Saturday, April 03, 2010

Scenes from OPEN ALL NIGHT

Here's all I could find on YouTube. The opening, which is a CLASSIC, and then the David Letterman cameo. If anyone out there has OPEN ALL NIGHT footage, lemme know.


  1. i don't have any footage of Open All Night but i think this article ties in nicely - all about Letterman's early career:

  2. I even remember one scene where Terry was lying in the freezer and Gordon said quit lyin in the freezer and Terry responded with "im not lying, i admit it". I was about 10 when teh show aired. Interesting how Im almost 40 and still remember it.

  3. Wow, those old opening credits. I'm exhaused before the show begins.

  4. That's certainly the most descriptive opening I've ever seen for a show.

    Also: BUBBA SMITH!

  5. That Letterman cameo was very...Lettermanesque.

  6. I am good chef too. And I can guarantee you that guys :-)

  7. Posted appropriately on "the day before Easter" just like the line in the song! Thanks, Ken.

  8. I used to watch OAN as a kid---part of the set featured a spinner rack full of comic books, I was fascinated by that.

  9. Whatever happened to theme songs that told you what the show was about? This song was a classic! I can't get it out of my head now.

  10. I think it was "Open All Night" that had my wife's all-time favorite sitcom line...maybe, Ken, you even wrote it. I believe there was a ditzy girl working at the store -- she comes in one morning to open up and finds an irate customer waiting, who says "I though you were open 24 hours." She responds "Not in a row!"

  11. Oh, yeah, and my wife and I also loved the episode where the parents visited from the Midwest and sat in lawn chairs all day watching their kid run the store. And offering everyone Jello salad with pretzels in it.

  12. willieb: I've heard Steven Wright use that "24 hours-not in a row" gag in his standup for years. Don't know who got there first though.


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