Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Carl Reiner tribute upcoming

Carl Reiner passed away at 98.  Tribute to follow once I dry my eyes.


  1. Can't wait to read it, Ken. Just when we need all the laughs we can get! Damn.

  2. Yes, but here's a thought for the tribute:

    1. He had 98 years and was with it to the end. How much we all wish we could have that.
    2. He obviously raised his son superbly.
    3. The funniest line in the history of the Reiner family was uttered by neither the father nor the son, but by Carl's wife. And you know what it was.
    4. If I had to take one thing he did with me to a deserted island, I'd have to take the "Coast-to-Coast Big Mouth" episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show. And the great part of it was that Mary Tyler Moore said years later, she had an enormous crush on him.

  3. Bad day for deaths -- I also saw that M*A*S*H's theme composer Johnny Mandel died (and to connect the two, Mandel worked on "Your Show of Shows" along with Carl Reiner in the 1950s). RIP.

  4. Also Johnny Mandel, who wrote the MASH theme. What a day.

    I just watched the scene where Laura apologizes to Alan Brady for outing him as a toupe-wearer. It's still hysterical.

  5. I don't know if you heard, but Johnny Mandel also passed away on Monday, at 94.

  6. Alan Sepinwall wrote a post for Rolling Stone here: https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-features/carl-reiner-appreciation-alan-sepinwall-1022580/


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