to it's inequitable blatant lack of random Natalie Wood photos.

  105. Chris Gumprich10/06/2021 5:34 AM

    Chris from Winnipeg, Gen-X but closer to 50 than I'd like to admit. Came to the blog via Mark Evanier's blog when he recommended the first episode of the podcast. Occasional emailer, comments even less often.

    I stay here for the behind-the-scenes look at the era of TV that I grew up watching, and still enjoy to this day. Have the entire run of BARNEY MILLER on DVD, but can't make it through the first season of FISH.

  106. Who are you?: Roger
    Where are you from?: upstate NY
    How old are you (or at least what “Gen”)?: slightly older than you
    How long have you been reading?: at least 8 years
    How did you find the blog?: It was actually a guest post you hosted from somebody involved with MASH or probably Frasier
    Do you also listen to my podcast?: Always
    What topics do you like or dislike?: I like baseball. I also like when you talk about the writing process.
    What features do you like or dislike? FQ I like.
    Any suggestions or general comments? I agree with you about 90% of the time. When I don't, it's usually you complaining about how "diversity" or the like has ruined comedy, et al.

  107. I guess I read the blog for a decade. I always find it interesting. I've listened to a few of your podcasts when I find the interviewee of interest. I particularly like listening to others interview you. You have a big brain with the capacity to remember names and stories. You're a terrific storyteller.

    I've been a professional magician for the last 33 years. Married for 41 years. Two children and 5 Grands. I'm one year older than Disneyland. 15 when we landed on the moon. I'm a long-distance hiker. I've hiked the 2650 mile Pacific Crest Trail from here in San Diego to Canada. I'm doing the Arizona Trail now in sections as I did the PCT.

    Dana Law
    San Diego

  108. I'm a Canadian who's been living abroad and back and abroad again. 53 y/o. My sister used to be a newspaper TV critic and she turned me onto your blog around 2008. I've since been checking in daily. I grew up with the classics in the 1970s and later spent my teens with Cheers and later Frasier, among many other great shows of the time. Your anecdotes are nostalgic, but also it's fun to read insider behind-the-scenes stuff. Friday Questions are my favorite, especially when they turn into individual non-Friday posts. I've listened to the podcast a couple times, but I really turn to the internet for reading material. Sometimes you have guests who I really want to listen to but never get around to it and just forget. Sorry!

    Anyway, this has blog has been a nice distraction from the news. And although I agree with your politics, I do appreciate it when it doesn't seep through, because this is the one place where I feel like I can "go back to simpler times." Thanks for everything :)

  109. Hi Mr. Levine! Eric Sofer here in Greater Cleveland. In my 60s. I've been reading you over a decade, led here from Mark Evanier's site. I rather like everything that you post, but I don't listen to podcasts; I'm not a podcast guy. All I can say is, keep up the good work!

  110. Hey Ken...I'm 53 and live in Pullman, WA (home of the Giant Palouse Earthworm) and I've been a fan since your days calling the Mariners with the great Dave Neihaus. I met you and your son while working for something called Fantasy Play by Play in the press box at the under rated Kingdome. I appreciate your insight on writing and comedy, you remain one of my favorite PxP announcers, your work with the Springfield Isotopes in Hall of Fame worthy.

  111. Tom from Sioux Falls, SD. 64 year old part time play by play guy. Been reading blog for more than a decade, listening to podcast from the beginning. Own 3 of your books (missing the baseball). Enjoy all your output. Please keep at it as long as you find it fun.

  112. My name is William, I am 45 years old and I live in Elsinore, Denmark (yes, the town from the play). I think I've been reading for about a decade through an RSS-feed and I enjoy getting a sneak-peak behind the curtain. I like reading about shows that made it to Denmark (MASH, Cheers, Fraisier) and that I saw when I was younger and I am disinterested in shows that never caught on here (I've never seen Almost Perfect). I love American popculture and have no idea why something as boring as baseball is so big over there and on your blog, so that is another topic I ignore.

    I do not listen to your podcast, but I am not a big podcast-listener (and the few I listen to are all based in Europe).

    To me this blog is the sneak peak behind the curtains. Finding out about all the machinations going into 20 minutes of entertainment, that I watched coming home from school. You do that better than any other blogger out there.

