Thursday, June 10, 2010

I can see... sorta

So they took the patch off this morning and the doctor was very pleased with how it looks. And once the swelling goes down and things aren't blurry so will I. But I'm on seven different new eyedrops (different from the ten that I have been on at one time or another) and one pill so the prognosis is good for (a) a full recovery and (b) personally keeping the optical pharmacutical industry going.

Thanks again to everyone for your good wishes. They mean a lot.

Where's Dick Cheney? I feel like a little huntin'!


  1. Jeffrey Leonard6/10/2010 6:11 PM

    Ken...This is the best news all day. Follow the Doctor's advice and you'll be callin' 'em as you see 'em once again in no time. Truly, my best wishes to you!

  2. Seven new eyedrops and one pill. The drops are fine, but the pill keeps falling out. Good luck Ken, heal fast, the Cartwright-brother- debate won't go on w/out you!

  3. I hope you're better than new in no time.
    If you need me to come over and read the newspaper to you, or anything, I can come out of retirement.
    Where'd I put my reading glasses?

  4. glad you're on the mend! Alan had a torn retina about a year and a half ago, emergency surgery that later led to a pre-mature cataract. He just had surgery a month ago and so far so good. Eye stuff is tricky and scary for a writer.

  5. Here's hoping that the rest of your recovery goes well.

    Will you recommend your surgeon to Jim Joyce?

    Does this comment look better this way?


    this way?

  6. Remember, Hawkeye got through this and kept his nickname! You'll get through it, too.

  7. On the bright side of the dark side, if your vision stays this blurry, you can go into feature film directing.

    It's not out-of-focus; it's ART!

  8. Glad it's going well. Here's to a full recovery!

  9. Sandy Koufax6/10/2010 9:55 PM


    Ken, if you can read are all better!

  10. Dan in Missouri6/10/2010 10:01 PM

    Glad you are getting better

  11. Wow that's good news!

    My eyedrop-story-need will definitely be fulfilled by you in the near future I recon ;-)

    wv: mentsch

  12. Why Mr Levine! You look so beautiful without your eye patch. Here's to a 100% complete recovery!

  13. In one respect, I am happy that you are getting better.

    On the other hand...



  14. I haven't been online much, Ken, but I just wanted to send my good wishes. It sounds like you're on the road to recovery. Hang in there! :-)

  15. Ken,

    Glad to learn you're coming along so well. I hear seeing-eye dogs are pretty expensive these days....


    wv: mosesse -- What Moses might have called himself if he'd had a sex-change...

  16. Glad you're on the mend. Who else can we turn to for knowledgeable snark on the porn industry?

    WV: takes some explaining. According to my dictionary, a tur is a wild goat native to the Caucasus Mountains. The word I got was "untur"—presumably any Caucasian fauna that's not a goat. Okay, that may have been funnier in my head… (Hey, it's Friday, gimme a break.)

  17. I'm glad to hear the good news. I wish for you a rapid, total healing.

  18. Janice Jacobson6/11/2010 4:31 PM

    I wouldn't miss your blog, it's one of the highlights of my morning. I listen to Dodger Talk too.

    I don't envy you the eyedrop thing - I have only two to do daily but even after five years of fooling with them I still wind up with as much on my cheeks as I do in my eyes.

    Wishing you a fast and uncomplicated recovery, even though you do look hot in an eyepatch.

  19. I just read the older post you linked to about Jay Thomas and why he left Cheers. Wow, are there some deranged comments on that one...


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