Tuesday, March 13, 2018


WARNING: Political Post. If you’re a Trump supporter, have a lovely day. We’ll hopefully see you tomorrow.

WARNING #2: I moderate comments so any pro-Trump rant gets deleted. Yes, I know, that’s not very democratic of me. Complain to the unbiased folks at Fox News.

Now to the post.

Oh joy! Our fucking idiot toxic treasonous elected official (I can’t even bring myself to use any term even resembling “leader”) is coming to California today.

First he’s going to San Diego to see prototypes of this ridiculous wall that will never be built. I guess he doesn’t realize that the people of Mexico know about ladders. You’d think he would tour the Navy base there, but I doubt he even knows there’s a Navy base there. I doubt he even knows we have Navy bases. I’m sure he’ll be disappointed that the Gaslamp area of San Diego has been cleaned up and his favorite strip joints are gone. Expect him to try to endear himself to the San Diego population by wearing a Chargers hat.

Then he goes up to LA for a fundraiser in Beverly Hills. This will result in road closings. Obama used to come and it was a mess. But at least we knew a day or two in advance what the road closures were. As of yesterday they weren’t divulging that information. Why? The location of the fundraiser is being kept secret for fear of protests.

You can bet that when those roads are closed today the protesters will be there, letting our scumbag-in-chief know that he’s as welcome as the Bubonic Plague.

Did you ever think the day would come when the president of the United States would have to sneak into town like a wanted fugitive? In an American city? It used to be an honor to host the president of the United States. Even if he was from the other party. You might disagree with him politically but you were at least sure that he was trying his best to preserve Democracy and improve the public’s way of life. This guy’s only focus is to stay out of a prison and keep Stormy Daniels from telling the world he’s a lousy lay.

No industry people will be at this Beverly Hills fundraiser. In fact, there is talk that if one does go he’ll be blackballed in Hollywood. They want donors to pay $230,000 to attend. Who can afford that other than gun manufacturers? My guess is for that kind of money they can hold the fundraiser in one bungalow in the Beverly Hills Hotel. And by the way, there will be a protest at 4:00 in Beverly Hills by the political group Union Del Barrio regardless of where this fundraiser/hideout is.

The governor invited our irresponsible lying disgrace to humanity to visit the state’s high-speed rail construction projects. “You see, in California we are focusing on bridges, not wall,” Governor Brown said in a letter to our Shithead-in-chief, but since it wasn’t wrapped in a Happy Meal it was never read.

Tonight he plans to stay at our 73 story downtown hotel thus closing off two blocks in every direction and wreaking havoc, which is the only thing he can successfully do.

He’s only here for one day, thank goodness. The next time he visits I hope it’s to stay in San Quentin, and then he can remain for the rest of his life.

Since there will be a lot of traffic today I’ll just stay home and ship off ladders.


  1. But what do you REALLY think of him?


  2. Clarification tweet never sent: As long as there's a wall between me & them https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/728297587418247168

  3. Oliver Pepper3/13/2018 6:15 AM

    ‘I am going into the lion’s mouth. Look how brave I am!’

  4. Ken (heart) your blog and agree w/you prob. 90% minimum. Please know my comment is out of love/respect for your work.

    I can’t stand El Trump either but I hope the “blackball” remark was hyperbole.

    You of all people know we tried a blacklist once before in the Creative Community. Didn’t turn out too well.

  5. You're being too easy on him.

  6. Of course he isn't going to wear a Chargers cap. If he doesn't own the branding rights he doesn't wear the merch.

  7. Scott Baio might attend the fundraiser. And he doesn't have to worry about being blackballed, as his career is over anyway.

  8. When I heard he was still expecting Mexico to pay for his wall, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. Next up, Arizona puts up a wall around the state to keep out the snowbirds from Wisconsin and Minnesota who, after loading up their RVs to spend the winter in the southwest, will the complain about all the Mexican-Americans and Native Americans. No more year round golf, no more water guzzling green lawns in the desert, no more early bird all you can eat buffets at senior citizen prices. Well, if the wall goes up, there won't be anyone willing to do all that labor anyway!

  9. Poisonous orange toads are an invasive species, we need a wall to keep them out of California.

  10. Rant or not, "Complain to the 'unbiased' folks at Fox News" is probably the funniest statement I've read so far this year. Sometimes, the best jokes are the easy ones.