  113. Jeff Prescott....San Diego
    Yes, Ken, we went to different high schools together...but you were on our radio station at BIRMINGHAM.....! (We haven't run into each other for a long time)...
    For everyone else, I'm a 68 year old retired 40-year SD radio veteran..
    I like the radio stories and the Hollywood insights..and the cool people you know & knew..
    I don't check in here every day...but read enough to know, you're still the same brightest dude I knew in the mid 60's in the Valley.

  114. Hi Ken,
    I have been following your blog for a number of years, ever since you were named one of the best bloggers in Time Magazine.
    I am 66, still working 3 days/week in HR/Compliance for a Wine Retailer.
    We're a huge baseball family. My husband comes from a family of Cubs fans. He chose the White Sox to be different. So I cheer for both, but my heart lies with the White Sox. And we LOVE Jason Benneti. So happy he announced the Yankees-Red Sox game last night. Hope he does more.
    I am also a huge Movie fan and love plays. Enjoy your bogs relating to movies/plays/TV.
    I talk about your comments in your blog in many conversations with friends.
    Keep blogging!!!

  115. GoldenDreams10/06/2021 9:59 AM

    Hi Ken, I've been reading your blog for more than a decade... ever since you won the TIME award...I read your blog almost everyday. I'm a Gen X'er living in glorious Colorado. I like when you talk about the writing process, your rants, and Hollywood. Keep at it! I'm a fan!

  116. HI
    Started reading your blog fairly recently after a recommendation from another blogger. I am from the UK but living in LA. Age?... just over 50.
    I don't really do podcasts as it's awkward to take that sort of time.

  117. Libra, and my name is Brian.
    I like a blog that my friend Mark Palko recommended.
    I’ve been reading it for about 10 years, and I was 47 then.
    I’ve listened to the podcast from the very start.
    Likes: Blog entries/podcasts about show business and writing and walks on the beach
    Dislikes: Baseball and pushy people.
    Measurements: Thir…sorry, this isn’t “that” magazine.

    I’m thrilled to have access, via Friday Questions to someone who has produced so much work I’ve enjoyed.

    Thank you!

  118. Libra, and my name is Brian.
    I like a blog that my friend Mark Palko recommended.
    I’ve been reading it for about 10 years, and I was 47 then.
    I’ve listened to the podcast from the very start.
    Likes: Blog entries/podcasts about show business and writing and walks on the beach
    Dislikes: Baseball and pushy people.
    Measurements: Thir…sorry, this isn’t “that” magazine.

    I’m thrilled to have access, via Friday Questions to someone who has produced so much work I’ve enjoyed.

    Thank you!

  119. Steve Faul in Lima, Ohio. Long time listener, first time caller. I currently work in a TV station in master control. I also do voice work for ad agencies across the country, including those annoying "on-hold" messages. Did a morning show on an oldies station for about seven years, and spent about 20 years in radio since 1985. And one time I ran a few games on the Reds Radio Network. I was a writer and voice actor for Gary Burbank back in the 80's.

    I enjoy the blog and all the work you put into it, and the podcasts are fun when I have the time to listen. At the moment, all our representatives are busy. Your call will be answered as soon as possible. Please stay on the line. Thanks.

  120. We've been "friends" since you partnered with Dave Niehaus. But your stay with the Mariners was too short. I "cried" the day you left the microphone so that Rick Rizzs could return from his cup of coffee replacing Ernie Hartwell. Oh, and your books are great, too!

  121. I'm from Seattle WA and have been reading your blog daily via RSS since I was originally using Google Reader. I don't remember how long ago it was, but it was back when the award ceremonies were still worth covering.

    I've always found it fascinating to have a glimpse into an industry that I'm not part of, and humor always makes things more interesting. I'm not a huge baseball fan, but a good story is a good story, no matter the topic.

    I wish I could follow the stuff you talk about via the podcast, but I just don't do podcasts in general.

  122. Hey Ken! Here here - its hard to believe but we're coming up on almost exactly 10 years since I attended your sitcom room class - its easy to remember because I left LA and immediately went on my honeymoon! My biggest take away from the class was that one should really really try hard to become an actor on a hit TV show lol. While that didn't work out for me (yet?!) I've had a great career as a voice actor in NYC and life with my family is good!

