Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I'll be co-hosting the Howard Stern Wrap-Up Show...

... this morning after Howard's show on Sirius/XM Channel 100.  Probably around 11:00 EDT/ 8:00 PDT.  This was an unexpected surprise.  Howard apparently read the article I wrote on him last week and invited me to do this.  Should be fun.  If you're not already a subscriber, the best way to hear me is to buy a new car in the next half hour that has a three-month free trial of Sirius/XM.   Thanks.


  1. Won't have a chance to listen live but certainly will later. Good luck and Bababooey to y'all, Ken!

  2. Make sure to ask Jon Hein about the 80 "things" he got in college!

  3. What color???

  4. I hope they replay it tomm. on Howard crossed)

  5. Congratulations! (Did it really come about from your blog last week...? It seemed like an odd choice for a topic at the time -- at first I wondered if he'd died -- and then you're working on his show?)

    Can anyone help me understand how to listen to this. Thanks!

  6. Wonderful! I look forward to hearing you. It's a shame they don't replay the wrap up show as much.

    Even separate from Stern, I'm sure you and Jon Hein will have LOTS of TV stuff to chat about!

    -Sammy B

    1. Use the Sirius app and you can listen to the wrap up show on demand as in anytime you want!

  7. Great job, Ka-Ka Kenny! ;) Loved your first line - "I can say fuck here, right?"

  8. It's already been posted:

  9. Meredith Napster Birney5/20/2015 11:32 PM

    Fast work. God bless this, the Golden Age of Copyright Violation.

  10. Were you live in person? If so, were Gary's teeth as big and odorous as rumored?

  11. Howard is talented and gifted, no doubt. But his starting point is so base, so crude, so sexist and ignoble, I cannot understand why anyone continues to listen to him.

    Does talent override human decency? If someone is entertaining, funny, loquacious, does that give then a free ticket to abuse the code of human decency?

    I listened to Howard for about 3 broadcasts on Q107 in Toronto way back when... fortunately, he was quickly replaced by an intelligent jock who didn't rely on crap to draw ratings.

    Come on, Ken. You know better.
    A guest on his show? Be prepared to reveal ALL your sexual secrets.

  12. OMG, Damian. Who ARE you? That was wonderful. Unless everyone is finished with this thread, you will probably get several vicious, condescending comments about being condemnatory and judgmental, so I wanted you to know that at least one other peruser of this blog has the same opinion of the detestable Howard Stern (actually there were a couple from the original post, but not as bold as yours--you actuality used the phrase "human decency."

    1. Totally agree with you Damion. Honestly the only worthwhile person to listen to is Pat Robertson and the clean pure folks at the 700 Club. Decency for gosh darn sake. Oh that and Hitlers speeches.

  13. GMJ
    So Howard Stern or Pat Robertson/Hitler are the choices? On the Humanity Continuum, they are all pretty much in the same place, but fortunately there are many other choices.


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