Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Who would play you in the movie?

Lately, there have been a lot of movies either made or in development about real life people. SOCIAL NETWORK for one. 127 HOURS is another. Upcoming you have MONEYBALL where Brad Pitt (of all people) plays the Oakland A’s General Manager, Billy Bean. And recently I read that the tell-all book on ESPN is soon to be a minor motion picture.

Keith Olbermann and Dan Patrick are already speculating on who would play them in the movie. (Too bad Groucho is dead, Keith.)

But it brings up the question – say there was a movie of your life – who would play you in the movie? Now your first response might be – YOU. Why not play yourself? Well, that’s only been partially successful in the past. Ann Jillian pulled it off in THE ANN JILLIAN STORY but Jackie Robinson not so much in THE JACKIE ROBINSON STORY.

Ann at least is a real actor. The truth is good actors will usually do a better job of playing you than you. Raymond Massey was a much better choice to play Abraham Lincoln than Lincoln himself, and not just because he was dead. Massey brought out a warmth that those who knew Lincoln admitted he didn’t have.

Another problem with playing yourself is pulling off those scenes when you were much younger. Imagine Mary Tyler Moore today trying to recreate Laura Petrie? Yiiiiiikes.

So if a Hollywood actor/actress were to play you, who would it be? After the joke answers of George Clooney and Penelope Cruz, which star best resembles you in looks and personality? After the second joke answers of still George Clooney and Penelope Cruz, who would it be?

Probably for me, if I’m being honest, Ann Jillian. Damn, it’s hard to play this game and not give joke answers.

Okay, for real – maybe David Strathern. Possibly Steve Colbert. Someone tall, dark, believable as a blogger.

So what about you? And how many joke answers until you settled on one that’s believable?

Here’s the thing that worries me about my movie. I can understand a studio not letting me play myself. But they probably wouldn’t let me write it either.

Note:  Come back tomorrow.   I've got something really cool.  


  1. I look a bit like a slimmer version of Penn Jillette, so maybe if he feels like shedding a few pounds...

  2. This is a hard one. I really don't know. In terms of the way I look (Sometimes) and the awkwardness and stuff I possess, I really think Josh Hartnett could do it. But who ever it is, the biggest problem would be a realistic/semi-realistic voice. One I have that doesn't fit the way I look, or who I am at all. Still a tough answer to think of regardless. Are you sure I can't have George Clooney?

  3. Debra Winger. I've been mistaken for her. The voice is nearly identical. In fact, I once actually signed an autograph so relentless was a fan of hers. I kept protesting that I'm not her, but the more I talked, the more convinced the fan was I was her (I personally think our voice is the closest similarity, I don't see the rest of it). A quick perusal of imdb shows she's 8 years older than me, and I'm Italian.

    My brother has been mistaken for Carson Daly more than once. I guess we're a family of doppelgangers, go figure.

  4. I would say either Alexis Bledel or Zooey Deschanel. They've got that slightly doe-eyed dark hair/baby blues thing going on.

  5. Only one...


    How frightening.

    Pam aka SisterZip

  6. I want Jesse Eisenberg to play me. He has some traits that resemble mine though I don't really look like him. If not him then maybe Christopher Meloni.

    If I were 30 years older I think Richard Belzer would be perfect, because Meloni isn't so funny but just the right amount of assh*** :-D

    Meloni looks a lot like my dad to be honest and I'm a tad to chubby at the moment but hell if Pitt can play a manager Meloni can play me.

    BTW I'm watching a recording of SEA-OAK from last night so nobody tell me how it went. You know the thing with Ken and spoilers ;-)

  7. For appearance, though he is older than me by a fair margin, Richard Moll.

    Personality ... we'd have to combine the DNA of James Spader and Chris Farley.

    But, if you insist on one person, then I'll just be full of myself and say Tom Hanks (also older than me by a fair margin :P )

    WV: mosewicr - The paint on our porch furniture peeled away within a year, as it does with mosewicr. (No?)

  8. I've been told I look like people my whole life. The most common one when I was younger was Robert Downey Jr, but he's older than I am. So I guess Robert Downey Jr after a couple of visits to Joan RIvers' doctor.

