Saturday, July 17, 2010

For FRASIER script fans...

Here's another of our scripts that has shown up on line. It's the FRASIER episode where Sam Malone from CHEERS visits. Also notable, the part of Sheila was played by Tea Leoni.

You can access it here.


  1. Dear Mr. Levine:

    I enjoy your blog, especially anything related to "Frasier." It is a Google search on "Frasier" that brought me to your site.

    I have always been a huge fan of the show, and have seen every episode, some multiple times. They never tire -- there is always a hidden gem or joke, missed the first time or forgotten.

    My son will be 15 in September. On a Tuesday night around 9:30 -- 9:45 p.m. Eastern Time, 1995, while a new, anticipated episode of Fraiser was airing, my wife's water broke and we made our trip to the hospital. I will forever associate the memories around his birth with that interrupted Frasier episode, which I looked forward to each week.

    Thank you for providing these "behind-the-scenes" glimpses of your work, "Frasier" included.

  2. Ken, this is one of my favorite episodes. "Cliff!?"
    FYI, there was a website that had all of the Frasier episodes transcribed, but it's down now. Happily, I downloaded all of them before the site was taken down, so if you want to reminisce sometime, just let me know and I'll email one to you.

    I don't want to upload them all to a website, because I don't know how upset NBC would be about that.

    Anyway, Frasier is my favorite show, which is why I own all eleven seasons on DVD!



  3. Omigosh, that was so much fun to read. I laughed out loud several times. Two questions: I remember an interview with Kelsey Grammer in which he expressed disappointment with this episode, wishing that he and Sam had resolved some long-standing disagreement like the reunion episode with Shelly Long, to give Sam more of a reason to be on the show. Thoughts? Also: what happened to the tag? Frasier, in the car, driving home alone and looking sad? (A callback to the quest for stewardesses.) Do those not show up in scripts?



  4. Omigosh, that was so much fun to read. I laughed out loud several times. Two questions: I remember an interview with Kelsey Grammer in which he expressed disappointment with this episode, wishing that he and Sam had resolved some long-standing disagreement like the reunion episode with Shelly Long, to give Sam more of a reason to be on the show. Thoughts? Also: what happened to the tag? Frasier, in the car, driving home alone and looking sad? (A callback to the quest for stewardesses.) Do those not show up in scripts?



  5. To clarify my thoughts above--and thanks, me, for the double-post!--my thought, upon reading Grammer's quote, was that while Diane and Frasier obviously had some unresolved issues to work through, Sam and Frasier really didn't... so an issue would have to have been manufactured for the episode and then resolved. Not the same thing at all. Anyway. I guess I'm mainly commenting again to apologize for the double-post.

  6. Tea Leoni is always a treat to see, and I so seldom get to see her in anything, let alone nothing. Is she choosing to stay at home these days, performing for Mulder (or was he the other one?)

  7. Ken,

    When it came to deciding what happened to the old gang at Cheers (ie: Rebecca's divorce), were you free to do whatever you wanted, or did it have to go thru several channels?

  8. I always thought this episode really drove home that point that this wasn't just a continuation of "Cheers" -- Frasier sleeps with Sam's fiancee? Can't see that happening in the previous series!

  9. Sorry I'm late on this one:

    As a creative professional, what, exactly, is your opinion of things like this: your script showing up on line?

    Please show your work. :-)

    Lussisme: it makes your hair stand on end.

  10. Thanks Ken. I, like so many others, am a huge fan of "Frasier" and enjoyed your posting of the scripts. Like a post already made, even if you've seen them multiple times, there's always a hidden gem when you watch it again. Thanks so much!


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