Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Anderson Cooper on JEOPARDY

Jon Miller is the superb announcer for the San Francisco Giants.   Calls a great game, and doesn’t just have a sense of humor.  He’s FUNNY.  Early in his career he was vying for a job with the Texas Rangers.  They narrowed it down to four or five finalists and the plan was for each to call a spring training game, after which they’d decide.  Jon drew the first game.  After his broadcast they called all the other candidates and told them the job was filled.  Jon was that great.  They didn’t need to hear any of the others.

That’s how I feel about Anderson Cooper hosting JEOPARDY.  From the minute he stepped out onto the stage his very first night it was so clear he is “the guy.”  Totally relaxed, in charge, set a good pace, read the questions well, has a very pleasant voice, bantered well with the contestants, had empathy for them, has a good sense of humor, and clearly put the game above himself.  Like Alex, he has a low-key tone.  And gravitas.

There's no substitute for talent and experience.  How many hours a week is Anderson Cooper live on television?  It makes a very noticeable difference.

Now I don’t personally know Anderson Cooper.  Never met him.  Liked him on CNN and 60 MINUTES but never a huge fan.  I like Jake Tapper more.  I always feel Anderson does himself and reputation a disservice by co-hosting that stupid New Years Eve show.  But hosting JEOPARDY is the role he was meant to play.  

I’ve been in many many casting sessions.  You see people who hit all the boxes but you say, “we still haven’t found him.”  It's frustrating as hell, believe me.  Then someone comes in the room who IS the character and you instantly know it.  And you're glad you held out.  That’s Anderson Cooper.  I would tell Savannah Guthrie, Dr. Gupta, and the others "thank you and go home. "

The Rangers were right about Jon.  I’m right about this one. 


  1. I couldn't agree more - from the moment he hit the stage he was excellent. But I still want to see how LeVar Burton does.

  2. I almost feel the same way, but we haven't seen LeVar Burton yet. And I have a feeling he'll make the choice more difficult.

  3. Is the answer to the next Jeopardy host really amongst these celebrities? These for the last few months are well known TV personalities, but perhaps the answer lies with an unknown.

  4. Anderson Cooper is great. He should have the permanent gig.

    Please tell me, what's all this hub-bub about LeVar Burton? What in his past experience leads one to believe he would be a good host?

  5. I'm waiting to see how Savanah Guthrie does...

  6. kitano0: It's largely because LeVar Burton already has 23 years experience hosting Reading Rainbow. It's not quite the same as hosting a game show, but it does give a solid example what he might look like hosting Jeopardy. How he'll do with contestants remains to be seen, but he's already well proven over the years that he's a very good presenter, if nothing else.

  7. I don't watch THE VIEW but apparently LeVar Burton handled himself well when Meghan McCain started in on "cancel culture." Let's give him a chance before offering the job to Anderson Cooper, who already has CNN. In the early days of TV Edward R. Murrow and Mike Wallace alternated between serious journalism and lighter stuff, but I'm not sure that would work today.

  8. Anderson has added a little more drama to the game by waiting an extra beat before letting someone know if they’ve given the correct response, especially during the Double Jeopardy. He keeps the pacing of the show moving right along and knows how to pronounce all the hard words.

  9. Agreed, but let's se how LeV... Oh - you all already have it covered. Carry on.

  10. Cooper is excellent at this, and should be a candidate for the job if he wants it.

    I expect LeVar Burton will do well, but I can't help but think that most of the hubbub around him comes from people who grew up watching him on READING RAINBOW and want to see someone from their childhood be the host.

    He'll get his chance, of course, and I think he'll do well, but I also think there's an emotional component to his support that we older people who mainly know him from ROOTS and STAR TREK don't have.

  11. Cooper is serviceable, but every clue he reads sounds like he's recording VO for his "60 Minutes" segments. There's no actual personality in his delivery. He only knows how to read in News Caster Voice. The only time he seems human is when he does that insufferable interview segment with the 3 least interesting people on television. Oh, and half the country probably hates him simply for being on CNN. He won't be the permanent host.

