Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Steven Wright on ALMOST PERFECT

Yesterday I posted some great lines from Steven Wright.  And you guys provided a few more.  We used him once on ALMOST PERFECT -- our mid 90's series starring Nancy Travis -- and he was hilarious.  Here, for the first time, is that episode.  Enjoy.


  1. And here's a perfect example for why canned laughter sucks. "And 'Buffalo Wings', explain that one." is a much better line than the "Chicken Wings" right before which it builds on, yet it gets barely a chuckle out of the laugh track in comparison. Makes no sense.

  2. Wright's acting opposite Jerry Lewis on an episode of "Mad About You" is one for the ages. Having built a career on a rock-solid deadpan, it is a delight to watch Wright struggle to keep a straight face when put up against Lewis's shtick. I hoped to find a YouTube clip to share.

  3. Friday question coming at you!

    I saw a promo on TV that Tim Allen's Home Improvement character would be appearing on Last Man Standing this season as a crossover (both played by Tim Allen of course). Question: When that happens, does Matt Williams or anyone from the original series get credit or money? Related, if you write an episode of a sitcom and a character becomes a break out star, are you entitled to any of the credit or money or does that all go to the show? Do writers ever wonder if they're ever creating the next Mork from Ork?

  4. Troy McClure1/12/2021 11:03 AM

    Ken, you'll enjoy the Honest Trailer for Wonder Woman 1984. It covers much of what your review said.


  5. I don't remember when this show was on, but wish it was on now. We'd be watching, even the re-runs. Why isn't on reruns?
    Great writing, and pegged Mr. Wright with great lines!!
    Is it not on re-runs because I like it?

  6. Spotted dad Cliff in his maitre'd role.

  7. @Unknown -

    Some episodes of ALMOST PERFECT are posted on YouTube.

  8. The British version of COUPLING is streaming on HBOMax.


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