Saturday, July 31, 2010

More stars than are in the heavens!!

Okay, I'm sure these telethons take awhile to really get going and I should not be discouraged that I've only added three new Twitter followers. But the dazzling entertainment continues. As blog reader Mark correctly proclaimed, there is no telethon without Joey Heatherton!! So here she is fellas, singing her greatest hit and using her greatest prop! You can sign up here.


  1. This...uh...this could set the telethon biz back a hundred years. When do the studly hunks appear?

  2. I hope Norm Crosby stops by.

  3. Wow, Ken! Long time reader, first time writer. One hour in, and your telethon is already an event for the ages. Joey and Tony are good, but if you can weave your magic and bring Ed McMahon into the mix, then your Twitter ratings will soar!

  4. Let's check the tote board (drum roll)...

  5. Ken, Ken, Ken, if you don't put the words TWITTER in every other sentence with a direct link to your TWITTER PAGE, then your blogathon will be a hopeless failure. More than eight words between TWITTERs and you've lost your crowd.

    WV: resticab; what my taxi driver apparently thinks this is since he's using his free hand to eat shawarma.

  6. Love the innuendo -- Joey Heatherton as "The Perfect Sleeper"... Evidently Lance Rentzel, her football player husband who turned out to be gay didn't think so...

    Waiting for Donny and Marie Osmond, and some really bad Eastern European Gypsy acrobats before I pledge...

  7. I watched one of the other clips on the YouTube site...I never knew Joey was the Mystery Guest on the last WHAT'S MY LINE aired before Dorothy Kilgallen's mystery-shrouded death.

  8. You have made me the happiest man on the planet. I will now give til it hurts. Please, take Ryan Theriot and Ted Lilly from my beloved Cubs as a token of my appreciation.

  9. Joey Heatherton. My first crush. Thanks, Ken.


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