  12. Anderson Cooper may be great at hosting the show, but you just know the runner's of the show have to be asking themselves: "How many red state citizens won't watch because this is Anderson Cooper, the Trump hater from CNN?" I personally think he's just too polarizing of a choice for them to go ahead and give him the show. Be interesting to see how well he tests with ALL viewers. I have to imagine Trump voters make up a big part of the audience, just like with Wheel of Fortune. I do know the average Jeopardy viewer is 65 years old.

  13. To be fair, I think several of the guest hosts are just that--they aren't candidates for the permanent job.

    But if Cooper really is the best, I have to ask if he'll get the job after they were willing to put the show in the hands of Dr. Oz for more than one second.

  14. They may lose viewers if Anderson was made host. Trump lovers may tune out after the last 4 years. Besides he already has other jobs. I would go With Levar Burton.

  15. • In the early days of TV Edward R. Murrow and Mike Wallace alternated
    between serious journalism and lighter stuff, but I'm not sure that would work today.

    Hugh Downs John Charles Daly Meredith Vieira

    • They may lose viewers if Anderson was made host.
    Trump lovers may tune out after the last 4 years.
    Besides he already has other jobs.
    I would go With Levar Burton.

    Trump lovers would welcome a black host?

    • In a final tribute, Michael Collins is to be buried
    60 miles above Arlington National Cemetery

  16. Ere I Saw Elba4/28/2021 12:37 PM

    Anderson Cooper may be eminately qualified to be the new JEOPARDY host, but I don't think he would really want that job. It would be a huge step down from CNN anchor, both in money and prestige.

    You know who I would be a good pick--Pat Sajak. He could could say suck it to all those who said he was the dumb version of Alex Trebek all those years.

  17. Cooper *has* hosted a game show before. ABC's "The Mole" about 20 years ago.

  18. Since Jeopardy is a show built on facts and knowledge about a world where the sky is blue and the Earth is round, I wouldn't worry too much about losing the Trump loving crowd. You can't lose those who aren't there.

  19. You know who would be a good pick--Pat Sajak.”

    Pat’s 74– practically middle-aged compared to the
    less-important candidates we chose in 2020 —
    but unlikely to get Sony’s nod unless it’s for
    Weekend at Bernie’s III

  20. No way in hell I'd watch Jeopardy! if that specter is hosting.

  21. Off Topic: Referring back to yesterday's Oscar post, back when I was a kid there were only three broadcast networks. If you had a TV on in your house there was a 33% chance you were watching the Oscars. TV ratings in general were much higher for everything in those days.
    I think the real question is if the Oscar telecasts of the 60's and 70's had the same number of competing viewing options that they have today would they have received the same high ratings? Probably not. But that would be applicable to other highly rated broadcasts as well.


  22. Why would Cooper be interested in moving from being a news anchor to a game show host? He is now in a position to in some way influence opinion on important matters and giving that up for something that really is nothing but a trivia test doesn't seem very rewarding.
    As for losing viewership, it would be interesting to know just how the Jeopardy viewers are distributed over the political spectrum.

  23. CNN has had several quiz shows hosted by Anderson Cooper.
    Contestants were Van Jones, Jake Tapper, SE Cupp, Chris Cuomo(easily the dumbest guy) and others.

    I remember one group complaining that the other team's lightning round was too easy, "Who's on the money!"

    I saw these shows in the Comcast archive for CNN.

    Highlight of the show was I think Chris Cuomo, question was who of the following has not sang at the inauguration?
    Anderson: Wrong.
    'No, it's right. She was lip-syncing'

  24. I'm reminded of the MARY TYLER MOORE episode where Ted Baxter is leaving WJM News to become the host of a national quiz show. Lou Grant shames Ted into turning down the game show gig by asking him (I paraphrase from memory): "Ask yourself, Ted, do you want to be remembered as a newsman or do you want to be remembered as a 'quizmaster'?"

  25. And the lameness of the show Ted auditioned for (The $10,000 Steeplechase, as I remember) made it even funnier. Along with Ed Asner's reading of the word "quizmaster".