  9. I've been told I look like people my whole life. The most common one when I was younger was Robert Downey Jr, but he's older than I am. So I guess Robert Downey Jr after a couple of visits to Joan RIvers' doctor.

  10. Michael Chiklis -- not the "The Shield" era Michael Chiklis, but the "The Commish" era Michael Chiklis.

    And he'd have to dye his hair, or the hair he had, reddish blonde.

    (Settle down, ladies, settle down.)

  11. Mary did play Laura years later. See here.

  12. There's actually an actress with my name who has a similar look as well http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2860969/ so maybe her.
    I've been told I look a lot like Juliette Lewis, except that I'm quite a bit younger. I'd hate to say Kristen Stewart, but her shyness and blah expression would probably fit.

  13. Tough question. I'd be happy with Oliver Platt. Little bit porky but not furniture-threatening.

  14. PS: I'm coming back tomorrow anyway but you have...

    "something cool?!"


  15. Over the years I've been told:
    1) "That guy on CHiPs! Not Erik Estrada; The other one."
    2) "Andrew McCarthy"
    3) "Jon Cryer" (yes, both options for Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink)

    I suppose it all depends on the haircut, and possibly whether I'm wearing brown tights and a motorcycle helmet.

  16. Parker Posey--same looks, same attitude :)

  17. Tragically — Jason Alexander, TV's George Costanza.

    I get stopped every month or so by someone going, "Hey, you know who you look like?" It's surprisingly hard on the ego. Jason Alexander is a fine, funny actor, but let's face it, he's not the guy you want to look like.

    Just once I want someone to tell me I look like Timothy Olyphant.

  18. (Fortunately, I'm also told I'm nothing like George Constanza, even though I feel like him sometimes. Maybe I can still get Olyphant to play me in the movie?)

  19. That's An easy one. Anthony Anderson, although, I've also been called the Black Jack Black.

    (I wonder if Jack Black has ever been called the white me?)


  20. Rashida Jones. She's got my coloring and if she was de-glammed I think she could pass for me.

  21. Your question got me thinking...

    Are there any Hollywood-actors, who is 6 feet 7 and who have made a career as an actor with his shape being incidental to the parts, and not one of the characters defining characteristics?

  22. I've been told I look a lot like Adrian Barbow, but she's older than I, so I guess I could play HER. I've also been told Pat Benatar (also older than me) and Sandra Bullock. My paternal great-grandmother was a Bullock, so we COULD be related.

    Basically any actress with dark hair and dark eyes could play me.

  23. Please Don't Eat Me8/02/2011 11:36 AM

    It [somebody to play me in the movie of my life] would have to be somebody dead... Art imitating life and all that.

  24. According to Joshua Malina. Kevin Smith would play me.

    I don't think he was trying to give me a complement, but that is how I took it.

  25. Ellen DeGeneres. Same-ish looks, same dancing style. And my husband would be played by Mike Myers with an afro wig.

  26. It's a little late to give him a casting call, but for me it would be Montgomery Clift (the older version, circa The Misfits)

    Also, and I get this all the time: Rod Serling (not an actor, but at least he was on TV)

    For you Ken, I'd say Richard Benjamin (if you could get him to wear those goofy self-darkening glasses)

  27. Many of today's actors are too good looking and short to portray me, so I'm gonna go with Daniel Day Lewis. He may also be the only actor with the ability to capture my complex depth and subtle swagger. I'd also just like to hang out with him while he's researching me...having a few beers, hitting a buffet, cutting the grass....

  28. According to several people, when I was much younger: Albert Finney circa TOM JONES. (I was flattered.)
    Now: Brian Dennehy

  29. Back in the day, several people said I looked a little like the "Meathead" era Rob Reiner.

    I'm not sure Hollywood would make a story about someone post 50 so might be a moot point.

  30. Actually I feel like this has already been done- Kate Hudson in Almost Famous looked eerily like me at that age. And this isn’t really me saying that, it is my best friend, who called me after she had seen the movie to make sure I saw it, and then my husband after we did finally see it.

    for my later years? most days I feel as if you'd have to duct tape two actresses together to get a real size woman, so I think I'll pass on the speculation

  31. I'd prefer to be animated...

  32. Jackie Earle Hailey, as long as I'm shaving my head. Viggo Mortensen if I let my hair grow. These are based on others' assessments, incidentally.

