Saturday, November 30, 2013

The most amazing Xmas song you'll hear this year

No matter your religious preference you'll be blown away by this guy. Sam Robson. He does all nine voices in this Acapella rendition of "I Need Thee O I Need Thee." Wow.


  1. Very pretty, but how is this a Christmas song?

  2. My mom's gotten obsessed with this video, I've been hearing her play it all year long.

  3. Scooter Schechtman11/30/2013 10:15 AM

    American Idol melisma, bleh. I'll take the Roches' Xmas album anyday.

  4. We have to struggle to make heads or tails of those damn "captchas" every time we post, and you still get spammed?

  5. There's gotta be a link between selling coins, repairing roofs, and needing the services of a bail bondsman. It sounds like the gypsies are active again.

  6. Porn star karaoke, acapella christmas songs..... Ken, we need to talk about your record collection.....


  7. This has been haunting me, in a good way. Thanks for posting. Still not a Christmas song. :-)


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