Saturday, December 01, 2007

Kellie Pickler -- Registered Voter

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY just announced their "50 smartest people in Hollywood". Just missing out, coming in at #51 was Kellie Pickler.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Somehow, somewhere you have just got to know all three of the Gabor sisters are crying their eyes out.

  3. I look forward to Ms. Pickler's upcoming appearance on Meet the Press.

  4. How does she manage to memorize song lyrics, and who explains to her what they mean? I'd boff her, though.

  5. Ah common, everyone knows that Budapest is the capital of Oregon. (wink)

  6. That has got to be an act. No one is that stupid.

  7. I don't know about that, I have heard some gems from President Bush.

  8. Oh. My. God.

    This has to be the saddest, or most amusing, thing I've seen all day.

    Welcome to the stupids.

  9. Maybe she was playing hooky with Mr. Microphone instead going to grade school. Or, she needs an MRI picture of her head - stat, because something is definitely wrong.

  10. OMG, can anyone be that stupid? I'm sure you remember, Ken, that she was just like this on American Idol.

  11. I've spent some time around her and that is not an act.

    But she's a really sweet girl and actually has a surprisingly good voice. Listen to the preview tracks on her album and you'll surprised how good it is.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'm British.

    And it's precisely this sort of thing that makes us nervous that you're our closest ally.

  14. You know...I heard her say that jawdroppingly clueless stuff, and all I could think of was "Boy would I ever love to see her naked."

    Yeah, I'm a pig. Then again, I'm a man, so...

  15. Wow. I remember one Southerner back in the Navy who scored a 14 on the AFQT - he was so stupid I thought he was retarded, but he wasn't. But he would be like Einstein in comparison with this woman. Good lord - the living proof of every slur against Southerners and hillbillies, all in one.

  16. Fox just called, they want you to develop a pilot for her. And they want 'one of them intelligent comedies like what you did on Cheers'.


    (my verification word)

  17. The Miss America moron at least had the excuse of being under pressure, and ill prepared. This girl looked comfortable in front of the camera, and then admitted those things. Wow.

    Then again, her parents probably raised her to entertain. And she certainly is entertaining a lot of people isn't she?


    This is why I hide out at the library.

  19. Can we stop confusing stupidity with ignorance? Her comment that they couldn't call the show 'Are You Smarter Than a Woman?' was pretty sharp. She's not stupid, she's pig-ignorant. Not the same thing, but probably worse.

  20. Yeah, but there's a certain willfulness and desire not to learn that lets you live 20+ years on this planet and not know France is a country. That's not the same as stupidity, but it's probably worse, and more prevalent.

  21. Hungry? "As in 'I'm Hungry."" Geez-oh-pete Jeff, you even had the answer written on your card.

    Next season, "Are You Smarter Than Jeff Foxworth?"

  22. Hey, she did do something smart: copy the answer from the 3rd-grader. It's a good thing that kids are now learning geography. The lack of geographical knowledge among American adults is a cliché you don't need. I wonder how many supporters of the Iraq War actually know where Iraq is, relative to, say, Europe?

  23. Well -- the whole show is kind of a fake. The kids are essentially given a list of potential questions pre-show, so the fix is sort of in. I'll put Kellie in th Jessica Simpson class -- not terribly bright, but bright enough to let her "people" tell her to exaggerate the dumb blonde shtick.

  24. it has to be fake, especially if the show is really about grown ups competing with kids on these questions.. they have to act like they don't know what eurpe is, otherwise it'd just be about a bunch of little kids being humiliated and running away crying.. right?

  25. bod said...

    I'm British.

    And it's precisely this sort of thing that makes us nervous that you're our closest ally.

    12/1/07 9:46 PM

    Hey, Bod - I got two words for you: Heather Mills.

  26. Levine, you are really starting to make this too easy. Jaywalking just threw in the towel.

    But I sort of agree with anonymous. “I heard of Turkey but not Hungry” wasn’t a bad line and does sound like somebody might have broken the writers strike.

