Saturday, April 02, 2016


This is a hilarious video. Bert & Ernie rapping to Warren G and Nate Dogg's "Regulate." It was done by Adam Schleichkorn. Brilliant job, sir.


  1. For years, I've been saying Sesame Workshop needs to spin off Bert and Ernie from "the Street," give them a weekly, half-hour sketch/sitcom hybrid. That video is just one reason why I think the concept would work.

  2. Subtitles! I need English subtitles!

    It's been the same for years starting with James Brown and Bob Dylan and it's been going on ever since. I pretend to be hip and cool, nodding along with the tunes all while having no clue what hell they're singing about. Don't tell my friends...

    Eddie Murphy says it all:

  3. I was hoping the mashup I did of Ernie and Bert to the theme of THE ODD COUPLE last year would catch on fire, but eh, oh well.

  4. I prefer the Tonight Show's depiction of Brian Williams singing Rapper's Delight.

  5. What lovely music. I always wanted to hear a song about robbery and murder. When is Sinatra Day?

  6. @Rashad Khan Ernie and Bert actually did have their own spin-off, however, it was a claymation series involving them having "adventures" by traveling to different countries and other lands. It was a full-fledged series in international markets, but reduced to being a recurring segment on SESAME STREET in North America.

  7. Humor in juxtaposition and a low bar for brilliance. Subtitles would help as lip reading is tough with muppets.

  8. Brought to you by the number 985732 Los Angelas County Jail. And by the letter cell block C

  9. I see what you did there, Stephen Marks.

    Nice job.

  10. Joking aside, Sesame Street actually has been working to be more relevant to average black folks:

  11. Straight Outta Sesame Street

    I used to love Sesame Street and blame it for my transatlantic twang. Strangely I don't think it's shown in the UK anymore. Shame.

  12. Well, that was disappointing. Coldplay-lite. I was expecting something more like:
    Burt (of Ernie) "I've got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one."

  13. @Johnny Walker The UK has a Sesame spin-off that's exclusive to your country called THE FURCHESTER HOTEL, about the titular hotel that's owned and operated by Elmo's aunt and uncle; from what I understand, Elmo and Cookie Monster are the only original US Muppets appearing on the show.

  14. 😂😂😂 Love this! Two classics become one!

  15. Why did Glen and Les Charles pretty much quit the business after Cheers?

  16. That was funny and brilliantly edited, but nowhere near as funny as the video of Bert and Ernie doing a scene from Casino. That is absolutely hilarious.

  17. Anonymous at 11:33
    That was really lovely; thanks for the link. With the USA having far more of it's citizens in prison than any other country on earth (there are over 200 countries). God knows children of prisoners need all the help they can get.

    Incarceration Rate per 100,000 population:
    USA 698
    UK 148
    Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark--all under 70
    Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, Austria--all under 100
    Cuba 510
    Russia 445
    North Korea--no one knows (estimate 600-800)

    We should be so ashamed of this painful truth.

  18. Favorite mashup: SpongeBob and Breaking Bad.


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