Saturday, November 19, 2011

JACK & JILL could be the worst movie of all-time

From Youtube contributor, pbonanno comes this hilarious video of George C. Scott watching the trailer for the new Adam Sandler er, comedy. It's my reaction exactly.


  1. this is from hospital. is this a hitler-esque serial now? if not, it certainly could be. plenty of bad stuff for george to react to.

  2. Sorry, John, but the is actually from "Hardcore". George is watching his daughter in a porno. Still preferable to Sandler in a dress!
    I'm actaully glad this film has finally been released so I don't have to watch that damned preview anymore!

  3. Brian Phillips11/19/2011 6:53 AM

    The one sheet for "Hardcore" had Scott tearing at his hair and the caption, "Oh my God, that's my daughter!"

    Surely "Jack and Jill" can't be that good, but I submit there are worse. Take, for example, "Skidoo":

    Don't believe me? Here is a clip that is best not viewed at work:

  4. It's currently at 4% approval on Rotten Tomatoes.
    Having said that, it had an excellent opening weekend, second only to "The Immortals." So a lot of people watched the trailer and thought they'd spend their money on it. Which makes you realize that global warming's not happening fast enough.

  5. I think a truly terrible movie is one I feel sorry for having spent money on (and then feel bad for others who spent money on it).

    This movie seems to fall into a different category. While I'm sure it's awful, it's not really as if people are going to be surprised.

    If you expect a movie to be the worst 90 minutes of your life, it's hard to be disapointed.

  6. I never ever went to a movie theatre to watch an Adam Sandler flick and never understood why people would be willing to pay admission for this kind of predictable, childish nonsense.

  7. My thoughts exactly just from seeing the trailer - I have no desire to spend $10 just to see Adam Sandler make a fool of himself, especially dressed as a woman in a movie like that (only Michael J Fox in Back to the Future: Part II seems to pull that one off with total success).

  8. I noticed in the trailer that aired here that they purposefully kept from showing that Sandler was also playing the sister till the very last moment. They were trying to draw the viewer in before they caught on that it was really just Big Momma's House 9: Big Momma Time. I love Sandler, but christ. I'll give it a chance. I may have to be awash in absinthe and red bull, but I'll give it a chance.

  9. Well I think it looks really, really funny. The two of them skipping like that together! And Al Pacino playing himself with a fake beard - ironic humour is becoming so sophisticated these days that for a second I thought it was just a God awful film! Oh no, wait. Oh.

  10. Scott took it better than I. I will never understand the appeal of Sandler.

  11. Armand White was one of the few that gave Jack and Jill a good review.

    For those of you who don't know him, he is a rather controversial critic. He has been on the slashfilm podcast a couple of times, if you care to hear him there.

  12. Looks like a real breakthrough role for Al Pacino.

  13. Ya know - that could be the next 'Hitler' YouTube meme....

    WV: 'chefiti' - what happens when your cook starts scrawling dirty words all over the food.

  14. Alright George, we get it. Good grief - my old man made less of a fuss when I came out.

  15. I think 95% of the budget for Jack & Jill was payed for by product placements in the movie. I would have been pissed if I had to pay to see this piece of crap but I didn't, I watched [or tortured] myself for free. I am half tempted to watch it again just to see how many products they're plugging in the movie only I may barf for days afterward from OD-ing on Sandler.

  16. Aw man, sanford, I was going to try to kick up some sh*t by mentioning the Armand White review but you beat me to it.

    (Armond White is a critic whose schtick is to wait for a critical consensus to build around a film, then in and 9 times out of 10 he chimes in with an 'opposing' viewpoint - on rare occasions when he can't bring himself to give something [like a Speilberg film] a bad review, he explains why everybody but him is too stupid to understand WHY that given film is good).

    Not to get all Armand Whitish here, but I DID see Happy Gilmore on TV once and actually thought in its own way it wasn't bad.

  17. Miss Understood11/19/2011 7:39 PM

    I don't understand why people say "I don't understand how other people like ____." Do they think it is a slam against those people?

    You are welcome to pass judgement on a movie you never saw. And then, pass judgement on the people that go see it. But, if you don't understand does that make you better than them. If you are unable to understand the appeal, then who is the idiot?

  18. George C. Scott would go through Adam Sandler like shit through a goose.

  19. Miss Understood said...
    "I don't understand why people say "I don't understand how other people like ____."

    That's an evolutionary throwback to the days before language when absolute valuation was justified. As in, that bear over there is absolutely bad, we should absolutely run from it, and Pete is absolutely wrong to be slapping it on the ass and asking for the sports page. Language kicked all that in the nuts. Nowadays it's all ideation, moral relativism, and pre-op transsandlers. I miss the bears.

  20. Let's get real: the problem isn't Sandler; it's all those millions of people who shell out good money to see his pictures. If his films weren't moneymakers, he wouldn't be making them. Simple as that.

    WF: "constr"--Nickname for a prisoner.

  21. "If you are unable to understand the appeal, then who is the idiot?"

    The people to whom it appeals, obviously. To quote H.L. Mencken, "Nobody every went broke underestimating the tastes of the American public."

  22. My 8 yr old daughter saw the preview and really wants to go see it. Plus my name is Jill, so she thinks its funny that someone with my name is in it. But I wonder, knowing Adam Sandler, if there are too many adult jokes in it? There's such a lack of good family movies these days, I think I might take her to see something like this, if I knew it was going to stay in the realm of kid-friendly jokes..

  23. To purplejilly: I have an 8-year-old daughter and I would NOT take her to this. From Common Sense Media: Jack and Jill "includes lots of potty humor and crude jokes at the expense of women who don't fit the Hollywood ideal of beauty. Since Sandler plays both Jack and his twin sister, Jill, the movie 'allows' him to make many jokes about women's bodies and personalities -- not to mention bodily functions." Rent Nim's Island instead! :)

  24. He can't be watching the trailer for "Jack and Jill". he's not vomiting.

  25. This is awesome. I'm sharing it!

  26. I hope Roger Ebert does to Adam Sandler in print what he caustically did to Rob Schneider. (Though to Schneider's credit, once Roger fell ill, he showed genuine remorse and sent him flowers.)

  27. Looks like it may be Adam Sandler's first bad film.

    Oh, wait...


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