    I do have to quibble with Tim W. -- she was the Miss TEEN America Moron. (So help me God, I was once a judge in the Miss Texas USA pageant. Long story, don’t ask. When it came time to ask the finalists the all-important question about world peace, I substituted a time/motion problem. Would have worked better if some of them hadn’t actually been pretty smart – or at least poised).

    But a case of pork rinds says the kid is also from here in the south and got the correct answer from the teacher he’s sleeping with.

    Also agree with l.a.guy. I’d still do’er. (Although not at a Mensa meeting. Eric Estrada tried that and she wouldn’t give him the time of day. But that was only because she was unable to tell the time of day.)

  27. I came into the comments to say how annoying it is that another Southerner has perpetuated the stereotype that we're all ignorant when I read this:

    Good lord - the living proof of every slur against Southerners and hillbillies, all in one.

    Now that comment is dumber than anything Kellie Pickler ever said.

    Yes, some Southerners are stupid. It seems more common in Southerners because we talk slower. Have you been to the South? It's freaking hot! Talking slow saves energy.

    I promise there are just as many idiots from every part of the country as there are in the South. Anyone who doesn't think so is probably one of them.

    /end rant

  28. + re: Kelly/Teen America
    Not to worry, there are plenty more where both of them came from:

    AUSTIN (AP) Nov. 30 — The state's director of science curriculum said she resigned this month under pressure from officials who felt she gave the appearance of criticizing the instruction of intelligent design.

    The Texas Education Agency put Chris Comer on 30 days paid administrative leave in late October, resulting in what she described as a forced resignation.

    The move came shortly after Comer forwarded an e-mail announcing a
    presentation being given by the author of Inside Creationism's Trojan Horse. In the book, author Barbara Forrest says creationist politics are behind the movement to get intelligent design theory taught in public schools.


  29. Her wheel is spinning, but the hamster's dead.

  30. I promise there are just as many idiots from every part of the country as there are in the South.

    Amen. I live in Southern California.

  31. "He tried to trick me!"

    Tricking Kelly Pickler is not exactly one of the twelve tasks of Hercules.

  32. Why are they calling Bud a pest?

  33. Budapest.....

    Isn't that when you loudly express your disapproval for mosquitos invading your picnic?

    Here in Kentucky we have a Creation Museum in which they have a "scientific presentation of Creationism" that includes cave kids playing amongst dinosaurs. No foot powered cars though.

  34. Yeah, ignorance lives everywhere. I once watched a So-Cal woman who was a fairly well-paid producer stand staring at a large map of the world, trying to find Africa. It was literally in front of her face, and she still didn't recognize it when it was pointed out to her.

    I'll give Kelli Pickler this much: at least she's not defensive and angry when called on her ignorance (though some anger at her parents and schooling, if any, is warranted). She knows what side her bread is buttered on.

  35. Thank goodness she can sing, or she'd have a hell of a time finding work...or she'd end up as President. (bada-ching!)

    Seriously, it's a real tragedy in this country when people graduate from High School and don't know this stuff.

  36. It's that kind of rabid ignorance that elected a chimp for president. TWICE!! We are an empire in decline.

  37. Almost unbelievable but I was somewhat prepared having seen many celebrity Jeopardy contestants.

    BTW, the kids on that show are certainly not always randomly selected or whatever; at least one was a semi-regular on the Sarah Silverman show.

  38. In the spirit of democratic transparency, it's good to know who's cancelling out my vote.

  39. I have, apparently, lost contact with popular culture. Who is this moron and why is she famous (and now, perhaps, infamous)????

  40. I'm British.

    And it's precisely this sort of thing that makes us nervous that you're our closest ally.

    Hey I'm a Brit and I'm not worried at all, let's face it, we now have Gordon Brown, so things can't get much worse.

    By the way Ken are you ever gonna have a pop-up comments box rather than this rather painful blogger comments page?

  41. A great candidate for the Bush administrations next press secretary.


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