    The blog posts and podcast interviews that are a little inside-baseball are my favorites.

  123. Peter, on the younger end of the Baby Boom. I have been reading maybe a year and a half, though my perception of calendar time became seriously distorted during the pandemic.

    I read because I like your writerly voice and admire the great shows you wrote for. I also enjoy the inside look at the entertainment industry. And I like disagreeing with you when you go onto one of your "kids today/get off my lawn" rants about the dearth of comedy and poor quality of comedy. They make me think seriously about what I am seeing and how entertainment has evolved.

    I do listen to many of the podcasts.

    As for stuff I am not interested in, baseball is at the top, but it's no skin off my back. I can just skip that content.

    I'd love to hear some interviews with young people breaking into the entertainment field.

  124. Hey,

    Chris Lowery (57) from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Have been reading for quite some time. I really enjoy reading "inside baseball" stuff about TV shows & how they are made so I presume I found you that way. Friday's are a highlight of my week as I wait for your answers.

    I skip over your posts about baseball. I soured on the sport after they took away our Expos (although I have repeatedly wanted to ask if you know/knew/heard about Dave Van Horne, the long time play by play man for the Expos).

    Keep up with the "politic" posts. They are enjoyable.

    I do listen to the podcasts sporadically. Did so more often when I was working in an office.

    The only thought otherwise is keep it up & don't stop.


  125. Hi Ken!
    I'm Andrea from Italy, I'm 40.
    I've been reading your blog for 10 years.
    Watched Cheers as a kid and than Frasier that is one of my favourite tv show.
    I listened a couple of times at your podcast but I'm not really into podcast in general.
    Your post that I like the most are the ones with behind the scenes stories.
    Keep blogging!

  126. Who are you? Keith R.A. DeCandido.

    Where you from? New York City.

    How old are you (or at least what “Gen”)? 52.

    How long have you been reading? A few years now.

    How did you find the blog? Some M*A*S*H fan site or other cited your blog, and I liked what I read and added you to my RSS feed.

    Do you also listen to my podcast? No, but I don't listen to any podcasts -- I just don't have the time.

    What topics do you like or dislike? I don't dislike any of them. Even when I disagree with you, you always make cogent, strong arguments that I enjoy reading. Having said that, what I enjoy most is the insider's look at the things you've done: TV writing, theatrical writing, radio DJ'ing, sports announcing, etc.

    (Yes, I know some of you don’t like when my politics seep through, but that’s not going to change.) You and I have pretty much the same politics, so I'm good there. :)

    What features do you like or dislike? Any suggestions or general comments? My answer to both is, "I'm good." Just keep doin' what you're doin'.


  127. Randy Horenstein10/06/2021 6:50 PM

    A day late, but here nonetheless. I appreciate the stories from your radio and announcing days, and also the anecdotes from your producing days.

  128. Scott. 64. From San Fiego

  129. Scott. 64. From San Diego

  130. Scott. 64. From San Diego

  131. Mark, 59 for a couple more months. A baby of the Baby Boom. From Northampton, MA.
    I most enjoy posts about inside-TV and music radio. I appreciate most of the political ones, still smarting from the Trump nightmare. Not as big on the sports ones overall. Also, MASH and Cheers are among my most favorite sitcoms of all time (along with All in the Family, News Radio, Arrested Development, The Office and Community).

  132. I am 49 years old, was born in southern Indiana, and have lived in Central Indiana since 1995. I am an auto mechanic by trade. I came to find your blog and podcast through Jon Wolfert's Sunday show on Rewound Radio at least two years ago. I enjoy all of your blog and podcast topics. I will echo what some have said here, I really enjoy when you talk about your life growing up and working in and around L.A. I have never been there (did go to San Diego once), so my point of reference for Los Angeles was through TV, on shows like Adam-12 and the Rockford Files. I could not possibly tell you how to improve your blog or podcast, they are both great. Your guests are always fascinating. Keep up the great work.

