Wednesday, June 22, 2022

EP280: How to write the script that gets you in the door

If you want to be a TV comedy writer you have to write a pilot on speculation. In this episode Ken will tell you just how to do that.

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  1. Hello Ken,

    Your comment that "Seinfeld" has not been as successful in syndication or streaming is way off base. Seinfeld and M*A*S*H are the only two shows where the second cycle of syndication made more money than the first.

    I have read that Seinfeld has grossed well over $3 Billion dollars in syndication alone. Streaming revenues are probably another $1B. Netflix just paid $500M for streaming rights to Seinfeld in 2021.

    How much did Jerry Seinfeld make for his hit NBC sitcom 'Seinfeld'?

    How Seinfeld Became One of TV’s Great Moneymakers

  2. Even though I know that I'll never be a TV comedy writer. I found that episode very interesting. I can tell that you would be a great, inspiring, but tough teacher.

  3. Thank you for that. Looking forward to your take on story construction.


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