Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Design a condom package and you could win!!

More fun even than my word verification contest or my “you supply the headline” contest. The city of New York wants YOU, yes YOU to design its new condom package. For years the Big Apple has been distributing prophylactics (several hundred thousand for Elliot Spitzer and Alex Rodriguez alone). But they need a new design and instead of having Donald Trump’s APPRENTICE contestants do it, they’re taking it to the streets and inviting every resident of New York City to participate. This is worth moving there.

Warning to taggers: condom packages are small and don’t lend themselves easily to intricate designs in spray paint.

Deadline to submit is January 22nd. You must be 17 or older to play. No fair using Tiger Wood’s likeness in your design. Also, nothing sexually explicit. So be creative with your graphic design, just not too graphic.

A panel of artists, advertising professionals, health experts and social-marketing experts will announce the finalists in February, and residents will choose the winner through an online vote.

I’m not sure what the grand prize is. Certainly the satisfaction of seeing your design discarded in every waste basket in five boroughs. But who knows? It could launch a whole career. Next year Summer Eve’s might come calling.

Best of luck. And if you win, I don’t have to tell you what my finder’s fee is.


  1. I’m not sure what the grand prize is. Certainly the satisfaction of seeing your design discarded in every waste basket in five boroughs.

    Oh, Ken...The wrappers won't be hidden in trash baskets. They'll be floating down the gutters after a moderate rain. That's much more visibility for the winner!

  2. I would just print an oversized "XL" on the package -

  3. In honor of the old "I Love New York" campaign, I'd go with:

    "I [heart] Your [picture of a rooster]."

  4. NYC Condom Pkg:
    Don't Litter... Inside Her

  5. Did you catch the "mini-homage" paid to MASH on Community? Pretty amusing. Stick around for the end credits.

  6. You have received the Kreativ Blogger Award. Details here.

  7. I don't know what the design should be, but they should call them BloomBags.


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