Friday, May 05, 2006

Can you go to prison for stealing another show's theme song?

Just catching up on PRISON BREAK (thank you tivo). If you still have Monday night's episode, check this out. Last act, there's a montage of all the prisoners, getting ready for the big escape, thinking back to why it's so imperative to each of them, yada yada. Music plays over this sequence. The song sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Finally, I did. It was the theme from HOUSE. I went back and played a HOUSE opening title sequence (thank you again, tivo), and sure enough, same song, same arrangement. Could anyone explain this to me? Is the HOUSE theme song just lifted from a record? Did PRISON BREAK realize what they were doing? Why would they possibly knowingly use the theme song from another show on THEIR NETWORK? And didn't anyone from the network catch this before it aired? When the inmates finally do break out I now hope they play THE FAMILY GUY theme.

What gives here????


  1. the house theme song is a segment of "teardrop" by massive attack.

    i'd say more, but there's not a lot more to say. love your blog.

  2. Like Sam says, it's Teardrop by Massive Attack.

    Somewhy It didn't really feel like the song fit into that scene. Maybe I just feel that way because I listen to that Massive Attack album a lot. Either way, Prison Break just keeps getting better and better, can't wait for the next episode!

  3. I love you people. Thanks for the info. At first I thought I was crazy. One show couldn't really be stupid enough to use another's theme song. And since both shows are on the same network SOMEONE had to catch it, right? I mean, if they don't watch Fox shows...

  4. Also from the "How did no one at the network catch this" file:

    On House, Omar Epps' character's name is Dr. Eric Foreman. Up until this year, the main kid's name on That '70s Show was.....Eric Foreman. Both on Fox. Do none of these Fox executives watch their own shows?

  5. Just seems like sneaky cross-promotion to me. Remember the "Fox Mulder" days? They're just being a little more subtle now. ;)

  6. Consecutive Eric Foremans on FOX is no worse than all those years when NBC had both a Rachel Greene on "Friends" and a Rachel Green on "ER."


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