Wednesday, December 18, 2019

EP154: Holiday & Levine

This week on Hollywood and Levine, Ken tells tales of his Christmas childhood growing up in ole’ LA.

Listen to the Hollywood & Levine podcast!


  1. I remember those Santa Norelco commercials! Not sure which one you saw but here's a few:

  2. Thanks. Your mention of Mission Paks reminded me of my Dad talking about Christmas in the 1930's- Santa Claus gave oranges to all the kids- oranges being something of an exotic gift in the Northern states in December. And Christmas was when the homemade wine you had bottled back in the spring and summer was ready to drink or give out as gifts. Strawberry wine, rhubarb wine, even dandelion wine.

    Always bemused that the radio stations would play Christmas music continuously for weeks and then at 12:01 AM on the 26th- bam!- they stop. There are the Twelve Days of Christmas, you know.

  3. Thank you, Jeff Boice. Television, radio, etc. are now starting Christmas programming/music/sensory overload/ November 1st, if not sooner. Two months of build-up, finally reaching December 25, only to be told the next day "...sorry, party's over, get out of here...".

    Kind of hard to savor a season, an observance, really anything, that way. Would almost be like appreciating spring training through March, the promise of a new time in Baseball, then being told after Opening Day (with celebrities from all around throwing out the first pitch, acknowledgement that Winter is mostly over, all around general excitement and fun) "... sorry, party's over, get out of here..."

    Of course, this is not meant as an endorsement of six months of Christmas: twelve days are fine, thank you very much.

  4. Celebrating Christmas has become important since it's my wife's favorite holiday.


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