Wednesday, May 30, 2018

EP74: Mark Evanier - Marvel and DC Comic Book Universe

On this week's show, Ken interviews the fascinating Mark Evanier in a 2 part series. In part one, Mark discusses the world of comic books and Jack Kirby who created many of your favorite Marvel & DC superheroes. It’s a Comic-Con convention for your ears. Also, we delve into Mark’s TV writing career, both live-action and animation. 

Listen to the Hollywood & Levine podcast!


  1. He has to become a recurring guest.

  2. Wow! I've listened to your podcasts from the start. I found you through Mark's blog-and the two of you are required daily reading for me.

    This was one of the best-Mark is everything I hoped he'd be, as you are. I could listen to a lot of these-definitely somebody you need to have back again after the two parter is over.

  3. This is the greatest crossover event in the history of blogging!

  4. Though I'd read some of these stories before on Mark's site, the additional texture created by your comments and the new material from Mark (not mention the collegial byplay) made this special for me. So often interview podcasts seem to consist of the interviewer telling the interviewee the interviewee's life story. This had the feeling of listening to two of the senior guys at work swapping stories, and then standing around trying to soak it all up. I loved your work on TV, so when Mark pointed your blog out some years ago, I came over here as well. Loved this, looking forward to next week.

    (Rereading that, I see I'm fanboying. I can actually write a script, but you'd never know it from that ramble)

  5. This was great, Ken! Always glad to hear from Mark. Reading his blog lead me to your blog, for which I'm regularly grateful. :)Can't wait for part 2!

    Brent Alles


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