Monday, February 02, 2009

The Superbowl ad that NBC banned

For PETA. Personally, I would have banned the annoying one about people who hate their jobs.


  1. My theory is that PETA never actually had the money ready to put this ad on the air, but submitted it (or not - my theory is they didn't but claimed they did) anyway because they knew it would be rejected so they could make a big deal out of what is, really, a pretty innocuous ad.

    I got lots of theories. Who wants my newsletter?

  2. Wow.

    Someone spent money on that?

    Barnum was righter than he knew.

  3. Ya think? Just because peta has 8 other rejected network commercials for your dining and dancing pleasure on their website.
    All staged for the exposure. It's like The Producers with hummus.

    I didn't know they could reject a veggie spot unless it involved actual penetration? BTW, will somebody let me know when the Victoria's Secret commercials come out in 3D. I saved 16 pair of glasses.

  4. All I can think about is the model later that night.

    "What'd you do at work today, honey?"

    "Oh, nothing much. Took off all my clothes, licked a pumpkin and dry humped asparagus."

  5. For the record, I am still trying to work a good excuse to bring up this ad in conversation, so I can throw out the word "de-cauliflowered."

  6. Sorry PETA. This is why I remain a carnivore. Thanks for turning me off broccoli.

  7. Isn't this how every Carl Jr.'s commercial goes? I don't hear anybody complaining they'll never eat a burger again because of it. We should be thankful Peta didn't force us to watch Paris Hilton get it on with a vegetable (again). Or was Paris the vegetable in that video?

  8. Isn't this how every Carl Jr.'s commercial goes? I don't hear anybody complaining they'll never eat a burger again because of it.

    The difference here is that McDonald's, thank god, doesn't do that. I've never been a fan of vegetables anyway. ;)

    WV: jaringin - Putting gin in jars

  9. Plus, I'm against combining food with sex. I don't put my refrigerator next to my bed.

    WV: prate - A discounted pirate.

  10. Ken, you'll be horrified to know that Houston Mitchell of the L.A. Times picked that ad about people who hate their jobs as easily the best one of the night.,0,5725828.story

    I couldn't even finish watching it it was so annoying.

  11. Let's see. Everyone sees that ad and millions of Americans suddenly become vegetarians. The inevitable result is the wholesale slaughter and conversion into fertilizer of hundreds of thousands of domestic animals no longer of any other economic utility. Nice going, PETA!

  12. Ken, I'm with you on the annoying CareerBuilder spot about people who hate their jobs -- and not just because it's annoying. Coincidentally, yesterday, I wrote about how tone-deaf this spot was (along with a similar one from at

  13. Plus, I'm against combining food with sex.


  14. Suzanne Somers has a vagina?

  15. I would have missed the ad anyway. I spent halftime clubbing baby seals.

  16. Whatever happened to truth in advertising? Where are the actual Peta women with boy haircuts and acne?

    Sparky is obviously "out to lunch" or your usual right wing moron. (There's an oxymoron) Or perhaps he doesn't live in California.


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