  11. This isn't just a partisan issue. When I lived in Cleveland, I experienced traffic nightmares from the visits of presidents Bush (Sr.), Clinton, Bush the lesser, and Obama. I imagine every such visit must cost thousands of votes. People were always infuriated, regardless of their political views. I know it's not realistic, but I wish presidents could give their speeches or spend their time outside of any downtown area, and allow average citizens to go about their day. Or better yet, stay in DC and Skype the world.

  12. Fantastic! My wife and I are on a road trip in California and guess which city we were hoping to traverse this evening. At least we've been smart enough not to schedule a stay there. Trump or no, this is meant to be fun.

  13. ITEM: Couldn't presidents travel in aircraft? Not nearly so much traffic interference, and if it makes him a bigger target... what's the difference between that orange target at a dinner and that orange target in a helicopter?

    ITEM: I finally figured it out. 45 wants a wall across our southern border... it's going to be of use when he puts up the REST of the visible-from-space walls across the United States. They're going to spell "TRUMP" (or, God willing, "TRUPM".) That wall is just going to be an underscore.

  14. "If you’re a Trump supporter, have a lovely day. We’ll hopefully see you tomorrow."

    Nope. I'm gone. Missing reading your screeds will be no great loss.

    - Fed Up

  15. I'm sure he's counting on protesters. He lives for chaos and attention of any kind. There's no other reason for him to come here.

  16. Ken, if there's any justice in the world, you'll get to deliver this as the Democratic response to next year's SOTU.

  17. Love this!

  18. If there weren't seventy bajillion guns in private hands, even presidents could walk the streets in relative safety. No American president has ever been attacked with a knife, machete or nerve gas.

  19. I wish every one would follow David Cay Johnston. He wrote Making of Donald Trump and his new one It's Even Worse Than You Think. He has been writing about him for 30 years. Lots of interviews on you tube about the new book. Good interview in the nation this morning.

  20. "You'd think he would tour the Navy base there [San Diego], but I doubt he even knows there's a Navy base there."

    Which means he's never watched a Padres home game on Sundays. Scores of uniformed service members seated in the upper deck is a San Diego tradition.

  21. Like you and many people, I HATE Trump, but that’s not why he has to sneak into town like a fugitive. A significant number of people have hated every president since Nixon. The reason he has to sneak into town is because Americans have become increasingly intolerant of ANYONE with whom they don’t agree. Richard Dawkins, beloved of liberals for years, dared to say a word of criticism about Islam and was visciously attacked and disinvited to speak at Berkeley, that former bastion of free speech.
    I hope no one turns up to hear Trump, and I hope there are peaceful protests, but I’m sorry he has to sneak into town, and I’m sorry he will be heckled and not allowed to speak in any public forum. I’m sorry there is so Little respect for our history. And I’m glad that you only ranted and expressed your feelings, but no where suggested that he didn’t have a right to his hateful ideas.

  22. john not mccain3/13/2018 9:30 AM

    "No American president has ever been attacked with a knife, machete or nerve gas."

    Hold my beer...

  23. tRump is my favorite way to type tRump.

    Join my closed Facebook group called PHONE CALLS TO CONGRESS. Request to join and then be active by calling your congresspersons. And giving them a piece of your mind....

  24. Georgie Porgie3/13/2018 10:13 AM

    Trump's like Jimmy the Gent after the Luftansa heist. Not only Tillerson, but Tillerson's aide, found in a dumpster.

  25. I figure if Trump knows we have a navy, he'll want an aircraft carrier in his military parade. Although it might tear up the pavement worse than tanks.

  26. Michael Kane says he is a "big feminist"..."never realized women were underpaid"..."vowed to never work with the Woody Allen".

    Last time he said some asinine stuff was during the "Oscars so white" controversy.

  27. At the VA hospital this morning for a routine physical and on my way out, I passed a pix of Trump and felt such a wave of revulsion seeing his face on the wall in a building dedicated to the men and women who served our country honorably, that I actually gagged a bit. Not enough to scare folks around me, but enough to know I had never had such an experience before.

    An instant afterwards, I glanced at the building directory and saw "Podiatry Department" and thought of "courageous" President Bone Spurs...and found some humorous relief in the irony of it all.


    What will it take for the GOP to finally repudiate that dishonorable man?

  28. Dear anonymous - if I was a Trump supporter I would want to stay anonymous as well.

  29. - Fed Up

    go melt, snowflake.