  33. In high school, people said I looked like Jerry Hauser, "Oscy" from "Summer of '42.' Later, when I grew a mustache, I was constantly mistake for pitcher Frank Viola. Someone even stopped me in Venice, Italy, to ask if I had ever played ball with the Twins.

  34. She isn't actually (much) younger than I am, but gotta be Carrie Fisher. She's funny and smart. What more could I possibly want?

    Except I do my own soundtrack. I was not a *famous* folksinger, but no one else is going to sound like me.


  35. In a world where John Wayne played Genghis Khan and Leonardo DiCaprio played Howard Hughes, would it really be so presumptueous to say Brad Pitt should play me?
    I mean, I am not an Conqueror nor a millionaire, but one time I stored my urine (Yes, part of a medical examination, but why split hairs?)
    I think Judi Dench would be a good choice too. Hey,a female playing a male Charakter worked for Bob Dylan, and at least she will get a Oscar nomination.

  36. Zack 'Lite' Mayo8/02/2011 2:58 PM

    If I can't have George Clooney & I assume Rosemary is out of the question...Oh, I know, Kim Ng. We look nothing alike but at least I now know how to prounounce both of her names.

    I still have a huge crush on Debra Winger - just watched Leap of Faith last night. Can I get your autograph LMS&M?

    There were human beings who knew Abe Lincoln and saw Massey's performance as Abe? I am too lazy to do the math but that does sound like an astounding stretch. I'm sure one of the loyal blogites will do the math, tho.

    M's get 16 hits in one game? Will they get any more the rest of this week?

  37. Have been told twice - this week - that I remind people of John Larroquette.

    Assume now that doesn't happen to everyone!

  38. Mathew Modine because he can effortlessly capture the braggadocio masking the insecurity. Other than that, we look nothing alike other than we are both male and have hair.

    Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors: Nothing wrong with Debra Winger.

  39. Frank Paradise8/02/2011 3:54 PM

    Sadly being follicly challenged and obnoxious only Larry David or Donald Trump could play me.

  40. Jason Alexander, but he'd have to lose some hair and gain some weight.

    A few years a go when I was less George-like, my wife told me I looked like Matthew Broderick "except he's talented."

    Still married though, so I guess her standards are pretty low.

  41. Oddly, there is no actor, past or present, whom I resemble. That includes stars and character actors. When I was 13 there was a slight resemblance to Arnold Stang, but I outgrew that all ears, nose, and Adam's apple look.

  42. Rondo Hatton? (Nah, too tall, thin, and well-educated. Probably better looking, too.)

  43. Der Olli:

    In the case of DeCaprio playing Howard Hughes, he was too short and frankly, not as handsome. Hollywood miscasting in reverse for once

  44. When I was younger, I'd think possibly a young John Cryer with glasses... Now that I'm older, I don't know... Maybe Chaz Bono (with glasses)?... Oh, wait -- I've got a beard...

  45. "Note: Come back tomorrow. I've got something really cool."

    You don't need to say this - I'm coming back any way ;-)

  46. I get 'James Taylor' every day. But he's not an actor, so....I dunno, Christopher Lloyd maybe? Haha

  47. He's probably too old now, but about 20 years ago I was getting off a plane and a Japanese woman whispered something to her husband in her native language and he said to me, "She says you look like Indiana Jones." So, Harrison Ford.

  48. Methinks: Topher Grace
    Wifethinks: Ray Romano
    Catsthink: Can Opener

  49. I don't see it particularly, but a number of people have said I resemble Andy Garcia. For some reason I'm drawing a blank on the personality part...

  50. Ken - listening to you do the M's game tonight. Bottom of the third you mentioned yourself, Rick, and "the memory of Dave Niehaus." That was a nice touch. Thanks for that.

  51. SeanK, I am pretty sure he does that every game. And if I'm listening, it gets awfully dusty wherever I am.

  52. Jeffrey Leonard8/02/2011 11:15 PM

    Howard did a damn good job of playing himself in the Betty Thomas directed, "Private Parts".

  53. Over the years, some people have said I resemble Warren Beatty. Deep in the last century, a few thought I was a George Chakiris look-alike. I wouldn't consider playing myself. In fact, why the heck would anybody want to do a movie about MY life.

