Saturday, August 25, 2012

Funny Fotos Day

Who doesn't love a little visual humor?
They do charge if you want a rollaway bed for them, however.
This is for real,
If Pole Dancing becomes an Olympic Sport I see her getting the Gold.
From my friend, Russ Woody -- an actual sign in a bathroom in Russia.
Hey, it's hard to find crap that's really fresh.
Ana from 50 SHADES OF GREY -- her car.

An authentic newspaper ad.  Back when the whole family drank beer... even the kids.
Okay.  I just couldn't resist.
And finally, here's a photo I took myself.  On Ventura Blvd. in Studio City they have plaques on the sidewalk like they do in Hollywood.  But in Studio City they salute those great movies and TV shows that were filled there.  Including this one:


  1. Damn, I got Devo stuck in my head.

  2. Great Saturday chuckle, Ken. Love the Russian bathroom sign especially. :)

    -Fan of good visual humor

  3. I hope Studio City honors some of the earlier Republic serials. "Zombies" was the tail end of era, when the studio provided superior stuff like "Jungle Girl" and "Captain Marvel."

  4. Yikes! What kind of Neanderthal fantasises about a stripper who does their ironing? Crazy. Great bunch of pics, Ken.

  5. And we mustn't forget that ZOMBIES gave a young Leonard Nimoy his first role as an alien!

  6. So if I'm throwing up in a bathroom in Russia, I'm supposed to sit on the toilet and - what? - throw up on my shoes?


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