  30. Wow. So he is meeting with the rich Hollywood elites after all. Guess his reelection campaign needs an immediate infusion of cash because he knows he is in big trouble. Did the Hollywood elite Mnuchin set this up? Janice B.

  31. You forgot to include Mel Gibson in your rant Ken. Is he going?

  32. Frank Burns Eats Worms3/13/2018 11:29 AM

    I am very disappointed that you actually used foul language. In these circumstances, you should use Col. Potter-isms.

    -Cow Cookies
    -Horse Hockey
    -Buffalo Bagels
    -That is grade-A, 100% bull cookies!
    -Who gives a rat's hat?

  33. Back when, before road closings and all the imperial bullshit, JFK's motorcade was heading into Manhattan from one of the airports and got stuck in the usual traffic jam close to the city. He just rolled down the windows and chatted with the people in the cars next to him. That was democracy. We'll never have that again. Never.

  34. The lady in my avatar -- famed for her own inventive invective, designed to stave off lecherous directors, producers and such (used only in male company) -- has no inherent objection to Ken's language. Especially when she compares the current president to the one she and Clark Gable met in December 1940. They attended his famed "fireside chat" using the term "arsenal of democracy" -- https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/presidential-speeches/december-29-1940-fireside-chat-16-arsenal-democracy and http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=15917.

  35. The "Manchuria=n Candidate" is the Muscovite Tool

  36. Well, you run a (prolific) blog, Ken. And despite what recent alt-right commentators have suggested (on other forums), they don't actually have a right of reply under the First Amendment. Let them stew on their own little Fantasy Islands, which may or may not be paid for by noble chaps and chappesses like Robert and Rebekah Mercer. (I'm surprised that Steve Bannon can put up with Robert. Suspiciously Jewish name, is Robert.)

    May I gently suggest that you comment, as and when, on Mr Orange's rather interesting ability to almost make sense one day, and then go into hiding the next day? This seems to be a frequent occurrence. Two examples:

    1) Trump (whilst proposing several unworkable and frankly stupid and offensive "solutions") actually comes up with a daring advance in gun control, ie move the age limit up. The NRA says no. Trump wimps out.

    2) Trump, who is in no way indebted to the Russian government, either financially or politically, says absolutely nothing about what is either a state poisoning of a Soviet spy in Salisbury, or else a criminal lapse in the control over Russian nerve toxins. OK, this one isn't actually a reverse per se. But even his own press officer suggested that there were US concerns on the matter.

    We're stuck with the dickweed for three more years, I'm sorry to say. But on the bright side, at least we Europeans can find a bitter humour in it. (And he's even funnier on TV here than he is over there...)

  37. 1. I am sad that you must make such disclaimers/announcements prior to posting on your own personal blog.
    2. I"m glad you did, cause screw 'em.
    3. I'm also glad our governor has a biting sense of humor.

  38. A voice speaking for the MAJORITY of Americans who did not vote for this cheetah clown has spoken. Thanks.

  39. Ken, thanks for some laughs at a time when they're desperately needed. Humorist Andy Borowitz posts some great anti-Trump stuff on Twitter every day. Yesterday's was a beauty: "House Republicans Say Japanese Did Not Meddle in Pearl Harbor."

  40. I'd rather have the plague. Oh, look; Don Don is on the boob tube. He's blathering on at the poor Marines at Miramar. He's probably wondering where Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis are.

    1. Just heard him call for a "space force." Jeez.

  41. Kevin from VA3/13/2018 2:51 PM

    Trumpty Dumpty’s in California, to inspect a big wall. Trumpty Dumpty spews our neighbor to the south, will pay for it all. As all of his retching just pisses off Ken, we all just wish for Obama again.

  42. Of all the things, the governor responded by talking about his high-speed rail plan? Just the other day, they raised the cost estimate by another 13 billion dollars.

  43. Thank you for the political spoiler alert at the beginning. I may not necessarily disagree with whatever you've got to say, but I get my fill of political rants elsewhere; by the time I get here I feel like a cat that got caught in a downpour.

    Be seeing you.

  44. Ugh. You have my utmost sympathies.

    Seriously, somebody please tell me he'll be removed from office as soon as humanly possible? How much more of him and his obnoxious bullshit do we have to be forced to deal with?

  45. @Andrew: Presidents do sometimes arrange their visits to avoid traffic jams. When he came here to Atlanta for fundraisers, President Bush often spoke at the Georgia International Convention Center, which is adjacent to the airport. And in fairness, President Trump has done a number of his rallies inside airport hangars, so that he literally just steps right off his plane and onto the dais.