  133. Jeff Prescott? From "Delaney & Prescott" mornings on KGB San Diego back in the day? No way! I LOVED YOU GUYS! Sue Delaney was THE QUEEN.

    Storm (nicknamed after Storm from The X-Men when I was 15, because I ALWAYS wore a shirt I'd made with her on it, and no one could remember my real name, much less pronounce it correctly), from San Diego, 53, reading for about 10 years now, turned on to it by Mark Evanier. I miss the old days of radio a lot (it's almost weird to think how much it was part of my life), and love it when you talk about it. I'm not into any kind of sportsball, so I just skim those posts. I'm actually more liberal than you are, so none of your political posts bother me much. I lost three people I loved to Covis last year and anti-vaxxers are spitting on their graves, so 'ave at 'em.

    Cheers, thanks a lot,


  134. You are a continual joy in my life...Our lives are intertwined from our start in the Valley long, long ago...Cleveland High was not a paradise but living in SoCal WAS back then...Your podcasts are always a fun listen and I tend to build up a week or more and then stop by to see what is on your mind...Living here in Sin City we have a unique lifestyle in many ways as is yours in Tinsel Town...But I love that you tend to keep YOUR feet on the ground...Your business is evolving so rapidly but I enjoy those continual trips you take to showbiz past...Just keep on being KEN and we'll all be out there to enjoy your tales, travels, and outlook at life...One trip is all we get (I think) so we all need to enjoy each and every day...Blue sky up above, it will be another wonderful day...Best to you and the fam...Ciao!

  135. I live in the UK but am currently in Muscat. Aged 43 - enjoy most of your stuff although not very into the sport!

  136. I'm in the u.k. and have been reading your blog for years. It makes me think, makes me laugh and keeps hope alive that one day someone, somewhere will want a script I've written. You've got to have a dream, or how you gonna have a dream come true. Cheers Helen.

  137. Who are you? Vincent (formerly VP81955 before I lost my email address this year and had to get a new one).
    Where are you from? Born a Syracusan, since 2014 an Angeleno (with many years in the D.C. area, Philly and New Jersey in between). A film historian/screenwriter who's finished two rom-com feature scripts, "Stand Tall!" and "Fugitive Sweetheart," and is close to completing a third.
    How old are you? 66. Hospitalized since February with an infection in my lower extremities, with hopes of being discharged by the end of October.
    How long have you been reading? Since 2007, about the time I began my classic Hollywood blog "Carole & Co.", https://carole-and-co.livejournal.com, which I had to suspend in February. Hope to resume it soon.
    How did you find the blog? Probably via Mark Evanier. Don't recall now.
    Do you also listen to my podcast? Occasionally, though I'm not a podcast guy.
    What topics do you like or dislike? Sitcoms, radio, baseball (go Nats!) -- yep, your interests as well.
    What features do you like or dislike? Can't think of any.
    Any suggestions or general comments? Keep it up!

  138. Hi there! I am Diane B - I'm 63, and a long-time reader and listener in Mill Creek, WA. My dad was in the Navy so I've lived all many places in the U.S., but I've called Washington home for my entire adult life. I don't remember how I found you - it's been that long - but I enjoy your snarkiness and your stories. I'm a big fan of Cheers, Wings, and Frasier, and love the Seattle Mariners.

    BTW, just have to tell you that even though I know you wrote for more, the stories and the humor in those 3 shows hold up all these years later. Still makes me laugh out loud. Thanks!

  139. Hi I'm Carolyn from Canada (north of Toronto). I'm 53 and I have been reading for a few years. I enjoy most topics but don't listen to podcasts. Love the site!

  140. Who are you?


    Where are you from?


    How old are you (or at least what “Gen”)?


    How long have you been reading?

    Five years, maybe more.

    How did you find the blog?

    Who remembers?

    What topics do you like or dislike?

    I'm interested in pretty much everything you write about. The stories from Cheers, MASH, and the late lamented Almost Perfect; the witty dissections of current TV shows; the hilarious Emmy and Academy Awards reviews; the personal stories; the news about your plays and other projects.

    Any suggestions or general comments?

    1. I really appreciate the fact that you give us new posts six days a week. It's really nice to be able to check in every day knowing that there'll be something new to read.

