Friday, May 29, 2009

I love this music video

It's from the 60s. There was a primetime show on ABC called SHINDIG. Primarily, it was a rock n' roll variety show. Here are the Hondells singing their big hit "Little Honda". Except that... they're riding Vespas. And watch what the girls do halfway through the song. This is a safety message you want to be sending to kids. God, we were gullible back then.


  1. Michael in Singapore5/29/2009 9:26 PM

    Should be mentioned that this is a Beach Boys cover -- an early Brian Wilson masterpiece from 1964. And to think, only two years after this would come Wilson's God Only Knows, followed by the brilliant, heartbreaking Smile sessions. Everything moved so fast in the 1960s. Think about what changed between 1964 and 1967, then, say, 2006 and 2009. Blows the mind.

  2. Those kids sure were silly.

    I have to point you to the original version. It's a silly song, but the music and vocals are so good.

  3. Excellent. And yes, love the safety message. However, those are not Vespas. They appear to be Honda CT-90s, which had shin guards as an option. They were a favored bike in east Asian countries, and a long-time mail delivery vehicle in Australia.

  4. Thanks for the great memory.

    Though I can't see how you'd rather have your kids watch Amy Winehouse than chicks on the back of stationary mopeds.

    I kinda think we were smarter then.

  5. I have a friend who worked on Shindig (or was it Hullabaloo?). Thanks!

  6. I watched Shindig religiously. I believe it was a summer replacement show. I don't recall them doing lip synching. Are you sure this wasn't Hullaballoo? The girl with the glasses looked like the infamous bespectacled dancer on Hullaballoo. I could easily be wrong, natch.

  7. Being born in '71, this is simply the Skeet Surfin' song.

    First Wave - Don't get tired
    Second Wave - Aim higher
    Third Wave - Pull and fire
    Skeet Surfin', it's all right

  8. I've heard it called a lot of things, but never "going down the Honda shop".

  9. Am I mistaken or was one of those women wearing Groucho glasses without the mustache?

  10. My big sister and starred in a PSA for the Jacksonville (FL) Public Library around 1967. I was hanging upside down from some monkey bars while reading and delivering the immortal line, "Mine's a monster book!" (For years I thought I had said, "Mynza monster book!" and I had no idea what it meant.) My sister was riding a bike with a book propped up in the basket so she could read while she was riding. She was heartbroken when her part got cut because some pansy thought it sent a bad safety message.

  11. I've seen this somewhere before and someone said that the girl on the far right is Teri Garr.

  12. By the way, the Hullabaloo dancer with the specs was Lada Edmunds, Jr. Not a lot of female juniors around. And note I spelled Hullabaloo correctly here.

  13. Been doing some research instead of talking through my hat and depending on a faulty memory. This is indeed a moment from Shindig. Teri Gar was indeed a Shindig dancer. I do recall they had a house band called the Shindogs.

  14. Despite the negative safety message of this clip, I've never been told of any 1960's falling-off-mopeds epidemic. Perhaps we're a little overprotective these says.

  15. What strikes me most about this video is the clear enthusiastic screaming at the very end. Was the audience that enthusiastic or would someone have been encouraging the girls to do that or what? I have heard this type of screaming in other videos and I am usually mystified. For the Beatles on Ed Sullivan it kind of makes sense, but for the Hondells?

    In case it matters, I am 43 and Canadian (i.e., reserved). Was there a special time during the mid-50s to mid-60s when women would scream like crazy for no good reason?

  16. Regarding moped safety - anybody who's ever visited Italy (where the moped-type bike is ubiquitous) will have noticed the number of teenagers going around in full leg casts...

  17. Derek,
    It was standard procedure to have the screams (the kids in the audience prompted by a floor director probably) to hide the fade out of the lip sync...otherwise awkward for the performers & it signaled the end of the song.

    Groovy is right!

  18. Ok since no one else will do it I'll be the bike geek. Those appear to be Honda C102 Cub, a 50cc 4.5 horsepower motorcycle capable of speeds up to 45mph - without the swingin' chick on the back.

    Here's a pic link:

  19. So, are they Mods or Rockers?

  20. Yep, Honda 50 Super Cub step-throughs, I had the 70cc "real motorcycle" version back in the day.

    These days there would be a disclaimer flashing on the screen:
    Professional Stunt Backup Singers on Closed Stage. Do not attempt this at home!

    One wonders what was going through those guys' heads while they inanely bounced those bikes back and forth on their centerstands through the entire song. Probably something like "I'm getting paid...I'm getting paid..." :)


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