Wednesday, August 23, 2017

EP34: The TV Pilot from Hell

Ken shares the saga of a pilot he and his partner once did for NBC where everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.  Spectacularly.    If comedy is “tragedy plus time” I think even Levine & Isaacs can now laugh at this folly. You will too. 

Listen to the Hollywood & Levine podcast!


  1. Loved the past two episodes, too. The Snobs was really interesting to hear. It sounded like it was going to be one joke from four different characters, but it worked really well. It would have been interesting to see it in real life.

    And your chat with David was excellent. Glad to hear you're going to bring him back. My request would be for you to talk about what happened on MARY.

  2. One of the funniest half-hours or so of radio I've ever heard. Of course, you need to do a sequel on the topic of why rational people continue to work in television if this sort of thing is typical.

  3. Amazing story! I look forward to hearing more war stories like this! You should have guests who come on to tell theirs!

  4. I am a regular listener of your podcast, but I can take this one only in small chunks -- not due to your presentation, but because it pains me to listen to the agony that you and your partner went through. All this for a half-hour pilot? If I'd been in your shoes, I'd have probably gone nuts.

  5. Good show, but exhausting! So THAT'S how sausage is made!

  6. Loving your podcasts! This really is the best format for your stories because you can do the voices of the people in them. If you don't WANT to do a longer podcast, totally up to you. But I listen to your podcasts while I walk in my neighborhood park. The longer you talk, the more I walk, so you'd be doing me a favor!

  7. I was wondering why the director wasn't involved in the editing. Is/was this normal for American network TV?


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