    2. I'd love it if you made your thoughts about current shows more of a regular feature. I really enjoy those.

    Thanks for the terrific blog.

  141. Boomer


    Australia(near Canberra)

    Cannot remember how I found your blog - through another blogger's blog roll?

    Enjoy all your blog posts although I don't understand American sports...


  142. About to hit the big 60. Not as bad as I expected except for creaky knees and bouts of insomnia. And even the latter isn't that bad, because it gives me a chance to binge Frasier on Hallmark. Never ceases to amaze that they bleep "ass" on the show.

    Live in a small town in rural Virginia. Conservative but folks get along. Lots of mask wearing and looking out for each other.

    Been reading the blog for years. Always been fascinated by the creative process, especially for television. Have a relative who is a t.v. writer and producer. Reading your blog, Ken, reminds me of being on sets with her in a way.

    Wish I had time to listen to all of your podcasts. The two or three I've heard I really enjoyed. In terms of blog content, it's your ship, I'm just a guest. Have no objections. Really admire your appreciation for the original Coupling and your seemingly out of the blue side gig as a baseball announcer. You can not tell too many stories from that time, especially if they involved the Orioles and Memorial Stadium.

    Enough rambling. Hope the blog keeps going for many more years

  143. Mike McCann from Connecticut USA.
    Brian Kingman and I were born the same day.
    A regular reader for over a decade.
    Found the blog on your recommendation.
    Favorite topics: classic TV, baseball and the legacy of the Baby Boomer generation.
    You're a great representative of the circles of people we run with -- adding humor and insight to topics that cross many of our minds.

  144. Well, I'm 65, a retired, disabled (in a wheelchair) entertainment magazine writer-editor (for STARLOG, COMICS SCENE, FANGORIA and other publications). I've enjoyed your blog for years, Ken, reading it usually on Fridays (for Friday Questions and then any other posts which intrigue me). I'm NOT a sports fan, but, over the decades, I certainly supervised lots of coverage of science fiction, fantasy, horror and comic book TV series (but, I don't think, any TV shows in which you were involved). So, I DO find insider TV stories of any kind quite fascinating.

  145. Who are you? I'm Sue .

    Where you from? I'm from Duluth, MN (about three hours south of the Canadian Border)
    How old are you (or at least what “Gen”)?Just turned 50 so that makes me Gen X.
    How long have you been reading? Ten years, I lost track
    How did you find the blog? I think someone posted a link to it in a TV forum
    Do you also listen to my podcast? When I can
    What topics do you like or dislike? Love the Friday Questions. All insights into TV and into writing in general. Love any radio subjects.
    (Yes, I know some of you don’t like when my politics seep through, but that’s not going to change.) Expression of belief is a cornerstone of our history, I wouldn't sugget censorship of that.

    What features do you like or dislike? Love the pics you sometimes use from TV shows or movies. It's a great way for me to guessthe episode and what your blog might be about.

    Any suggestions or general comments? Love the blog. It's my go to and inspires me in my own writing.

  146. Hi Ken
    Long time reader (10+ yrs) from Toronto, Ontario area.
    Found your blog thru the late Dennis McGrath's 'Dead Things on Sticks' blog.
    Question for you? Wondering what your thoughts are on the IATSE strike vote?

  147. Hi, Ken. I'm 53 and have been reading for at least 5 years. Keep up the great work!

  148. I've been reading for probably around seven or eight years now. I'm 43, live in Indianapolis and just had my first child, a daughter, a little over four months ago. I've been married for about three and a half years. I work in the craft beer industry.

    I initially stumbled upon the blog looking for some information about Cheers. You've been kind enough to answer more than a handful of questions I've asked throughout the years. I look forward to reading for many more years to come.

    Thank you for keeping us entertained for so many years, even predating this blog!

  149. Hi, Ken!

    I'm in my mid- ... er, fine, late 50s. I'm late to the party because I binge-read your blog on the weekends. I've lost track of how long I've been reading. Years, though. As someone who has worked with words all his life, I really enjoy reading about how scripts come together, or how they don't. I also enjoy the Hollywood and radio stories you tell. I don't care about sports, but I know that's a big part of your life. And I don't listen to the podcasts strictly because I prefer to read than to listen to things.

