Sunday, July 10, 2016

Today is Annie & Jon's wedding

Hi, it's me, the "Father of the Bride."   Happy to announce that today is the big day.  My daughter, who you longtime blog readers know, is marrying the love of her life and writing partner, Jonathan Emerson. #TheonewhereJonmarriesAnnie.  I could not be more thrilled.   (You can't imagine what a relief it is for a father to actually LIKE the guy.) 

I know of several writing teams who are also married.  I asked one about whether it's problematic.  She said, "Do Annie & Jon get along while writing scripts together?"  I said, "Yes, absolutely," and she said, "Then marriage is easy." 

This wedding has been in the planning stages for months.   Seems way more complicated to set up than in my day.  I think it takes two months, seven caterer interviews, special flowers, and custom announcements just to elope now.

But everything is set, relatives from both sides have descended, our friends and their friends have assembled (I hope none of my friends hand them a spec script), and any glasses that won't be stomped on will be raised in toasts.   Not sure whether we ordered the chopped liver swan.  I'll have to double-check.

In any event, I'm ecstatic for the happy couple.  I know they will share a wonderful life together.  I hope I don't get swept up in the emotion of the moment and give them a spec script myself. 

Annie & Jon, mazol tov on this very special occasion.  I love you both. 


  1. Mazel Tov to the happy couple, and to your entire family!

  2. Mazel Tov indeed!

  3. Best Wishes to the new couple.

  4. Mazel tov, Annie & Jon! I'm sure you already know this: never be afraid to mine real life for content; if it rings true to you, it will also to your audience. And likewise, never confuse your "characters" with the two of you who get into the same bed at night.

    Wishing you a long, happy, and productive life together.

  5. Wishing Annie and Jon many years of love, joy, and adventure! Enjoy the beauty and wonder of the day and congratulations to the entire family!

  6. Congratulations. May they live as long as they want, and love as long as they live.

  7. Sorry, I need to put everything in TV terms. So, it's like the Dick Van Dyke show if Rob and Laura worked together? Do they fall over the ottoman together? (Actually, there's a show right there. Congratulations kids, there's my wedding present for you.)

  8. Congratulations to Annie and Jon, and to their families. Ken, I don't see a resemblance to Spencer Tracy ... yet.

  9. Congrats, Ken. Best wishes to the happy couple.

  10. Let me extend the proverbial Mazel Tov and raise you a L'Chaim!

  11. Congratulations to Jon and "best wishes" to Annie (tradition dictates you don't congratulate the bride, and I'm a slave to tradition). Two great kids -- jeez, did I really call them "kids"? -- who are wickedly smart, naturally funny and, best of all, genuinely nice people.

    And congratulations, Ken, on gaining a son-in-law who's almost worthy of your daughter.

  12. My family took me fishing today as a consolation for my not being there. Mazel tov from ours to yours. Jon and Annie were always a great team and now they're galvanizing it in a beautiful way. Life, love, health and happiness forever.

  13. Congratulations, Ken.

  14. Best wishes to your daughter and your new son-in-law.

  15. Much happiness to your daughter and son-in-law. Clearly, they know how to laugh, the secret to a good marriage.

  16. Congrats to all! Look out for broken glass.

  17. congratulations to the entire family. All the best - forever!!!

  18. Best wishes to the couple, with hopes they'll raise yet another generation of screenwriters.

  19. Mazel Tov! Congratulations on your big day, Annie and Jon! May you share a long and happy life together!

  20. So, Ken, planning to pull a Lin-Manuel Miranda stunt?

  21. Congratulations. Much happiness to Annie and Jon

  22. Pete Grossman7/10/2016 8:58 PM

    Here's to smashing glasses. Mazel Tov!

  23. Congratulations to Annie and Jon!

  24. Best Wishes to the Happy Couple !1 When can we expect some good news? A beautiful bouncing script which grows into a long running series.

  25. All Good Wishes to the Bride and Groom. Live long and prosper.

  26. Congrats, Ken. Much happiness to that lovely couple.

  27. Congrats on the marriage and best wishes to a wonderful life for the happy couple!

  28. Blogger Michael said...

    Congratulations to Annie and Jon, and to their families. Ken, I don't see a resemblance to Spencer Tracy ... yet.

    Ken, that could be either Spencer Tracy, or Steve Martin.

    Many blessings and much happiness to all!

  29. John, thanks for the shout-out. I love Steve Martin, but I had to go with the original.

  30. I'm late, but congratulations!


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