Friday, February 27, 2009

Holy Cow!

Spring Training has begun. So to get you into the mood for baseball here's the irrepressible Harry Caray and his hilarious rant on Crackerjacks.


  1. I miss Harry. I miss Harry talking about what Sosa spelled backward is


  2. But Harry, what do you REALLY think?

  3. LOL. The company that makes Crackerjacks must rue the day they ever sold little Harry a prizeless box of them.

  4. And he took this issue to the grave and beyond...

    But have you bought Cracker Jacks lately? The "prize" is now something printed on a 2" x 1" piece of oaktag and is along the vein of a Mad Fold-In - without the wit.

    They used to have little plastic model cars and other cool stuff, just a notch below what your dentist had in the treasure chest. Where would they make these things now? Holy cow, I tell ya, these kids today just aren't...

  5. Maybe Harry should have complained to Ralph Nader.

  6. Wow, there's a statue of Harry? Cool!

  7. Let's face it, part of Harry's appeal was our suspicion that somehow, way down underneath his genial demeanor and solid broadcasting skills (I love how he keeps interrupting his rant to tell us what's going on in the game), he was in some way as crazy as a fucking loon. Or maybe he was just bored that day.

  8. The prize was my main reason for buying Crackerjack (note correct spelling). When I was a kid they had some great prizes. For the last 30 years or so they prizes have been lame, cheap, and worth a rant on their own.

    WV: beveling. Dang, I can't think of anything for that one.

  9. Did anyone notice that we never heard resolution on several of his play calls in that sequence? "Bouncing ball... throw to first... what's the deal with how they're marketing Cracker Jacks?"...

  10. Harry Caray and Jimmy Piersall doing the second game of a doubleheader against... oh... Seattle back in the day... when both the Sox and their opponent were hopelessly out of contention... and Harry and Jimmy would talk about the upcoming rerun of the Untouchables on the UHF station that carried the Sox games... they'd talk about Jimmy's medications... they'd talk about anything and everything except the game and it was great television.

    It was so nice of the Cubs to give Harry something to do after he retired....

    And in your clip, Steve Stone is playing the foil. Stoney is now doing color on the Sox TV games with Hawk Harrelson. Great TV in its own right........

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Wonderful clip. Somehow, I can't imagine John Stossell being anywhere near as capable a play by play man.


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