  26. God, one of my least favorite episodes of "MTM." There was about one dud every year, surprisingly.

  27. I rarely disagree with Ken, but I must on this one. Among the many things I loved about Alex was that he was not political. Cooper used to be a decent reporter, but he swayed so far left during the Trump administration it was ridiculous. For the same reason I would not support Sean Hannity in this role, I can 't support Anderson Cooper. We need someone whose politics are unknown and, thus, irrelevant.

  28. People, stop getting your political issues all ablaze. Cooper would never take this role. I am curious how this site is skewing.

  29. “Cooper used to be a decent reporter, but he swayed so far left
    during the Trump administration it was ridiculous.”

    Is it far left — for example — to factually discuss:
    • Coup Incitement To Nullify an Election
    • Multiple Treason (imagine Willkie got covert campaign aid from Hitler
    or FDR halted UK war aid until it provided false info on Dewey)
    • Intentional COVID Lies+Mishandling
    • Vote Suppression

    No reporter should be expected to “both sides” evil.

  30. Anderson Cooper gave off too much of a goofy/nerdy vibe. Alex was witty but always urbane. LeVar Burton is smart, empathetic and smooth, just as Alex was, and so will do a fantastic job.

  31. He really is very good. But I still want Ken. Jennings, that is

  32. un-named wrote:

    Trump lovers would welcome a black host?

    Supposing un-named equates Trump lovers to Trump VOTERS, he might consider that Trump VOTERS comprise the second-highest vote total ever. This indicates his "box" is too narrow - close that lid and many millions with diverse voting motivations will spill out.

  33. On the other hand I can't picture too many Trump lovers watching the show. Seriously. They probably tune into Judge Judy or Tim Allen's show who is a big Trump guy.

  34. Pat Sajak...

    A very genial host, like good ol' Bob Barker back in the day. Neither would say $#!T if he had a mouthful.

    The Price Is Right was my youthful introduction to the "other half" of humanity (NOT the demonstrably "better half").

    Wheel of Fortune does nothing to disabuse that intro - though it IS a more difficult game.

    I think the new host should throw in a few jabs and needles like Our Man Trebek did - a worthy tradition to uphold.

    (Jepoardy's elites have always "handled" the occasional love tap)

    Could Sajak do that?

  35. Anderson did a good job, but I still like Ken Jennings for the new host.

  36. Miller was great with the Orioles and they were sorry to see him go. I agree with another poster, let us see how LeVar fares. I have a feeling he will be quite good.

  37. I felt the same way, from the moment Anderson walked out, this is the guy who should be the permanent host. For the person who said Red States won't like Anderson, well, Trebek had some opinions those people would have not enjoyed. I hope that is not the thinking behind the decision to choose the Jeopardy host.

  38. I suspect that trumpy "lovers" are not intelligent enough to be watching JEOPARDY.

  39. Leaving politics out of it, and ONLY looking at how the guest host is doing, I think AC is doing ok, but he's not the answer. I'm enjoying his two week stint, but I would not be happy with him as a permanent host. My favorite so far: Aaron Rodgers. Yes, the one you (Ken) didn't like. He was the most personable, the warmest, and kept a great flow going.

    I am very active on the Jeopardy forum, and to my surprise, AR is far & away the leading candidate so far.

  40. He's not bad but I'm not sure I can see it permanently. They may not go with any of the celebrity guests.

  41. I still want to see Levar Burton. AC is by far the best - does he want it? He has so much other stuff going on.

  42. David Arnott5/03/2021 11:42 PM

    Holy crap, I was gonna joke "sounds like they should give it to Jon Miller," when I saw that Joe Buck is gonna guest host! I know there are plenty of haters out there, but that could be cool.

    Boy, though... Jon Miller in his prime would rock this show.

  43. Well Anderson Cooper is NOT going to get the job. The ratings for his stint sucked, the lowest of all the guest hosts so far. His ratings were below Dr. Oz's! He's toast.

  44. We're still in the dark...

  45. Geo. Stewart5/11/2021 10:59 AM

    I like the rotating host idea, as long as they are not unworthy like "Dr" Oz. All the others brought something new and different during their time on the show.
    Geo. Stewart
    Host "Crazy College" and "Scratchy Grooves"


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