Saturday, December 29, 2012

The road to Hana

Here are some great photos on the road to Hana and other assorted Maui locales taken by my son Matt.  He has the kind of camera that's just a camera and you can't make phone calls on it.  I didn't know they still made those.  Anyway, take a look.  And check out his website for more and even better photos.  


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  3. These are some great shots. Thanks for sharing, Ken.

  4. Pretty nice, surreal looking. The kid's got talent! And he gets an endorsement from a pretty good shooter in Mr. Whitham. Not bad at all!

  5. I love these pictures. Thank you. :) Julie, Burlington, Iowa

  6. The Indian Bustard12/29/2012 11:43 AM

    Mr. Levine,

    Not the right thing to have done, sir.

    I read the original post, and the second comment. No reason to take either of them down...


  7. I hope we get to see the pictures he took on the road to Barbera...

  8. Wow! Amazing photos!

    (How much talent does one family need??)

  9. Message from the 50th state to the 49th state:
    "Oh look, ex-Governor Palin. You can see where Obama was born from here."

  10. Gorgeous - especially the top two. Matt has a great eye for composition.

  11. Those are pretty impressive images. It looks like he ran them through photoshop but maybe he just has a few incredible lens and filters.

  12. Are you sure these aren't Bob Ross paintings?

    Seriously, they enhance the natural beauty of the islands.


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