    What I don't understand about this visit... my recollection is that Trump owns a home in LA. I would have expected him to stay there rather than a hotel given his well-known preference for spending nights at his own properties.

  46. A few points here and there:

    - Ever notice that Mr. Trump is never heckled during his public tantrums?
    That's because he always has a "papered house": his minions see to it that everyone there is part of the team - hats, signs, and all.
    If Mr. Trump ever had a truly "open house", he'd never get a word in edgewise.
    You'll notice that whenever a reporter asks him a possibly embarrassing question, Mr. Trump turns on his bone spurs and walks away, with his toadies forming a flying wedge around him.

    - "Blackballing" - or as it used to be called, blacklisting (and let's face it, that's what it is) :
    Never a good idea.
    The pendulum always swings back, causing a loud backfire (can I mix a metaphor or what?).
    There's nothing new about the toxic ill-will between the Bases, save perhaps for its recent savagery.
    I recall the days of my "youth", when Illinois's two US Senators, Paul Douglas (D) and Everett Dirksen (R), did a Sunday evening TV show on Channel 9 in Chicago.
    They usually alternated Sundays, but at least once a month, they'd do the show together - they'd known each other for years, and were able to have a friendly exchange on camera (imagine any of the current crop doing that).

    - Whenever I'm in the Loop (aka downtown Chicago), I get to see (at a safe distance) the Chicago version of The Trump Tower, home of his trademark bait-and-switch condo scam, among other features.
    As with all the other Towers, this magnificently ugly building has the Trump name in big brass letters on the frontage.
    Digression: Many years ago, I read the short stories of Edward D. Hoch in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine.
    One of his series was about Nick Velvet, a professional thief who, for a fee, would steal things that were apparently worthless - but always had some offbeat "value" to whoever wanted them stolen.
    One of the stories was called "The Theft Of The Brazen Letters", about a man who wanted three brass letters stolen from the frontage of a Manhattan skyscraper (this would be circa 1966).
    Back to today: whenever I see the Big Building on Wabash Avenue, with That Name on the front, I often find myself wishing that a real "Nick Velvet" could be hired to steal one of those brass letters.
    Just one of them.
    Care to guess which one?

    - There's more to be said here, about a Big Picture that nobody seems to be noticing.
    Meanwhile, it's all getting crazier and crazier ...
    ... I gotta stand down and think about this some more ...

  47. Amen, brother. I agree with every word.

  48. How long before the Country gets tired of his act? Seriously, he's exhausting, like Robin Williams as Mork from Ork exhausting. Even if you love the guy and agree with everything he says, he has to wear you out eventually. I loved Henry Winkler as The Fonz, but after the first season he was chalk on a chalkboard, and he was only on once a week for 30 minutes. There's no way the voters will step into the booth and willingly renew his show for 4 more seasons, right? Right?

    Ah Hell, who am I kidding, Hee Haw ran for 20 seasons. We're screwed.

  49. The virus has mutated. First it was BDS, then ODS, and now TDS.

  50. Word has just reached us that Stephen Hawking has passed away.

    Great! The world's smartest man is dead and the world's stupidest man is still President.

  51. Interim Comment:

    Donald Trump is The Great American Spiv.

    That's a British slang term for what we here in the USA would call a hustler - someone who gets by mainly on his wits, usually unencumbered by honesty or ethics.

    The spiv is mainly looking out for the best deal for himself - the one that will either make him a lot of money, or give him a comfortable situation that he can occupy while waiting for the next scheme to come up.

    When he was younger, Donald Trump was quite good at that; he was able to sell himself as a "brilliant businessman", even though he actually wasn't. He was able to convince older and "wiser" heads that he was a "boy genius" of Manhattan realty at just the right time.
    He was also able to convince New York Society types that he was one of their own, by learning all the superficialities that go with that station.

    Mr. Trump was able to pull this con off for more than twenty years, before the years caught up with him; it's sort of what happens to child actors when they age out of being cute.

    What happened then was worse: because Mr. Trump always surrounded himself with grovelers who kept telling him that he could do no wrong, he ultimately fell for his own con.

    From the Millenium onwards (give or take), many of Mr. Trump's "projects" were less than totally successful - but you'd never know it from listening to him.
    All his lackeys kept telling him that he was the greatest - and Donald Trump kept believing them (and disregarding the truth).

