Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

When you think of Christmas you think of togetherness, and pretty lights, and snow.

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!(Picture: courtesy of Tom Straw)


  1. Merry Christmas, Ken, and thanks for all of the great posts.

  2. A very blessed, holy and Merry Christmas to you and your family, Ken, from everyone at the O'Reilly Factor.

    (Happy belated Hannukah from the rest of us.)

    Thanks for a fantastic website.

  3. Merry Christmas (really Happy Hanukkah), Ken!

  4. Yay! Merry Christmas to you! Thanks for all the great posts this year!

  5. Best wishes for the coming year. Of all the fascinating things on the Net that can keep you occupied under the illusion you're actually doing something, I'm glad this year I somehow got hooked on yours. Saves an awful lot of time.

    Keep your spirits up. I hope an angel comes down to show you what Bedford Falls would have been like without you. It would be Wichita Falls.

  6. If Hanukkah is sometimes spelled "Chanukkah", how come Christmas is never spelled "Histmas"?

    Merry Histmas!

  7. Happy holidays to you and yours, Ken. Hope you received some nice gifts.

    As for me, mine is coming the last weekend in March. You can find it on South Capitol Street, Washington, D.C. (Go Nats!)

  8. And a Delightful Kwanzaa to all...

  9. Happy Midwinter Festival, Ken and all the best to you and yours in the New Year...

  10. And Ken, have a Fabulous Festivus!

    As we gather around the Festivus Pole, awaiting the Airing of Grievances and the Feats of Strength, I can't help but recall that this holiday was also born out of disagreement -- the 12 year strike at H & H bagels.

    Coincidence? I think not.

  11. Seasons Greetings to all.

    (And are there going to be writers picketing in Times Square next Monday night, during the New Year's Eve TV events? And if so, does this mean Dick Clark is going to have to ad lib his way through the show?)

  12. If you have a list of best/worst sitcoms using the It's A Wonderful Life spoof, I'd like to read it! Did you ever resort to that?

    Merry Christmas and thanks for making me smile daily.

  13. Merry annual Christian Cultural Incursion. Ah December, the month everyone is a Christian, whether they want to be --- OR NOT!

    To respond to the posting of two days ago, since no one is reading those comments any longer, I don't have a favorite Christmas movie (Though if I did, it would be GREMLINS), but I have a favorite Christmas novel, THE JOYOUS SEASON, by Patrick Dennis, the comic genius who wrote AUNTIE MAME and LITTLE ME. It was his favorite of his books. And the good news is, after 40 years of being almost impossible to find, it's back in print. (Though I still have my first edition.)

    It's quite simply one of the best romantic family comedies ever written, and I can not fathom why it has never been filmed, as it is a natural. You want to laugh like crazy, read THE JOYOUS SEASON.

  14. I'm offended that you think I'm Christian. As a druid, I'm offended at the glorification of tree torture this time of year.

    That said, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzah, Belated Hannukah, Happy Festivus, Happy Boxing Day, Feliz Navidad (repeat ad nauseum), Merry New Year.

    You think Mary and Joseph were bummed because they had to travel on Christmas day? No wonder nothing was open.


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