Thursday, February 20, 2014

I'm hosting the Marilu Henner show today...

It's Marilu's nationally syndicated radio program where we talk lifestyle issues, pop culture, TV, movies, and what Marilu had for lunch on August 7, 1993.  It's on from 9-12 PST and it streams live here.    I'll be on tomorrow as well. Check it out.  (Marilu had an egg salad sandwich that day.)

Today's post follows soon. 


  1. Marilu had an egg salad sandwich? SCANDAL!! She has betrayed the vegan community. My heart weeps for this world.

  2. Last time I heard Marilu, she was talking about why the benefits of having floaters instead of sinkers in the toilet bowl. Is still still on that kick?

  3. 9 am or 9 pm?

  4. Floaters? Geez, only if you want to think you have pancreatic cancer. No thanks.

  5. Enjoyed your hosting Marilu Henner show.

    Friday question about the cheesy ads on radio. I wonder when the host seems to personal endorse the product. How is it the one thing Stephanie Miller and Rush Limbaugh agree on is buy gold?

  6. Nice job on the talk show. You're a natural at this.

    Gotta protest your comment about folks posting pet pics on FB. I love those little furballs who share our house.

  7. Wayne - The way I understand it, a company pays so much for advertising on the show. They can pay more for the "talent" to hawk their wares.

  8. Just so you know, they repeat the show throughout the day on the internet so , while listening to it in real time is great, at least you can listen to it later.

  9. I have an egg allergy too. I GET it.

  10. Highly entertaining listening while I work. You should do this more often!


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