Saturday, April 18, 2009


People say why remake the classics? Usually I agree but I think this updated version of THE BRADY BUNCH may in fact be an improvement over the original. What do you think?


  1. oh dear lord.. I saw you twitter this..and .. why oh why did I watch it before bed.. I mean, funny premise..and probably amusing.. but I really really no.. really didnt need to think of Jeremy being sam the butcher handling meat all day... how many times do you suppose that joke can be used.... lol

  2. I had my doubts that this movie actually existed as opposed to a funny gag posted to YouTube. But Ron Jeremy is in it?

    Well, by federal law, all porn movies must contain Ron Jeremy. Hence, I know the movie must exist.

  3. Speaking of remakes, did you see last week's story that FATHER KNOWS BEST is going to be dusted off for the big screen by 20th Century Fox??

    If you don't believe me, check the Hollywood Reporter.

  4. I reviewed it as part of my job at XBIZ -- and the sequel, "Not The Bradys XXX: Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" -- and I found it clever and respectful of the sitcom.

    Will Ryder, the writer and director of the "Bradys" spoofs, has approached the task of parodying sitcoms with an eye to building a quality franchise. And he's doing a good job of it, having turned out parodies of "Bewitched," "The Partridge Family" and "Three's Company" and with "The Cosby Show" on the way.


  5. I guess in this version, Marcia's nose isn't broken by a football, but when Peter crosses his legs......

  6. I don't know about this, the guy/girl ratio is > 0.5

    I might still "review" this. You know, as part of my "job at XBIZ".

  7. I think someone could just send this to Fox as an actual series pitch, and they'd probably buy it.

    Although Ron Jeremy, due to insurance reasons, would have to be re-cast.

    Brad Garrett?

  8. Do ya get paid double scale for having to do Ron Jeremy?

  9. Indeed. "Not Bewitched" also looks better than the original.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The Bewitched one looks pretty good - at least the effects are better!

    OK Ken...are you ready for NOT MASH XXX??? Ron Jeremy as Klinger of course!

    Or NotCheersXXX - Jeremy as Norm

    "How do feel, Norm?"

    "I feel like a dog's balls after a trip to the Vet."

    Not Lucy XXX - Jeremy as Fred Mertz

    Ricky : Frat, go fock yerself

    Fred: Ricky, after being married to Ethel all these years, that's all I got left!

    the list is endless

    renfaryo: how you greet a renaissance fair

  12. this is the best you've got to offer? What the fuck?

  13. So I take it that the "X-Play" that presents this is not the same "X-Play" show on G4 that occasionally does movie spoofs? (See: The Passion of the Christ 2: Judgment Day.)

  14. Oh, my.

    That looks like fun. Y'know, if you're not sex-negative.

    Great casting on Sam... :-)


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