Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Episode 16: Misc-Takes: Avoiding the Casting Couch & Hollywood Parties

Ken shares five different stories this week – how to avoid the “casting couch,” how to rewrite Neil Simon (if you dare), Hollywood screenings, what not to do at Hollywood parties (a painful but hilarious lesson), and Ken’s most memorable home run call (that he’s still hearing about 25 years later).

Listen to the Hollywood & Levine podcast!


  1. Off topic, why do I read about this in Mark Evanier's blog, but not yours?

  2. Love the format either way. I'm sure you'll have subjects on which you'll want to spend more time, so don't slavishly stick to one or the other. At least that's my opinion.

  3. Not only do the shorter segments work (and allow you to use more of those tags), the ads fit in better. Not that I'm opposed to the long form. BORNEO! - love it!

  4. Is it a casting couch, when an actress wants to sleep willingly to further her career?

    I know of instances when they openly offer sex for roles even minor ones.

  5. Nice post Ken. But there are things that are beyond just ordinary people like casting director etc.... The role of stars in a big movie....

    Gwyneth Paltrow sleeping with Harvey.

    Margot Robbie getting meaty roles when she can't act shit....

    I know these are rumors, but surely there is more than meets the eye. Desperation to be a star and biggies using their position... A sleazy world.....

    Anyway, I loved the podcast. Keep them coming.......

  6. Steve Buscemi: Ken, WTF !!!??? I was banging that girl, why did you have to ruin it mannnnnn......

    "Fargo" modified for your podcast Ken. Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaaa........

  7. Loved the "No School in Borneo Tomorrow" call. I never heard the Chiefs broadcast as I grew up in Red Wing territory.
    But, I have to ask about the days you post a podcast, the description of the podcast content is written in the third person. On purpose?

  8. Yes JonCow. That's because that same description appears elsewhere and that is the preferred style. Thanks for listening. Please subscribe.


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