    You do great work here. Thank you.

  150. Kia ora Ken, I’m a Kiwi NZ’er living in Australia. I’ve been reading for a few years, I particularly enjoy your industry musings and your personal stories, as well as the Friday Questions. I don’t really enjoy the baseball discourse, because I don’t know baseball at all, but hey, your blog, your choice! I can’t listen to podcasts (hearing impaired), but I very much enjoy reading your blog.

  151. Hi Ken,

    British reader and podcast listener here. I grew up watching sitcoms from the late 60s onwards. Lots of British one of course, but also US imports. I was and still am a great fan of MASH, WKRP, Soap, Golden Girls, Frasier. I mourn the loss of the true sitcom, and since the demise of Modern Family and The Middle I haven't watched much American comedy.

    I've been reading your blog as long as I can remember, and listening to your pod since day one. I even recommend your blog to my screenwriting students!

    My favourite part of your podcast: those episodes where you had performances of your plays, and episodes where you interview your comedy peers.

    On the blog, I live for those Friday questions.

    The only thing you should drop is anything to do with baseball. We Brits don't understand a word. (It's just not cricket...)

  152. Hi Ken. I'm a computer programmer in central Ohio. I'm old enough to have seen MASH during its network run as a kid. I have no idea how I originally found your blog, but I've been reading it for several years and I love it. I'm more interested in your talk about the television/film industry than baseball, but don't change anything on my account.

  153. Hi Ken,

    Thank you so much for the blog! I “tune in” occasionally and catch up on recent posts. I’m 49 and enjoy all of your insights on sitcoms from my era and the era prior that I enjoyed in syndication. I am not a writer but enjoy the insights in the writing process. I also love baseball. Keep up the great work!

    Boston, MA

  154. Hello Ken: Illinois lurker here, mid 40s. Found this a long time ago, forgot about it for a while, recently rediscovered it. No podcast. I like sitcom related topics primarily. Thanks for writing. Dan

  155. Yo Ken...

    Gary West - Creator of the original www.mrpopculture.com - the web's first this week in history destination. Hey - why not?

  156. I just wrote up a response and it didn't seem to publish so forgive me if this shows up again.

    Who are you? Mike

    Where are you from? East Coast, hour West of DC. Lived out West including NoCal and regret not doing a year in SoCal.

    How old are you? 52 year old Gen X

    How long have you been reading? I just found it yesterday, 10-12-2021

    How did you find the blog? Wow, I am working from home and was listening to Sinatra. I heard a song that sounded like the song that Cybill Shepherd sang as the the theme song to the show Cybill. I looked it up and came across an article you wrote in 2008 called "Why I Thank God I Never Worked with Cybill Shepherd." It was fascinating, I was enjoyed the comments from others in the industry who were commenting on it as well. My wife and I watched the entire series last year and feel the comments on the other actors and actresses were spot on. Cybill Shepherd was notorious during Moonlighting, a show I loved as a high school kid. Well written, kind of cool, she was sexy, and Bruce was legend.

    Do you also listen to my podcast? I didn't know about it but will check it out now

    What topics do you like or dislike? 70's and 80's TV shows and the actors, who was cool, who was a jerk, etc.

    What features do you like or dislike? I like the simple layout..

    Any suggestions or general comments? I am looking forward to digging through this blog

  157. John (formerly) in NE Ohio10/20/2021 5:55 PM

    Sorry for the late post. As I have mentioned before, I rarely comment on my phone, and I rarely read the blog on the computer anymore. Today is the first day I have been on the computer since this post, although I read every day.
    So answers to the questions:

    John (formerly) from NE Ohio

    From Ohio, living in the south.

    Close to being a boomer. Some in my graduating class were. That close.

    Found the blog when Harry Morgan died. There was a question about his age, so I googled an obit and found you. Spent most of my free time reading back issues for the next week.

    I don't listen to any podcasts regularly. If I start, I will listen to yours.

    I like behind the scenes type stories. I like some of the baseball stories, some I can do without. Your obits are always great. I come here to get away from politics, but I live with them.

    Thank you. It's a great service you provide for free.


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