    And that brings us to his backwards-and-sideways "election" to the Presidency, where he became the beneficiary of the Ultimate Technicality - the Electoral College.

    As far back as the 2000 election, I was telling anyone who would listen (and quite a few who wouldn't) that the EC had defects that you could drive a Humvee through.
    Nobody really listened; truth to tell, I never expected them to.
    Cold Comfort, indeed.

    Anyway, now we have a President who is in way over his head - and doesn't even know it.
    He still only listens to the bootlickers, like Sean Hannity and his kind, who are every bit as caught up in the con as he is - they all really believe the whole scam.
    They'll all probably still believe it when it all falls apart - perhaps as early as the midterm vote, should the GOP lose both houses of Congress (God willing).

    In 2020, just before the next Presidential vote, I'll turn 70 years old.
    I'm looking forward to the latter.
    The former ... not so much.

  52. I am sorry the shit stain in chief is going to be soiling your state. I can't begin to tell you how much I loath him (I ain't any too fond of the moronic racists that voted for him either).

  53. Oh no! anonymous has stopped reading your blog. How will we all continue?

  54. Christ, even the Golden Girls welcomed Bush! That never allow T***p into their home!

  55. ODJennings, "Hee Haw" may have run for 20 years, but "Saturday Night Live" is now in its 43rd... and it's because of that show, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, and Ken Levine that I still am laughing about this current Presidential Administration!

  56. Mike Doran is spot on. Too sum it up Trump is a narcissistic, compulsive, pathological lying con-man. Unfortunately we have a "holy roller" V.P., weasel speaker of the house and a dysfunctional congress. The current Republican Party is controlled by Washington's two most powerful lobbies, the NRA and the evangelical, for profit, religious right fronted by Ralph Reed for Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swagart, that guy down in Texas and a lot others of their ilk. And I'm registered Republican

  57. I'll not say I'm pro Trump.

    But yeah I am ANTI --- H. C.
    I can't write the full name.

    Choice made election done --- on with the world.

  58. Should have pointed out, "holly roller" Pence could be worse than Trump...

  59. There is too much focus today on politics and all things "The President." It feels extremely unhealthy. I see people every day obsessing over all of it, as if who said what said when said where said why is more important than breathing.

    I can't do it.

    For me, there are, like, 175,000 other things ahead of what President ___(fill in the blank)___ said or did, like "did I put the garage door down when I left for work" or "why does Netflix never seem to have the movies I really want to see?"

  60. @Anonymous We really need to give credit where credit is due . . . Taylor Swift was a narcissist before Trump ever made narcissism a thing. :P

    @Matt I know how you feel, and I agree: I miss the days before Trump's election, where my Facebook feed was all whatever my friends were up to, or the silly things they were sharing, and what have you; now, it's roughly 90% ranting about whatever bullshit Trump has done at any given moment. People tell me to unfriend and block people who do that, but if I did, I'd practically only have one friend left on Facebook (and yes, I actually do have one who blindly supports Trump, and think he's done a great job getting the country back on track). But you know what? At the same time, with so much of that bullshit having an affect on either you personally, or your friends and loved ones around you, it's hard not to get political right now. One of my dearest and closest friends has been wheelchair bound a vast majority of his life, and right now, the government is basically stripping rights away from him and other disabled Americans like him - they've been out protesting peacefully, and he's even been arrested three times last year for peaceful protesting. This speaks volume about a Presidential Administration when people who are fighting to protect their rights are being silenced, while those who are stirring up hate and division (a la White Supremacists) get pats on the back for being, "some very fine people."

  61. Love people that talk Fox being biased, so what is MSNCBC and CNN!?!? Best to get both sides of the story and then know that the truth lies somewhere in the middle.....

  62. When it comes to the blowhard-in-chief, I'm somewhat sympathetic to frustrated expressions of disgust, disdain, disparagement (disbelief) - if only we could more readily disregard him.

    As one who has unconventional political values, for decades I have found much to disagree with in political discourse. I have rarely gotten angry - but Trump manages to get my goat on an almost daily basis.

    He will sometimes make a good move - his stated intent to meet with Rocket Man is one - but he has such a low batting average that we cheer bunts and expect no home runs.

  63. Quite frankly, I don't feel like discussing the President.
    But your warnings made me laugh.
    Thanks for that.


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