Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sunday night movie reviews

Two quick movie suggestions for your Easter evening:

INSIDE MAN: It really should be called DAWG DAY AFTERNOON. Some ice box logic problems but worth seeing for Denzel Washington and Clive Owens (who should be the new James Bond). After a half hour I got so into the movie that I stopped thinking “What would Jack Bauer do”? I guess that’s high praise these days for a hostage movie.

THANK YOU FOR SMOKING: A lot of fun if you don’t mind that the story is utterly absurd. No one plays sleazeballs better than Aaron Eckhart, especially when he’s been given some great lines to say. William Macy and Maria Bello are there too (the COOLER all-stars) as well as the always-fun-to-watch Robert Duvall. But the actor who steals the movie is Rob Lowe. His depiction of a Hollywood agent is so funny you think it's a spoof. But it's NOT. That’s the way they ARE.

Next post: suspension of belief in television.


  1. What was absurd about the story of Thank You For Smoking?

    I loved it personally. It wasn't as fast paced in the beggining as I expect a comedy to be but the subtle satire was just brilliant. And the unsubtle satire was just as good.

  2. Ya, I have a problem with movies like THE PLAYER and shows like ENTOURAGE ... not comedy. Too close to the bone.

  3. Somebody bring back the show, ACTION w/ Jay Mohr. It was so damn good.

    But yeah, Entourage is a bit too close to the bone. Ari Gold? Has anyone ever met Jim Osbourne over at ICM? I mean, too close...


  4. whaleawg,

    I'll answer your question but warning...


    The whole third act hinges on Eckhart's having told Katie Holmes all those secrets just because they were fucking. I don't believe that for a second. He's waaay too smart. And he's not even in love with her. That guy would tell her exactly what he wanted her to know. The story turn was a huge convenience. Read the book. None of that is there. He is much savvier. Like I said, I enjoyed the movie and even recommend it, but once they played that card I threw up my hands.

  5. The whole third act hinges on Eckhart's having told Katie Holmes all those secrets just because they were fucking. I don't believe that for a second. He's waaay too smart. And he's not even in love with her. That guy would tell her exactly what he wanted her to know. The story turn was a huge convenience. Read the book. None of that is there. He is much savvier. Like I said, I enjoyed the movie and even recommend it, but once they played that card I threw up my hands.

    Oh, I didn't read the book. But I beleive he would tell her that because I myself have this thing called a penis. It makes me do and say unholy and uncontionable things, I could see letting a few secrets slip.

    I once told a girl I had a dream about stroking her hair because she had a bad dream. If I'll say that I think I'd tell her the truth for a little ass.

    But certainly a debateable point.

  6. Also saw SMOKING this weekend ... loved it! So rare to see an intelligent film with DIALOGUE! Every acting job was a gem ... praise to Eckhardt. Nowadays, if you're lucky you can see maybe 3-4 good films ayear. This was one...

  7. Heather and I saw Thank You for Smoking Saturday night and loved it as well... however, the one thing I wish they hadn't given away in the trailers is Macy's wonderful like about not apologizing for cheese... it telegraphed Nick's "what am I gonna do" moment a mile away when that (horrid!) apple pie with cheese got served...

  8. Don't buy Owen as Bond, but I dug him in Inside Man for possibly the first time - having not seen Croupier which everyone seems to rate. Oh wait, I suppose he was all right in Closer too. Sorry Clive.


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