Friday, July 06, 2012

Check out this very weird photo.

It looks like the girl is sitting and the guy is hugging her neck, right?   Look again.  It's the other way around.  He's sitting, she's hugging.   Oh, our crazy brains!


  1. I saw an old lady and a young lady. I guess I need to reset my RAM.

  2. It wouldn't be so tough if that "guy" wasn't wearing culottes.

  3. The arms are the giveway, unless that woman has manly, muscular, hairy arms and he has thin, smooth girly arms.

  4. Are we absolutely sure they aren't both men? 'Cause the one doing the hugging looks like she (he?) has facial hair...

  5. The figure sitting down has two heads.
    The figure standing up is searching behind the chair for something.
    Isn't it obvious?

  6. I thinks we're fooled by the direction of their eyes. It looks like she's reading and he is just staring ahead of him.

  7. most likely staged but still a great optical illusio

  8. That is confusing. Three remotes on that coffee table, and none of them seem to be for the TV.

  9. Photoshop. Nobody's neck does that


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