  54. Since a (presumably) nearsighted McDonald's cashier once mistook me for Pierce Brosnan, I'll go with that. The very next day, a guy I was holding the door for at the bank asked me, "Aren't you that actor?" For all I know, he meant Don Knotts or Sydney Greenstreet, but I like to think that he, too, found me Bronsonesque.

    Weirdly, I have also been told that I resemble a number of other actors/celebs, none of whom bear any resemblance to each other, including Bill Clinton, John Cassavetes, Rod Blagojevich, singer Jeff Tweedy of Wilco, and Stanley Livingston, who played Chip on MY THREE SONS. My face must be a Rorschach blot.

  55. Don't forget about Audie Murphy, who played himself in To Hell and Back, released in 1955 and about his exploits in WWII.

    Unfortunately, at 5 feet 5 inches tall, the only actor who could play me is Danny Devito. Or perhaps Tom Cruise.

  56. If I was ten years older, I'd say Mike O'Malley (one of those "he's in everything, but I don't know his name" actors)

    Same hairline, but he's 3 inches shorter than I am.

  57. Curt Alliaume8/03/2011 6:36 AM

    My wife, a few friends and I once cast nearly 50 people in our office in "the movie version" -- I was played by Harold Ramis (this was the late '80s for the most part, so think Ghostbusters era).

  58. I realized how bad my father's cataracts were getting when he said that the Howard Wolowitz character on Big Bang Theory looks just like me.

  59. I should say Josh Charles, but I've been told a slimmer Jack Black... with no hair.

  60. As a child Amy Breslin , As a mature adult Diane Keaton.

  61. Three people have told me this summer that I look like Ed Helms, so I guess that has to be my answer. Actually, one person said Ed Helms, the other two said "that guy from The Hangover." No, I do not have a face tattoo. BTW - all three of these were people I had never seen before.

    I wasn't wild about Hangover II, and I am not sure I see the resemblance myself, but who am I to argue with the judgment of perfect strangers?

  62. John Krasinski.

  63. The younger me would be Judge Reinhold. Contemporary me would be maybe John Ashton. (An all Beverly Hills Cop cast for my life story.)
    WV: oxrge - mating time on the farm.

  64. Robert Petersen8/03/2011 4:45 PM

    John Wilkes Booth

  65. Height-wise, Danny DeVito. Hair-wise, Bruce Willis. Attitude-wise, I'm going with Charlie Sheen... but I've been hanging wallpaper with the wife today, so...

  66. I've been told Olivia DeHavilland...which is pretty disturbing since I'm a guy.

    Seriously, I'd have to bite the bullet and say Richard Lewis.

  67. Probably Wayne Knight, if he wasn't wearing glasses and his hair wasn't quite so curly. (And perhaps from the period when he had lost a little weight; I guess he wasn't getting much work with that new look, because he's gained it back again.)

  68. On my best day, Alison Janney. Yes, I flatter myself.

  69. magnificentseven8/07/2011 8:04 AM

    I've been told since early adolescence that I look like Michelle Pfeiffer. I have the same nose, eyes, lips, hair, etc. It's continued on for the rest of my life. I'm now 40 and I'm 3 inches shorter. I have been asked for autographs, gotten bombarded at my local grocery store.

  70. magnificentseven8/07/2011 8:04 AM

    I've been told since early adolescence that I look like Michelle Pfeiffer. I have the same nose, eyes, lips, hair, etc. It's continued on for the rest of my life. I'm now 40 and I'm 3 inches shorter. I have been asked for autographs, gotten bombarded at my local grocery store.

  71. On the TV show Dame Edna's Hollywood back in 1992, Dame Edna mentioned an upcoming movie (which was never made) of her autobiography. Regarding casting she said: "I'll play myself when young, and Judi Dench will play me as I am now." Edna was too young to player herself as she is now.

  72. No one, I am not worthy

  73. Well, if anyone ever deemed it necessary to do a film about my life, I would have to say that British actor Ioan Gruffud would be the best choice. Allow me to demonstrate;

    Here's me: http://tinyurl.com/3sut5ht

    Here's Ioan: http://tinyurl.com/3c4kxgm


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