Saturday, April 02, 2011

My idiot comment of the week

And of course it's from Anonymous.  Wow.  He sure put me in my place!

screw u. Just another media wannnabee loser. If you want to succeed lose the tired old memes. But you won't cause you are a liberal loser. Go hang out on CNN or worse yet MSNBC where you will never be seen again.


  1. anyone using the overwrought 'memes' in place of ideas is by definition a loser.

  2. The commentor's right; conservatives on stand-up networks like FOX never repeat memes.

  3. On behalf of all anonymous posters everywhere, I want to sincerely apologize that our dysfunctional brother got out of his room and found the computer unattended. We have doubled the guard on his room door here at Anonymous House and we promise it won't happen again.

  4. When this guy's IQ hits 50, SELL! SELL! SELL!

  5. Oh, SNAP!!!!

  6. I'm sorry but this is just so awesome. Seriously, you should be proud. All I ever get is some guy occasionally pushing hot tubs.

  7. Speaking as a die hard Conservative (not aligned with Republicans or any party anymore, really), I find your blog hysterical, and for all the reasons you intend.

    I think it might be funnier if you became an equal opportunity basher, but if you want to cut out half of your political material that's up to you of course.

    I just love your insider stories and the snarky comments about, well, everything. My profession is programming, so Showbiz is a world that is alien, yet oddly familiar to me.

    But yeah, this commenter is one of the reasons why people hate conservatives. One of the many. Douche.

  8. You know, I liked Anonymous more when they were picking on HBGary.

  9. You're just baiting the trolls Ken, just baiting the trolls. :|

  10. Not fair.
    All I get is the guy who wants me to 'boycott American women'.

  11. My mom wrote the exact same thing on my birthday card.

  12. It's a funny thing. I post on blogs in my hometown--Las Vegas--and because I do local history, some people with no life know who I am. They attack me on blogs. Interestingly, they almost always do so under pen names, and when I point out that I am signing my name to my comments, they don't respond, except for one poor guy who works for a right-wing think tank and just repeats the day's talking points from right-wing organizations (sorry, Matt--I welcome intelligent, funny conservatives, but out here we have neither, unfortunately).

  13. Hey Michael, I'm in Vegas too. What's your blog's URL? I clicked your name but didn't get a profile.

  14. After the last few months of blathering, I now would happily punch out anyone, left or right, who uses the suffix "-wing" or mentions budget, socialist, facist, Beltway, (insert the name of your favorite political party and/or state capital here), ... well, you get the idea.

    WV: subbe - someone who hires ye olde dominatrix.

  15. Ken,

    I am incredibly horrified that you would attack the mentally disabled like that. And I thought liberals were supposed to be bleeding hearts.

  16. It wasn't me! Damnit, who has been using my name again?

  17. The "Idiot Commenter" once again proves the old saying that a roomful of apes with typewriters will eventually write Shakespeare. This chap, obviously needs to spend more time at his keyboard to attain that goal.

  18. Ken, I'm sure the wound will heal eventually.

  19. It's obvious from reading your blog religiously, as I have for several years, that you have never had any media success. The radio gigs and the TV writing never got you anywhere, either. Loser.

    Thank goodness a genius like Anonymous is there to point it out.

  20. People who discuss politics like they're Vinnie from Brooklyn discussing Yankees-Red Sox on the all-night sports talk show while forcing the host to nervously look at hitting the 7-second delay 'kill' button really do have some anger management issues and seriously need to get a life (and I leave it to your own personal preferences to decide whether Fox or MSNBC equates to the Yankees or to the Red Sox).

  21. Jeez - if Ken is a "wannnabee" or a "loser," sign me up. I'd love to be half as successful and one tenth as respected.

  22. Oh "Anonymous," now Ken will have to stop blogging.
    On the upside, you've discovered your awesome ability to write "loser" on a guy's blog.
    And to think they said you'd never achieve anything.

  23. What? I listed Screw U as my alma mater!

  24. DW, I don't have a "blog" but post on others. But if Ken doesn't mind the shameless self-promotion, I write for Vegas Seven and contribute to a blog on its website.

  25. Isn't it just best to ignore the haters? I suppose, after doing this blog for so long, you've got a pretty thick skin (tho the 'pretty' part may be too flattering). When are ya back on KIRO? I love Fairly's work, but for the wrong reasons. I do respect him, tho. Hmm, I just noticed, since you re-joined the broadcast roster, the M's are undefeated! Where were you last year (you liberal loser)!?!?

  26. PLEASE do this every week. PLEASE.

    (I put it in all caps, so you know I'm sincere.)

  27. I once received an anonymous comment accusing me of having sand in my vagina. At least it was a little more inventive than "liberal loser", plus carried the added bonus of allowing jokes about pearl production.

  28. Anonymous: Capitalize the S. Spell out you. Wannabe has only one "e." And the word is "because."

    B- for spelling. D- for originality. Overall grade a generous C-.

    "screw u. Just another media wannnabee loser. If you want to succeed lose the tired old memes. But you won't cause you are a liberal loser. Go hang out on CNN or worse yet MSNBC where you will never be seen again."

  29. Hey Ken, you just got Koch-ed

    You may not know what that means, but I'll wager that your critic does.

  30. Jeffrey Leonard4/03/2011 4:41 PM

    Ken...I had NO idea that Sean Hannity read your blog.

  31. I don't have a clue what you're on about. While I am usually tagged a liberal by the clueless and unsubtle, I think many liberals are, in fact, clueless and unsubtle.

    That said, I think conservatives are working hard to lose the Survival of the Fittest competition. They have substituted belief for truth, so the sooner their extinction happens, the better.

    Now, what were you upset about?

  32. I wonder how many hit shows you have to have to lose your "wannabe" status?

  33. Let's see, you're a liberal, so if he laughs at "it takes an aroused man to make a chicken affectionate", the terrorists win?Thank you Fox "News"!

  34. Nurse! He's gotten out of bed again!

  35. Michael you're hilarious...50 isnt even room temperature.


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