Friday, March 27, 2009

More Mary Tyler

Thanks to reader, Benson, here is the rest of that MARY episode. The first part can be found here.


  1. Good.

    Was that Andy Andy early in the scene? That looked and sounded just like Andy Andy from Cheers. Glad to see he found work after he tried to kill Diane.

  2. I just went through my little spread sheet/data base and I guess I have several more of these gems, including one, if memory serves me, that features Katey Sagal doing a dramatic turn...

    Coming to a YouTube near you in the coming months.

  3. Can I ask you a question? How do you pitch a tv show idea to the networks. I always had this idea for a sitcom and think its good reflection of the changing American society. You seem to know more than anyone else I would ever know in my own life. I'm about to graduate 4 year college and tv is what I want to do. Any hope, any chance?

  4. Since you (your team) were responsible for the show were you able to fight for certain actors. I noticed that the Andy Andy character from two of my favorite Cheers episodes appears to have been a regular on the Mary show. Was this your and your writing partner's doing?


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